CEIMS, TOLER, --, Sname1, Sname2, KPRINT, --, --, --, --, IntF1Nod, IntF2Nod
Generates constraint equations at the interstage boundary in a multistage cyclic symmetry analysis.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on

Note:  CEIMS command is not part of the CYCLIC procedure for cyclic symmetry analysis. This command is used in a multistage cyclic symmetry analysis (see also MSOPT) to generate interstage constraint equations.


Tolerance for determining if selected nodes are on the interface. TOLER is a fraction of the element dimension (defaults to 0.25 (25%)). Nodes outside the element by more than the tolerance are not accepted as being on the interface.


Unused field.


The name of the first stage or part. For details on required node and element selections, see Node and Element Selection Requirements.


The name of the second stage or part. For details on required node and element selections, see Node and Element Selection Requirements.


Option to print mapped nodes and elements.

0 (or OFF)


Do not print mapped nodes and elements (default).

1 (or ON)


Print mapped nodes and elements.

--, --, --, --

Unused fields.


The name of the interstage nodal component of the first stage or sector part to be tied to the second stage or part named IntF2Nod. It is optional to specify IntF1Nod (see Node and Element Selection Requirements), but if used, IntF2Nod must also be specified.


The name of the interstage nodal component of the second stage or sector part to be tied to the first stage or part named IntF1Nod. It is optional to specify IntF2Nod (see Node and Element Selection Requirements), but it used, IntF1Nod must also be specified.


This command can be used to generate constraint equations to tie the interface nodes of two cyclic sector parts.

Mapping is performed so mesh patterns at the interface of both parts can be different.

This command is supported for the following degrees of freedom (DOFs) at the interstage boundary: UX, UY, UZ, ROTX, ROTY, ROTZ. Since only 3D elements are supported, UX, UY, and UZ are required. Note that if rotational DOFs are included, all three of them must be present.

Node and Element Selection Requirements

You can specify the interface nodes in one of two ways:

  1. If you specify IntF1Nod and IntF2Nod nodal components, there are no other node or element selection requirements.

  2. Otherwise, prior to issuing CEIMS:

    • the nodes at the interface of the first cyclic sector part (Sname1, part having the largest cyclic sector angle) must be selected, and

    • the elements at the interface of the second cyclic sector part (Sname2, part having the smallest cyclic sector angle) must be selected.

For cyclic sector parts, select only base sector quantities (not duplicate sector ones). See also the NSEL and ESEL commands for selecting nodes and elements.

The degrees of freedom of the first part interface nodes are interpolated with the corresponding degrees of freedom of the nodes of the second part interface elements using the shape functions of those elements.

Constraint equations are created between interface nodes. Those nodes should not have any other constraints defined, but if so they must be compatible.

Menu Paths

This command cannot be accessed from a menu.