2.2.4. Display Tab

The Display tab contains options for moving your model within the Geometry window as well as a variety of display-based options such as wireframe, edge thickness, ply directions, etc.

This tab contains the following Groups.


The Orient group provides model orientation options.

Options for this group include:

Isometric Reorients your model into the isometric view. This option also includes the following drop-down menu options:
  • Set: Orient your model to a desired view and select this option to define a new default view for the Isometric option.

  • Restore Default: Resets the view of the Isometric option to the application default.

Look At Centers your model in the Geometry window based in the currently selected face or plane.
Views Provides a drop-down menu of options that enable you to change the viewpoint (front, back, right, etc.) of your model as well as an option to orient your model in the isometric view.
Previous/NextScrolls forward or backward from the last view displayed in the Geometry window.
Rotate ± X/Y/Z Rotates your model in the Geometry window about the axis.
Pan Up/Down/Right/LeftPans your model in the Geometry window.
Zoom In/OutZooms in or out of your model.


The Annotation group enables you to make changes to how Annotations are displayed in the Geometry window as well as specify preferences.

Options for this group include:

Random By default, the annotations for objects types (loads, supports, named selections, etc.) are shown by a unique color. That is, all loads are red and all supports are blue etc. Selecting the Random option, you change the colors used for annotations.
Rescale Changes the size of annotation symbols, such as load direction arrows.
Preferences Displays the Preferences dialog that you use to set preferences for the display of annotations.


The Style group provides model display options such as wireframe, showing the mesh, etc.

Options for this group include:



Provides a drop-down menu of the following model display options:

  • Shaded Exterior and Edges: Displays the model in the Geometry window with shaded exteriors and distinct edges. This option is mutually exclusive with Shaded Exterior and Wireframe.

  • Shaded Exterior: Displays the model in the Geometry window with shaded exteriors only. This option is mutually exclusive with Shaded Exterior and Edges and Wireframe.

  • Wireframe: Displays the model in the Geometry window with a wireframe display rather than a shaded one (recommended for seeing gaps in surface bodies). This option is mutually exclusive from the above two options. The Wireframe option not only applies to geometry, mesh, or named selections displayed as a mesh, but extends to probes, results, and variable loads to enable a better understanding of regions of interest.

    When Wireframe mode is set, just the exterior faces of the meshed models are shown, not the interior elements.

    • When this option is on, green scoping is not drawn on probes. Also, elements are shown on probes and results, whereas the outline of the mesh is shown on isoline contour results.

    • Selecting any of the edges options on contour results automatically closes Wireframe mode.

Show Mesh

Displays your model's mesh regardless of the selected Outline object. When enabled, to make sure that Annotations display properly, also turn on Wireframe mode. See the related Note below.

Thick Shells and Beams

Displays the thickness of shells, beams, and particles, when viewing mesh or results. By default, this option is inactive. Review the Note below for additional display characteristics associated with this feature.

Cross Section

Displays line body cross sections as 3D geometry. See Viewing Line Body Cross Sections for details.

Remote Point Connections

Displays connection lines between geometry and Remote Points or between supported remote boundary conditions and Remote Points. See the example below.

Once you have generated the mesh, the connection lines are drawn between the Remote Point and the nodes on the corresponding mesh of the underlying geometry or boundary condition.

Important:  Only the nodes that are contained inside of the Pinball Radius property setting are displayed.

Display Style

Provides a drop-down menu with options to display the parts and bodies of your model based on the available styles. For example, if an assembly is made of parts of different materials, you can color the parts based on the material. That is, all structural steel parts have the same color, all aluminum parts have the same color and so on. See the Color Coding of Parts topic.

Remote Point Connections Display Example

Note:  As illustrated below, annotations may not always display properly when the Show Mesh option is activated. Turning on Wireframe mode accurately displays Annotations when Show Mesh is selected.

  • Displaying Shells for Large Deflections: The display of shells may become distorted for large deformations such as in large deflection or during an Explicit Dynamics analysis. A workaround for this is to disable Shell Thickness by toggling the Thick Shells and Beams option. Or, set a variable, UsePseudoShellDisp = 1, using the Variable Manager option from the File tab. It may be necessary to toggle the deformation scaling from True Scale to Undeformed to True Scale again (see Scaling Deformed Shape in the Context Tabs section). Note that this option requires True Scaling to work properly.

  • Displaying Shells with Thickness on Geometry that Spans Large Angles: The graphical representation of your meshed shell model may appear distorted when the shell spans a large angle, such as a 90° angle. Ordinarily, the application calculates an average of the normals between elements (based on a default setting of 180°). Given too large of an angle, a graphical abnormality may occur. Modify the default setting using the Graphics option in the Options dialog box. 60° is the recommended setting to avoid the display of any graphical abnormalities.

  • Displaying Results on Very Thin Shell Bodies: If you are viewing result contours of a very thin geometry, you could observe a graphical distortion as a result of colors from the back face of the geometry bleeding onto the front face of the geometry. This is a graphics-based limitation. In addition, turning off the Thick Shells and Beams option can cause the distortion to worsen.

  • Displaying Shells on Shared Entities: The display of shells is done on a nodal basis. Therefore, graphics plot only 1 thickness per node, although node thickness can be prescribed and solved on a per elemental basis. When viewing shell thickness at sharp face intersections or a shared body boundary, the graphics display may become distorted.

  • Shell Element Display from Mesh Changes. If you employ a feature that changes the model’s mesh, such as the Nonlinear Adaptive Region or Fracture, you may see display errors for expanded shell elements as a result of the changing mesh. Disable the Thick Shells and Beams option to properly display the elements.

  • Displaying Contours and Displaced Shapes on Line Bodies: The contour result on a line body are expanded to be viewed on the cross section shape, but only one actual result exists at any given node and as a result no contour variations across a beam section occur.

  • Display Pipes using Pipe Idealizations: Although the solution will account for cross section distortions, the graphics rendering for the results display the cross sections in their original shape.


The Vertex group provides vertex display options.

Options for this group include:

Show Vertices Highlights all vertices on the model. This feature is especially useful when examining complex assemblies where vertices might normally be hidden from view. It can also be used to ensure that edges are complete and not segmented unintentionally.
Close Vertices

Displays tightly clustered vertices on your model. This vertex display feature has an accompanying scale menu. When you select this option, a corresponding scale menu also activates and includes application generated tolerances as well as an option that enables you to enter a tolerance value. The application calculates the default tolerance (Auto Scale). This value is 0.1% of the diagonal measurement of your model's Bounding Box dimensions. Additional system options are factors of this base measurement and you can manually enter a tolerance using the Custom Value option. The Custom Value cannot exceed 5% of the model's Bounding Box dimensions.

Based on the selected tolerance, the application highlights pairs of vertices that are closer to one another than the specified tolerance and draws segments between the vertices to further illustrate proximity.


The Edge group provides display options used to display the edges on your model, their connectivity, and how they are shared by faces. Also see the Preparing Assemblies of Surface Bodies section for more information.

Options for this group include:

Direction Displays model edge directions. The direction arrow appears at the midpoint of the edge. The size of the arrow is proportional to the edge length.
Mesh Connection Displays the edges using coloring schema, by taking into account the mesh connection information.
ThickenThis option increases the thickness of the edges displayed on your model. If you also have the Display Mesh option active, the application only thickens the lines of annotations (the scoped edges) for an object scoped to edges. For example, annotations for the scoping of a boundary condition, Named Selection, result, etc.
Color The options of this drop-down menu highlight the edges of your model using specific colors. Options include:
  • By Body Color: Highlight the edges of your model using the colors assigned to the bodies.

  • By Connection: Highlight the edges of your model based on the number of element faces shared by the edge. Colors include blue (not shared, labeled “Free”), red (shared by one face, labeled “Single”), black (shared by two faces, labeled “Double”), pink (shared by three faces, labeled “Triple”) and yellow (edge shared by more than three faces, labeled “Multiple”). The legend for this option is titled “Edge/Face Connectivity.”

  • By Body Connection: Highlight the edges of your model based on edge-body connections. Colors include black (edge shared by one body, labeled Single), pink (edge shared by two bodies, labeled Double), and yellow (edge shared by more than three bodies, labeled “Multiple”). The legend for this option is titled “Edge/Body Connectivity.”

  • Black: Highlight the edges of your model with black lines. This option turns off the edge-face connectivity display.

Free (edge display)Displays drop-down menu with the following options:
  • Hide Free: Hides only edges not shared by any faces.

  • Show Free: Displays only edges not shared by any faces.

  • Thick Free: Displays only edges not shared by any faces at a different edge thickness compared to the rest of the model.

Single (edge display)Displays drop-down menu with the following options:
  • Hide Single: Hides only edges that are shared by one face.

  • Show Single: Displays only edges that are shared by one face.

  • Thick Single: Displays only edges that are shared by one face at a different edge thickness compared to the rest of the model.

Double (edge display)Displays drop-down menu with the following options:
  • Hide Double: Hides only edges that are shared by two faces.

  • Show Double: Displays only that are shared by two faces.

  • Thick Double: Displays only edges that are shared by two faces at a different edge thickness compared to the rest of the model.

Triple (edge display)Displays drop-down menu with the following options:
  • Hide Triple: Hides only edges that are shared by three faces.

  • Show Triple: Displays only that are shared by three faces.

  • Thick Triple: Displays only edges that are shared by three faces at a different edge thickness compared to the rest of the model.

Multiple (edge display)Displays drop-down menu with the following options:
  • Hide Multiple: Hides only edges that are shared by more than three faces.

  • Show Multiple: Displays only that are shared by more than three faces.

  • Thick Multiple: Displays only edges that are shared by more than three faces at a different edge thickness compared to the rest of the model.

Note:  Note the following restrictions when you are using the Edge options on the mesh, as compared to their use on geometry:

  • When you are using the Edge Coloring options when viewing the mesh, the application only draws the corner nodes to display the outline of the elements (mid-side nodes are ignored if available). You can use the Wireframe tool and also hide bodies to properly display the colored edges. And in doing so, you can see where mid-side nodes are located, if available.

  • Not all of the buttons/options are functional, for example, Double always displays thin black lines. The width of the colored lines cannot be changed. They are always thick.

  • During slicing, the colors of shared element edges are not drawn. They display as black and appear only when the selected section plane is losing focus in the slice tool pane.


The Explode group is a graphical display feature used to create imaginary distance between geometry bodies (only) of your model for viewing purposes.

Once the mesh is generated, this feature is not supported when you have the Mesh object selected or when the Show Mesh feature is turned on. In addition, when viewing the mesh, exploded geometry bodies, although not visible in the Geometry window, are still in an exploded state and passing the cursor over an exploded body will highlight the (otherwise invisible) body and it is also selectable at this time.

Reset Button

This button reassembles the parts of your model to their original position.

Explode View Factor Slider

This slider tool enables you to change the exploded distance between the parts from their original position.

Move Springs/Beams with Parts

The button   for this option enables you to see an accurate representation of connections on your model, such as Springs and Beams, by showing the connections stretched from the assigned locations on the moving parts. Because the display is graphically accurate, the processing requirements are intensive. Use the default position (not active/depressed) when moving the slider for large models and when connection representations are not critical.

Assembly Center Drop-Down List

This drop-down list provides the available coordinate system options as well as the Assembly Center option (default setting) that defines the position in space from which the exploded view originates and the Assembly Center (Visible) option that accounts for the visible parts only. The Global Coordinate System is always an available option as well as any user-defined coordinate systems.

Note:  The explode view feature does not support the Body Views display, such as when you are displaying contact bodies in separate windows.


The Viewports group enables you to split the Geometry window into multiple windows, synchronize the windows as desired, and/or capture an image of the currently displayed viewports. See the Using Viewports section for more information.


The Display group contains the Show drop-down menu that provides several general display options, such as the ruler and legend.

Options of the menu include:

Ruler Turns the Geometry window ruler on and off.
Legend Turns the Geometry window legend on and off.
Triad Turns the Geometry window triad on and off.
Show Mesh Displays the model's mesh.
All Coordinate Systems Displays all the available coordinate systems defined on the model – default as well as user defined.
Visual Expansion Toggles the visibility of either a single cyclic sector mesh or the full symmetry mesh in a cyclic symmetry analysis. Toggling this option can help preview before solving the density of nodes on the sector boundaries, or it can help confirm the expanded mesh in each case.
Erodes Nodes Turns the visibility of eroded nodes for explicit dynamics analyses on or off.
Draw Face Mode Displays a drop-down menu with options to change how faces are displayed as a function of back-face culling. Options include:
  • Auto Face Draw: Turning back-face culling on or off is program controlled. Using Section Planes is an example of when the application would turn this feature off.

  • Draw Front Faces: Forces face culling to stay on. Back-facing faces will not be drawn in any case, even if using Section Planes.

  • Draw Both Faces: Turns off back-face culling. Both front-facing and back-facing faces are drawn.