Postprocessing Menu Bar

The menu bar gives you access to the following menus.

File Menu

Menu ItemDescription
OpenOpens an optiSLang monitoring database (OMDB) file.
Recent projectsDisplays a list of the most recently opened files.
ImportOpens the Design Point Import wizard.
UpdateReloads the OMDB file.
Update automatically on file changeReloads the OMDB file automatically each time the file is updated.
OMDB infoDisplays information on the currently loaded OMDB file by opening the OMDB file information dialog box.
Reload as
  • Automatic: Loads the monitoring file with the default plots for the saved algorithm type.

  • Approximation: Loads the monitoring file in approximation mode with the Response Surface 3D plot, Residual plot, Coefficient of Prognosis plot, and CoP matrix plot. If file is originated from a MOP than the plots display the appropriate data, otherwise they display No valid data.

  • Optimization: Loads the monitoring file in optimization mode with the Design parameter plot, Response values plot, Criteria data plot and either History or Pareto 2D plots are shown dependent on the number of objectives in the file. If the number of objectives is greater or equal to two, than Pareto 2D is displayed, otherwise History is displayed. If no design is selected, the Design parameter plot, Response values plot, and Criteria data plot display No design selected. This mode produces valid plot content for every algorithm.

  • Reliability: Loads the monitoring file in reliability mode with the Reliability Anthill plot, Failure probability history plot, and Reliability Information plot. If the file originated from a reliability run, the plots display data, otherwise they display No design selected and the Reliability Information displays No result data available yet.

  • Statistics: Loads the monitoring file in statistics mode with the Correlation matrix plot, Histogram plot, Correlation coefficient plot and Anthill plot. This is the default mode when you have no analysis data. This mode produces valid plot content for every algorithm.

  • Template: Loads a monitoring template.

  • Use custom script: Loads a custom Python postprocessing generation command script.

  • Recent scripts: Displays a list of previously used scripts.

Execute scriptExecutes a custom Python script file.
SaveSaves the current OMDB file.
Save asSaves the current OMDB file under a different name.
Save a copySaves the current OMDB file as a copy.
Save as templateSaves the current OMDB file as a template.
Export FMUOpens the Functional Mock-up Unit dialog box.
QuitCloses the Postprocessing window.

Edit Menu

Menu ItemDescription
External processes and filesRegisters external files and processes to use in postprocessing.
LimitsSets safety and failure limits for histogram plots.
Characteristics valuesSets upper and lower bounds for parallel coordinates and spider plots.
Dimension GroupsCreates dimension groups that are displayed in various plots.
PaletteOpens the Palette editor.
Cluster analysisAccesses the cluster analysis functions.

View Menu

Menu ItemDescription
Dock WidgetsControls which panes are displayed, and the size of the icons inside each pane.
StyleChanges the look of the interface depending on the option selected.
Tool Bars

Controls the functions that are displayed or hidden on the toolbar:

  • File: Open, Save, Save as, Update, Update automatically on file change

  • View: Cascade subwindows, Tile subwindows, Restore custom subwindow geometry

  • MOP: Settings, database options

  • Visuals: All plots in the Visuals pane.

Cascade subwindowsCascades the plot windows in the plot area. 
Tile subwindowsLays out the plot windows as tiles. 
Restore custom subwindow geometry.Restores the plot layout to the state when the file was last saved.

Windows Menu

Menu ItemDescription
Manage windowsOpens the Manage Windows dialog box.
Mode nameHides and displays available plot windows depending on the selected mode.

MOP Menu

Menu ItemDescription
SettingsOpens the MOP Settings dialog box.
Database options

Starts the MOP calculation for all chosen responses versus parameters with the given settings.

You can select one of the following options:

  • Create and update database: Updates the MOP in the running Postprocessing window, then switches the view to approximation mode (if not already in that view). The original file may be reloaded.

  • Create and save as new database: Builds the MOP and saves it to a new file, then switches the view to approximation mode (if not already in that view). The new MOP file may be loaded.

Help Menu

Menu ItemDescription
HelpOpens the online help.
End User License AgreementOpens the End User License Agreement dialog box containing license agreement text. You can save the text as a PDF.
AboutOpens the About optiSLang Postprocessing dialog box containing various product details.