4.3. Describing the Geometry and the Flow

The Describe Geometry and Flow task lets you specify the type of geometry you have and the type of flow you are trying to simulate. Settings in this task determine what sub-tasks are available for the overall task.

  1. For the Flow Type, choose from the following:

    • If you are going to be simulating external flow over or around an object (such as a truck, car, bicycle, etc.), select External flow around object and a Create External Flow Boundaries task is added to the workflow (see Creating External Flow Boundaries).

    • If you are going to be simulating flow within an object (such as a manifold, or catalytic converter, etc.), select Internal flow through the object and an Enclose Fluid Regions (Capping) task is added to the workflow (see Enclosing Fluid Regions).

    • If you are going to be simulating flow over and around an object, as well as within an object, select Both external and internal flow and a Create External Flow Boundaries task and an Enclose Fluid Regions (Capping) task will be added to the workflow (see Enclosing Fluid Regions and Creating External Flow Boundaries).

  2. Under Standard Options, you can access typical enhancements to your workflow. Options include:

    • For internal flows, for Create large caps?, indicate whether or not you will need to cover, or cap, any openings in your geometry (inlets and outlets, for example). If you select Yes, then an Enclose Fluid Regions (Capping) task is added to the workflow (see Enclosing Fluid Regions).

    • For external flows, for Add an enclosure?, indicate whether or not you will require any enclosures to capture external flow regions. If you select Yes, then a Create External Flow Boundaries task is added to the workflow (see Creating External Flow Boundaries).

    • For Add local refinement?, indicate whether or not your geometry will require any local refinement regions. If you select Yes, then a Create Local Refinement Regions task is added to the workflow (see Creating Local Refinement Regions), and when, in that task you select Offset Surface as the refinement region type, local refinement face zones are retained. If you select No, any existing unreferenced face zones will be removed.

    • For Identify construction surfaces?, indicate whether or not your geometry contains any predefined construction surfaces (such as cylinders for moving reference frames, or capping surfaces, etc.). If you select Yes, then an Identify Construction Surface task is added to the workflow (see Identifying Construction Surfaces).

  3. Under Advanced Options, you can access more advanced tasks that can be added to the workflow. Options include:

    • For Identify regions?, indicate whether or not you need to specifically identify and analyze particular regions. If you select Yes, then an Identify Regions task is added to the workflow (see Identifying Regions).

    • For Close leakages?, indicate whether or not your geometry contains any problems (such as gaps or overlapping/intersecting surfaces) that may create leakages that need to be closed. If you select Yes, then a Define Leakage Threshold task is added to the workflow (see Defining Leakage Thresholds).

    • For Add thickness to any walls?, indicate whether or not your geometry contains any zones with zero thickness. If you select Yes, then an Add Thickness task is added to the workflow (see Adding Thickness to Your Geometry).

    • For Extract edge features?, indicate whether or not your geometry will require any form of edge or feature extraction. If you select Yes, then an Extract Edge Features task is added to the workflow (see Extracting Edge Features).

    • For Include porous regions?, indicate whether or not your geometry contains any porous regions. If you select Yes, then a Create Porous Regions task is added to the workflow (see Creating Porous Regions).

    • For Enable overset options?, indicate whether or not your utilize any overset meshing options. If you select Yes, then a Describe Overset Features task (Describing Overset Features), a Create Overset Mesh task (Creating Overset Mesh Interfaces), and an Identify Orphans task (Identifying Orphans) are added to the workflow.

      Note:  For more information about overset meshes and using them with Fluent in solution mode, see Overset Meshes

  4. Once your selections are made, click Describe Geometry and Flow and proceed onto the next task.

    If you need to make adjustments to any of your settings in this task, click Edit, make your changes and click Update, or click Cancel to cancel your changes.