5.3. Creating Your Solid Model from the Top Down: Primitives

In top down construction, you use geometric primitives (fully-defined lines, areas, and volumes) to assemble your model. As you create a primitive, the program automatically creates all the "lower" entities associated with it. A geometric primitive is a commonly used solid modeling shape (such as a sphere or regular prism) that can be created with a single Mechanical APDL command.

Because primitives are higher-order entities that can be constructed without first defining any keypoints, model generation that uses primitives is sometimes referred to as "top down" modeling. (When you create a primitive, the program automatically creates all the necessary lower-order entities, including keypoints.) Geometric primitives are created within the working plane.

You can freely combine bottom up and top down modeling techniques, as appropriate, in any model. Remember that geometric primitives are built within the working plane while bottom up techniques are defined against the active coordinate system. If you are mixing techniques, you may wish to consider using the CSYS,WP or CSYS, 4 command to force the coordinate system to follow the working plane.

Caution:  Solid modeling operations in a toroidal coordinate system are not recommended. Areas or volumes generated may not be what you expect.

5.3.1. Creating Area Primitives

Any area primitives you create will lie flat on the working plane and will be oriented according to the working plane coordinate system. Area primitives must have surface areas greater than zero (that is, you cannot create a degenerate area as a means of defining a line).

The interface between two touching primitives will create a seam of discontinuity in the finite element model, unless you take steps to "weld" that seam shut, using commands such as NUMMRG, AADD, or AGLUE.

You can define area primitives using the methods described in the following table.

Create aCommand
rectangular area anywhere on the working plane RECTNG
rectangular area by corner points BLC4
rectangular area by center and corner points BLC5
circular area centered about the working plane origin PCIRC
circular area anywhere on the working plane CYL4
circular area by end points CYL5
regular polygonal area centered about the working plane origin RPOLY
regular polygonal area anywhere on the working plane RPR4
arbitrary polygonal area based on working plane coordinate pairs POLY [1]
  1. You must use the PTXY command to define coordinate pairs before issuing the POLY command.

When you define an arc segment of a circular geometric primitive (PCIRC and CYL4 discussed above, or CONE, CYLIND, SPHERE, and TORUS discussed in the next section on volume primitives) the arc sector begins at the algebraically smaller angle, extends in a positive angular direction, and ends at the larger angle. (The input order of THETA1, THETA2 on these commands does not define the starting and ending angles of the arc sector.) The following figure illustrates how these commands work:

Figure 5.15: Arc Sectors of Circular Geometric Primitives

Arc Sectors of Circular Geometric Primitives

5.3.2. Creating Volume Primitives

Volume primitives are positioned relative to the working plane as outlined in their command descriptions.

The interface between two touching primitives will create a seam of discontinuity in the finite element model, unless you take steps to "weld" that seam shut, using commands such as NUMMRG, VGLUE, or VADD.

You can define volume primitives using the methods described in the following table.

Create aCommand
block volume based on working plane coordinates BLOCK
block volume by corner points BLC4
block volume by center and corner points BLC5
cylindrical volume centered about the working plane origin CYLIND
cylindrical volume anywhere on the working plane CYL4
cylindrical volume by end points CYL5
regular prism volume centered about the working plane origin RPRISM
prism volume anywhere on the working plane RPR4
arbitrary prism based on working plane coordinate pairs PRISM [1]
spherical volume centered about the working plane origin SPHERE
spherical volume anywhere on the working plane SPH4
spherical volume by diameter end points SPH5
conical volume centered about the working plane origin CONE
conical volume anywhere on the working plane CON4
toroidal volume [2] TORUS
  1. You must use the PTXY command to define coordinate pairs before issuing the PRISM command.

  2. See Creating a Torus or Toroidal Sector for more information on toroidal volumes. Creating a Torus or Toroidal Sector

You can use the TORUS,RAD1,RAD2,RAD3,THETA1,THETA2 command to create either a torus or a toroidal sector. To create a torus, you do not need to specify values for THETA1 or THETA2. You must specify three values to define the radii of the torus (RAD1, RAD2, and RAD3). You can specify the radii in any order. The smallest of the values is the inner minor radius, the intermediate value is the outer minor radius, and the largest value is the major radius. (There is one exception regarding the order of the radii values - if you want to create a solid torus, specify zero or blank for the inner minor radius, in which case the zero or blank must occupy either the RAD1 or RAD2 position.) At least two of the values that you specify must be positive values. They will be used to define the outer minor radius and the major radius.

To create the torus shown in Figure 5.16: Torus Primitive, the command TORUS,5,1,2 was issued. Due to the sizes of the specified radii values relative to one another, 5, 1, and 2 were used to define the major radius, inner minor radius, and outer minor radius of the torus, respectively. Since no values for THETA1 and THETA2 were specified, the default values of 0 and 360 were used as the starting and ending angles of the torus. (See Figure 5.17: Toroidal Sector for a view of a toroidal sector showing all radii.)

See the description of the TORUS command for additional details.

Figure 5.16: Torus Primitive

Torus Primitive

To create the toroidal sector shown in Figure 5.17: Toroidal Sector, the command TORUS,5,1,2,0,180 was issued, where 5, 1, and 2 are the major radius, inner minor radius, and outer minor radius of the torus, and 0 and 180 are the starting and ending angles of the torus.

Figure 5.17: Toroidal Sector

Toroidal Sector