15.2. Changing the Specifications for Graph Displays

In addition to the features described here, see Getting Started with Graphics for general graphics specifications that apply to any type of display, including graphs.

15.2.1. Changing the Type, Style, and Color of Your Graph Display

Modify the appearance of your graph display as follows:

Graph Display ActionCommand(s)

Display or hide axis divisions (tick marks)


Display or hide axis scale numbers


Change the size of axis scale numbers


Change the number of significant digits used in axis scale numbers


Toggle between log and linear scales


Set separate Y-axis scales for different curves (useful for graphing two or more different items on one display)

/GRTYP,2 or 3


Set uniform scaling of separate Y axes


Create data slice graph curves (curves with Z-direction thickness) [1]





Set the line thickness for axes, grid lines or graph curve lines


Display or hide a grid (in the XY plane) [2]


Generate a dashed tolerance curve about the displayed curve


Color-fill areas under curves (to enhance the visual effect of the curves)


Specify the color of curves (and color-filled areas under curves)


Fill the areas under curves with grids


Color the XY, XZ, and/or YZ grid planes


Color the window background


  1. To see this effect, change your display's viewing angle and distance (for example, via /VIEW,1,2,2,3 and /DIST,1,.88) and set the color-fill option (/GROPT,FILL,ON).

  2. A grid can be either full (horizontal and vertical grid lines) or partial (horizontal or vertical grid lines).

15.2.2. Labeling Your Graph

Graph Display ActionCommand(s)

Label the X and Y axes


Label the curves (for POST26 plotted-variable graphs) [1]



Add annotation

/ANNOT [2]

  1. For all other types of curves, including array parameter (*VPLOT) curves, the default label is the item or parameter name specified via the display action command. For these curves, issue the /GCOLUMN command to specify curve labels. The command can set any text or character string as a curve label.

  2. The /ANNOT command is not intended to be typed directly into the command line (although it can be included in an input file for batch input or for use with the /INPUT command). The command is generated via a GUI selection (Utility Menu> PlotCtrls> Annotation) and appears in the log file (Jobname.log) if annotation is used.

    Besides /ANNOT, the annotation commands are /ANUM, /TLABEL, /LINE, /LARC, /LSYMBOL, /POLYGON, /PMORE, /PCIRCLE, /PWEDGE, /TSPEC, /LSPEC, and /PSPEC.

    For more information, see Annotation.

15.2.3. Defining X and Y Variables and Their Ranges Defining the X Variable

In POST26 plotted-variable graphs, the program uses TIME (or, for harmonic analyses, FREQ) for the X variable.

TIME can represent something other than chronological time. In setting up a time-independent analysis, you can arbitrarily define TIME to be equal to the value of some other item of interest (such as input pressure).

To define a parameter other than TIME against which the Y variable is to be displayed, issue the NSOL, ESOL, and XVAR commands. Defining the Part of the Complex Variable to Be Displayed

When plotting harmonic-response results in POST26, select what part of the complex variable (amplitude, phase angle, real part, or imaginary part) to display in your graph via the PLCPLX command. Defining the Y Variable

The various graphics action commands define the Y variable. Sometimes, the commands refer to labels that have been defined in other commands.

Example 15.1: Commands Refering to Labels Defined in Other Commands. Setting the X Range

The /XRANGE command enables you to graph only a portion of the full range of X-variable data. You to zoom in on (or out of) a specific segment of the curve. Defining the TIME (or FREQ for Harmonic Analysis) Range

The PLTIME command enables you to establish a range of TIME for graph displays. The program always displays TIME in the Z-axis direction.

If XVAR = 1, TIME is also displayed in the X-axis direction. PLTIME or its equivalent then also sets the abscissa scale range. (A range established by /XRANGE takes precedence over one defined by PLTIME.) Setting the Y Range

Your graph contains the full range of available Y-variable data by default. To define a smaller or larger range, issue the /YRANGE command. By specifying a value for the command's NUM argument, you can selectively define different ranges for different curves (provided that separate Y-axis scales have been established).