NSOL, NVAR, NODE, Item, Comp, Name, SECTOR
Specifies nodal data to be stored from the results file.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Arbitrary reference number assigned to this variable. Variable numbers can be 2 to NV (NUMVAR). Overwrites any existing results for this variable.


Node for which data are to be stored.


Label identifying the item. Valid item labels are shown in the table below. Some items also require a component label.


Component of the item (if required). Valid component labels are shown in the table below.


Thirty-two character name identifying the item on printouts and displays. Defaults to a label formed by concatenating the first four characters of the Item and Comp labels.


For a full harmonic cyclic symmetry solution, the sector number for which the results from NODE are to be stored.


Stores nodal degree of freedom and solution results in a variable. For more information, see Data Interpreted in the Nodal Coordinate System in the Modeling and Meshing Guide.

For SECTOR>1, the result is in the nodal coordinate system of the base sector, and it is rotated to the expanded sector’s location. Refer to Using the /CYCEXPAND Command in the Cyclic Symmetry Analysis Guide for more information.

Table 206: NSOL - Valid Item and Component Labels

Valid Item and Component Labels NSOL, NVAR,NODE,Item,Comp,Name
Valid item and component labels for nodal degree of freedom results are:
UX, Y, ZX, Y, or Z structural displacement.
ROTX, Y, ZX, Y, or Z structural rotation.
TEMP[1] Temperature.
PRES Pressure.
GFV1, GFV2, GFV3 Nonlocal field values 1, 2, and 3.
VOLT Electric potential.
MAG Magnetic scalar potential.
VX, Y, ZX, Y, or Z fluid velocity in a fluid analysis.
AX, Y, ZX, Y, or Z magnetic vector potential in an electromagnetic analysis.
CONC Concentration.
VELX, Y, ZX, Y, or Z velocity in a structural transient dynamic analysis (ANTYPE,TRANS).
ACCX, Y, ZX, Y, or Z acceleration in a structural transient dynamic analysis (ANTYPE,TRANS).
OMGX, Y, ZX, Y, or Z rotational velocity in a structural transient dynamic analysis (ANTYPE,TRANS).
DMGX, Y, ZX, Y, or Z rotational acceleration in a structural transient dynamic analysis (ANTYPE,TRANS).
CURR Current.
EMF Electromotive force drop.
SPL Sound pressure level.
SPLA A-weighted sound pressure level (dBA).
ENKE Acoustic energy density

  1. For SHELL131 and SHELL132 elements with KEYOPT(3) = 0 or 1, use the labels TBOT, TE2, TE3, . . ., TTOP instead of TEMP.

  2. For SHELL294 element, use the labels TBOT and TTOP in addition to TEMP.

Menu Paths

Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Define Variables
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Elec&Mag>Circuit>Define Variables