Sets various line graph display options.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Apply display style as selected from the following labels:



Axis division (tick) marks (defaults to KEY = ON).



Axis scale numbers (defaults to KEY = ON, which puts numbers at the back plane of the graph). If KEY = FRONT, numbers are on the front plane of the graph.



Axis number size scale factor. Input the scale value for KEY (defaults to 1.0).



Automatic scaling of additional Y-axes for multi-curve (/GRTYP, 2 or 3) graphs (defaults to KEY = ON). If KEY = OFF, use base Y-axis scaling (see the /YRANGE command).



Log X scale (defaults to KEY = OFF (linear)).



Log Y scale (applies only to the base Y axis) (defaults to KEY = OFF (linear)).



Color fill areas under curves (defaults to KEY = OFF).



Superimpose background grid (/GRID) over areas under filled curves (defaults to KEY = OFF).



Number of significant digits before decimal point for axis values. Input the value for KEY (defaults to 4).



Number of significant digits after decimal point for axis values. Input the value for KEY (defaults to 3).



View key for graph displays (defaults to KEY = OFF, in which case the view is (0,0,1) for 2D graph displays or (1,2,3) for 3D graph displays). If KEY = ON, the view settings for graph displays are the same as the view settings for the model.



Plots the values on the X-axis in reverse order.



Plots the values on the Y-axis in reverse order.



Determines the number of divisions (grid markers) that will be plotted on the X axis.



Determines the number of divisions (grid markers) that will be plotted on the Y axis.



Specifies whether program-generated (KEY = 1) or system-derived (KEY = 0) fonts are used for the axis labels.



Determines the position of the curve labels. If (KEY = 1), the curve label will be plotted in the legend column, and the label will be displayed in the same color as the curve. If (KEY = 0) the curve labels will be plotted near the curve. (default).



When you use this label, the subsequent KEY value will determine an offset amount from the default (along the bottom) location for the X axis. If KEY = 1.0, a full offset occurs (the X axis is moved to the top of the graph). If KEY = 0.5, the axis is offset to the midpoint of the graph, and if KEY = 0 the axis remains in the original position, along the bottom of the graph. For any offset, a grey copy of the original axis (containing the axis numbering) remains at the original location.



When you use this label, the subsequent KEY value will determine an offset amount from the default (along the left side of the graph) location for the Y axis. If KEY = 1.0, a full offset occurs (the Y axis is moved to the right side of the graph). If KEY = 0.5, the axis is offset to the midpoint of the graph, and if KEY = 0 the axis remains in the original position, along the left side of the graph. For any offset, a gray copy of the original axis (containing the axis numbering) remains at the original location.


Option values:

OFF (0)


Do not apply selected style.

ON (1)


Apply selected style.



If Lab is DIG1 or DIG2, input the number of digits.



If Lab is AXNSC, input the scale factor.



If Lab is AXNM, FRONT may also be input.



If Lab is DIVX or DIVY, determines the number of divisions (1-99) that will be applied to the axis.



If Lab is LTYP, Kfont is ON (1) or OFF(0). ON uses program-generated fonts for the axis labels, while OFF uses SYSTEM (Windows, X-system, etc.) fonts. Default: Kfont = ON (Mechanical APDL fonts).


Sets various line graph display options. Issue /GROPT,STAT to display the current settings.

Issue /GROPT,DEFA to reset default specifications.

Unless you issue /GROPT,VIEW,ON, the program indicates that graph-view manipulation is inactive.

See /AXLAB, /GRTYP, /GRID, and /GTHK for other graph-control options.

Automatic scaling using the /XRANGE and /YRANGE commands often yields inappropriate range values for logarithmic scales (/GROPT, LOGX or /GROPT, LOGY).

This command is valid in any processor.

Menu Paths

Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Graphs>Modify Axes
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Graphs>Modify Curve
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Graphs>Modify Grid