/INPUT, Fname, Ext, Dir, LINE, LOG
Switches the input file for the commands that follow.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248 characters for the file name.

The file name defaults to the current Jobname if Ext is specified.


Filename extension (eight-character maximum).


Directory path (64 characters maximum). Defaults to current directory.


A value indicating either a line number in the file or a user-defined label in the file from which to begin reading the input file.

(blank), 0, or 1


Begins reading from the top of the file (default).



Begins reading from the specified line number in the file.



Begins reading from the first line beginning with the matching user-defined label :label (beginning with a colon (:), 8 characters maximum).


Indicates whether secondary input from this command should be recorded in the command log (File.log) and the database log:



Record only the /INPUT command on the log (default).



Record commands in the specified secondary file as they are executed.


Switches the input file for the next commands. Commands are read from this file until an end-of-file or another file switching directive is read. An end-of-file occurs after the last record of the file or when a /EOF command is read. An automatic switch back one level (to the previous file) occurs when an end-of-file is encountered. Twenty levels of nested file switching are allowed. Note that files including *DO, *USE, *ULIB, and the "Unknown Command" Macro have less nesting available because each of these operations also uses a level of file switching. For an interactive run, a /INPUT,TERM switches to the terminal for the next input. A /EOF read from the terminal then switches back to the previous file. A /INPUT (with a blank second field) switches back to the primary input file.

Setting LOG = 1 on /INPUT causes all commands read from the specified file to be recorded in the command log (File.log) and the internal database command log (LGWRITE). This option is recommended if the log file will be used later. The LOG = 1 option is only valid when the /INPUT occurs in the primary input file. Using LOG = 1 on a nested /INPUT or on a /INPUT within a do-loop will have no effect (that is, commands in the secondary input file are not written to the command log).

The Dir option is optional as the directory path can be included directly in Fname.

This command is valid in any processor.

Menu Paths

Utility Menu>File>Read Input from