DesignModeler Hotkeys

You can use individual keys and combination of keys on your computer keyboard to perform specific functions when pressed. The hotkeys programmed in Ansys DesignModeler, and the option they perform, are listed below. The hotkeys are not case-sensitive in the Ansys DesignModeler application.

Escape: equivalent to New Selection (if button is not grayed out; also accessible via the Selection Toolbar
Ctrl+ A: equivalent to Select All
Ctrl+ B: equivalent to Selection Filter: Bodies (also accessible via the Selection Toolbar)
Ctrl+ C: equivalent to Copy (Sketching mode only; also accessible via the Modify Toolbox)
Ctrl+ E: equivalent to Selection Filter: Edges (also accessible via the Selection Toolbar)
Ctrl+ F: equivalent to Selection Filter: Faces (also accessible via the Selection Toolbar)
Ctrl+ F8: equivalent to Hide All Other Faces (also accessible via the Context Menus)
Ctrl+ F9: equivalent to Hide All Other Bodies (also accessible via the Context Menus)
Ctrl+ N: equivalent to Start Over option (also accessible via the File Menu)
Ctrl+ O: equivalent to Load DesignModeler Database option (also accessible via the File Menu)
Ctrl+ P: equivalent to Selection Filter: Points (also accessible via the Selection Toolbar)
Ctrl+ S: equivalent to Save Project option (also accessible via the File Menu)
Ctrl+ V: equivalent to Paste (Sketching Mode only; also accessible via the Modify Toolbox)
Ctrl+ X: equivalent to Cut (Sketching Mode only; also accessible via the Modify Toolbox)
Ctrl+ Y: equivalent to Redo (Sketching Mode only; also accessible via the toolbar)
Ctrl+ Z: equivalent to Undo (Sketching Mode only; also accessible via the toolbar)
Ctrl+ +: equivalent to Expand Face Selection (also accessible via the Selection Toolbar and context menu)
Ctrl+ -: equivalent to Shrink Face Selection (also accessible via the Selection Toolbar and context menu)
Ctrl+ Shift+ F3: equivalent to Flood Blends (also accessible via the Extend Selection menu)
F1: Ansys, Inc. online help with DesignModeler highlighted; for more information, see Help Menu
F2: equivalent to Rename
F3: Apply (during feature creation; for more information, see Apply/Cancel in Plane)
F4: Cancel (during feature creation; for more information, see Apply/Cancel in Plane)
F5: equivalent to Generate (also accessible via the 3D Features toolbar)
F6: equivalent to Shaded Exterior and Edges, Shaded Exterior, and Wireframe model appearance controls (toggle between three; also accessible via the View Menu)
F7: equivalent to Zoom to Fit (also accessible via the Rotation Modes Toolbar toolbar)
F8: equivalent to Hide/Show Faces (also accessible via the Context Menus)
F9: equivalent to Suppress/Hide Part and Body (also accessible via the Context Menus)
Shift+ F1: equivalent to Extend to Adjacent (also accessible via the Extend Selection Menu)
Shift+ F2: equivalent to Extend to Limits (also accessible via the Extend Selection Menu)
Shift+ F3: equivalent to Flood Area (also accessible via the Extend Selection Menu)
Shift+ F4: equivalent to Extend to Instances (also accessible via the Extend Selection Menu)
Shift+ F8: equivalent to Show All Faces (also accessible via the Context Menus)
Shift+ F9: equivalent to Show All Bodies (also accessible via the Context Menus)

Note:   The hotkeys are active whenever the Graphics Window, tree outline, sketching toolboxes, or Details View are in focus. They are NOT active in the Parameter Manager panes.

When utilizing hotkeys with key modifiers (e.g. shift and control), press and hold the key modifier until the other key has been both pressed and released.

Other Typical Usage topics: