DesignModeler Application Fundamentals

The DesignModeler application features two basic modes of operation: DesignModeler 2D Sketching and DesignModeler 3D Modeling.

Sketching Mode

In the Sketching mode, you have five toolboxes to create 2D sketches by adding and removing 2D edges. From the 2D sketches you can generate 3D solid models as described in DesignModeler 3D Modeling.

  1. Draw Toolbox: drawing lines, rectangles, and splines

  2. Modify Toolbox: modifying by trimming, cutting, and pasting

  3. Dimensions Toolbox: defining dimensions in length/distance, diameter, and angle

  4. Constraints Toolbox: applying tangent, symmetry, and concentricity constraints.

  5. Settings Toolbox: plane settings such as grid and grid spacing

Modeling Mode

The Modeling mode allows you to create models, for example, by extruding or revolving profiles from your sketches.

As you become acquainted with the tools and controls, you will quickly feel comfortable using the DesignModeler application for sketching and modeling tasks.