To use the sketcher efficiently, it is important to note that, in the context of constraints and dimensions, the system treats 2D edges as if they extend beyond their endpoints.
To create a solid body from your sketch, all connected chains of edges must be closed.
Most multiple-task operatitimes ons are done by one of two input sequences:
Click (press and release), move, click sequence
Press (hold), drag, release sequence
Many sketching operations make heavy use of the right mouse button context menu for optional input. Some also have optional input via toolbox check/edit box options. In the following, these options are listed after the operation's icon:
Toolbox check/edit box : Option 1, Option 2, … |
Right Mouse Button context menu: Option 1, Option 2, … |
The right mouse button Back option is very much like a "micro" undo during the sketching operation.
The sketching operations support Undo/Redo functionality, but note that each plane stores its own Undo/Redo stacks.
Also note that while in Sketching mode, you can always exit whatever function you are in and go to the general Select mode, by pressing the Escape key (Esc). Note that if you have accessed a window external to the Ansys DesignModeler application, you will need to click somewhere back in the Ansys DesignModeler application window before the Escape key (Esc) will be usable.

Use the Undo command to rescind the last sketching action performed.

Use the Redo command to "redo" a sketching action previously undone.
2D Sketching topics include: