3.2. Installing Ansys, Inc. Products

This section explains how to install Ansys, Inc. products.

Note:  Ansys requires users to install all products by using the right-click option Run as administrator.


3.2.1. Product Installation with Client Licensing

To install Ansys, Inc. products with client licensing, follow the steps below.

Note:  You must also install the Ansys, Inc. License Manager on at least one server machine in order to run Ansys, Inc. products. See Ansys License Manager Installation for license manager installation instructions.

  1. Save all data and close all Windows applications before continuing.

  2. If you downloaded the installation files or if you are installing from a DVD or USB with autorun disabled, browse to the location of the setup.exe file. Right-click the setup.exe file and select Run as administrator.

  3. The license agreement appears. Select the language you want to use from the drop-down menu in the upper right corner. English is the default.

    Read the agreement, and if you agree to the terms and conditions, select I Agree.... Click Next, located on the right side of the screen.

    Note:  The question mark icon located in the upper right side of each installation screen displays an explanation of the functionality available on that screen. The letter "I" icon displays information about the release version of the installation software.

  4. The directory where you want to install the Ansys, Inc. products is shown in the Install Directory field. You can install the products into any directory you want, but you must have write permissions to the directory you choose. The default is C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc. We recommend using the default directory.

    Note:  You must install all Ansys, Inc. products into the same location. Installing products into different locations can cause product components to fail. If you choose an install directory via the Browse feature, the installation will automatically append \ANSYS Inc\ to the chosen directory. The installation path can have a maximum of 100 characters, except on AUTODYN, which has a maximum of 40 characters.

    • Leave the Associate file extensions with Ansys products check box enabled. This allows you to double-click files from Windows Explorer to launch the various products.

    • If you are using an application that can utilize Ansys QA Services, select the Enable Ansys QA Services with supported applications (QA Service Agreement required) option. Note that the Ansys QA Services option requires a separate Quality Assurance Service Agreement. Do not select this option if you have not obtained a Quality Assurance Service Agreement.

      Alternatively, this option can be set by opening the system control panel and adding the following:


      For more information on ANSYS Quality Services, visit our website at: https://www.ansys.com/About-ANSYS/quality-assurance/quality-assurance-services.

    Click Next.

  5. If this is a first time installation, you are prompted to enter your license server specification. If you already have an existing license server specification file, you will not see this window and proceed directly to the next step.

    Enter your Ansys Licensing Interconnect port number and your Ansys FlexNet port number. Defaults are provided and will work in most cases. You may need to check with your IT department to confirm that the default port numbers are valid or to get different port numbers if necessary.

    Specify the hostname for your license server machine(s).

    Click Next.

  6. All products available in the installation package(s) you downloaded are listed in a tree view. A checkmark to the left of the product signifies that the product and all related "child" products are enabled for installation while a grey box indicates that some, but not all products are enabled for installation. You can expand the tree to select any additional products you wish to install.

    The installation program attempts to query your license server to pre-select your installation options. If the query is successful, the following message is displayed:

    Review and change the pre-selected installation options if necessary

    If the installation program was unable to query your license server, this message is not displayed and the default installation options are selected.

    You can select or deselect any combination of products. Ansys Workbench is automatically installed with most Ansys, Inc. products; there is no individual product selection for Ansys Workbench.

    Selecting either the Ansys Additional Tools > Optical Addon > Speos for Creo Parametric or Speos for NX options presents you with additional installation steps. These steps are completed on the SpeosCAD Configuration screen. For additional information on completing these steps, see Configuring Speos CAD Interfaces.

    If you are installing Speos and you are willing to use the CAD Connection V3 (through the Block Recording), select the Ansys Geometry Interfaces option.

    If you select the Ansys Geometry Interfaces option, you are presented with additional installation steps. These steps are completed on the CAD Configuration screens which are displayed when you click Next. For additional information on completing these steps, see Specifying CAD Configurations.

    An estimate of the disk space required to install all of the selected components, and the disk space you have available is displayed. The actual amount of disk space required may be less, but if you choose to run the installation with insufficient disk space available, we strongly recommend that you review the log files at the end of the installation to verify that all products were installed correctly. Installation log files are written to the installation directory.

    Note:  On a first time installation, if you chose to install any Ansys Geometry Interfaces, ensure that you have also selected at least one Ansys, Inc. product as part of the installation. Installing an Ansys Geometry Interface without an underlying Ansys, Inc. product on a first time installation may cause installation errors.

    Select/deselect the products you want to install and click Next.

    The dates on the licensing files being installed are compared to any that may already exist on your machine. (This may take a few moments.)

  7. A summary of the selected installation data appears. Review the information carefully, and if correct, click Next to continue the installation.

  8. The installation progress screen displays a status bar towards the bottom of the installation window. This status bar tracks the percentage of packages that have been installed on your computer. Depending on the number of products you have selected, the installation time required could be lengthy. You will not be able to interrupt the installation process. Please be patient while the installation completes.

    Note:  Clicking the View Details Progress Log button opens a second window that displays the name of each product package as it is uncompressed and installed.

    The installation program will first check your system to determine if you have the necessary prerequisites. If the prerequisites are not already on your system, the prerequisites will be installed automatically.

    Note:  If prerequisite components necessary for the installation of the Ansys products were installed, depending on your existing machine configuration, the following message may be displayed:

    Software prerequisites have been installed.

    A system restart may be required after exiting the installation and before using any Ansys Products.

    If a system restart is required, a restart error message will be written to the install.err error file. The install.err error file is located in the installation directory.

    Click Next to continue the installation.

  9. The product installation window reappears with a message noting that the installation is complete.

    Links are provided to access the Intel MPI and Microsoft MPI installation programs and installation documentation.

    A Launch Survey Upon Exiting option is included here. Clicking Exit while the Launch Survey Upon Exiting is enabled causes your default browser to open, displaying the product survey. Disabling (un-checking) the Launch Survey Upon Exiting option and then clicking Exit skips the survey.

    The Ansys, Inc. Installation Launcher appears. For this stand-alone installation, you must complete the License Manager installation (next) to run Ansys, Inc. products. Specifying CAD Configurations

Selecting the Ansys Geometry Interfaces option, from the product selection screen and clicking Next displays a series of configuration screens for your geometry interfaces.

  1. On the first screen, you are asked to select one of the following three configuration options:

    • Selecting the Yes, automatically configure my interfaces option and clicking Next determines if each CAD system is installed on your computer. If the CAD is installed, this option sets the configuration to appropriate associative interface. If the CAD is not installed, the configuration is set to reader. After you make this selection, the installation continues as described in the Product Installation with Client Licensing step #9.

    • Selecting the Yes, I will make my selections option and clicking Next walks you through a several manual configuration steps. If you select this option, you can configure the appropriate geometry interface properties by following the steps described below.

    • Selecting the No. Skip configuration. I will configure later option and clicking Next ignores the geometry interface configuration at this time. After you make this selection, the installation continues as described in the Product Installation with Client Licensing step #9. You can use this option if you have not yet installed the related CAD programs, or do not know the requested information. If you skip these steps, you will need to manually configure these geometry interfaces using the Product & CAD Configuration Manager before you can successfully import models into Ansys products. See Configuring CAD Products for more information on using the Product & CAD Configuration Manager.

  2. After selecting the Yes, I will make my selections option and clicking Next (bullet point #2 above), you are presented with a check list of the geometry interfaces. You can manually choose which geometry interfaces you would like to configure by enabling the appropriate check box(es). Note that the configuration is not performed for any geometry interface check box that is disabled. You will have to do that at a later time by following the steps in the Configuring CAD Products section.

    When you have selected the appropriate interfaces, click Next.

  3. The next screen the provides you with the option of selecting the reader or associative interface for each enabled geometry interface.

    Configure each geometry interface option and click Next.

  4. If you selected the associative interface for Creo Parametric or NX, a third screen is displayed. In this case follow the steps below. If you did not select Creo Parametric or NX the installation continues as described in the Product Installation with Client Licensing step #9.

    Creo Parametric

    You may need to specify the Creo Parametric command, and the full Creo Parametric installation path (C:\Program Files\PTC\Creo\Parametric by default) for an existing Creo Parametric installation.


    If you choose the associative interface and the UGII environment variables were not set, you may need to specify the NX installation path for an existing NX installation. If you are an administrative user, a file required to load the NX plug-in is placed in the administrative user's Application Data folder by default, which may not be accessible by other, non-administrative users. To allow non-administrative users to run, you will need to define the environment variable UGII_CUSTOM_DIRECTORY_FILE prior to installation and specify a location where other users have read access. Alternatively, you can run the Product & CAD Configuration Manager after the installation and provide an updated location for the NX Custom Directory File Path.

  5. Once you have completed the Creo Parametric or NX configuration, click Next. The installation continues as described in the Product Installation with Client Licensing step #9. Configuring Speos CAD Interfaces

Selecting the Ansys Additional Tools > Optical Addon > Speos for Creo Parametric or Speos for NX options from the product selection screen and clicking Next displays an interactive configuration screen for your Speos CAD interfaces.

Note:  If you have selected the Geometry Interfaces option in addition to any Speos CAD Interface option and clicked Next, the geometry interface configuration screens are displayed before the Speos CAD Interface configuration screens.

  1. From the list of Speos CAD Interfaces displayed, select the check boxes that appropriately reflect your system. You must select at least one interface to continue the installation.

  2. As you select a checkbox, an Installation Path field is displayed. Click Browse and locate the folder containing the existing CAD installation that corresponds to the check box.

    Note:  The installation program attempts to query your system to determine the path to the appropriate CAD program.. If the installation can find your CAD program, the Installation Path field is prepopulated this information.

  3. Once you have located the appropriate folder, click the Select Folder option.

  4. Perform this process for each Speos CAD Interface you require. Alternatively, you can enable the Skip Speos CAD Configuration option to configure the interfaces at a later time. For more information, see Using the Product & CAD Configuration Manager.

  5. After completing the configuration of the Speos CAD Interfaces, click Next. The installation continues as described in the Product Installation with Client Licensing step #9.

3.2.2. Ansys License Manager Installation

Follow the instructions below to install and configure the Ansys License Manager on your local Windows machine. You must be an administrative user to install the Ansys License Manager on Windows. The License Manager controls access to the Ansys, Inc. products you have purchased. You must complete the License Manager installation to run Ansys, Inc. products.

  1. If the Installation Launcher is not open, right-click the setup.exe file and select Run as administrator.

  2. Select Install Ansys License Manager.

  3. The installation launcher appears.

  4. You are notified that the license manager, if running, will be shut down. Click OK.

  5. The License Agreement screen appears. Read the license agreement, and if you agree, click I Agree to accept the terms and click Next, located on the right side of the screen. You must select I Agree to continue with the installation.

  6. Specify the installation directory and click Next to continue. You can accept the default or specify an alternate path and the directory name where the license manager is to be installed. The installation directory is set to <OS_Drive>\Program Files\ANSYS Inc by default. You must have administrative privileges for the directory you specify. In addition, the directory:

    • must be a local directory

    • must be a local, fixed-media drive

    • cannot be a UNC or relative path

    • cannot be a short (8.3) file name format path

    • cannot be a symbolic link or junction

    • cannot use wide character names/paths

    Note:  You are unable to change the installation directory for a computer that currently contains an instance of the Ansys, Inc. License Manager or Ansys Electromagnetics License Manager. To change the installation directory location, you must first uninstall any previous versions of both products.

    The Ansys, Inc. License Manager is the only component available and is selected to be installed. The amount of disk space required and the disk space available appear at the bottom of the window. Be sure that you have sufficient space before continuing.

  7. Click Next to continue.

  8. A summary of the selected installation data appears. Review the information carefully, and if correct, click Next to continue the installation.

    The Ansys License Manager is now being installed and configured on your system. After the License Manager installation has been completed, the Launch License Management Center upon exiting option is included on the screen. The Ansys License Management Center is a browser-based user interface that centralizes many of the Ansys product licensing administrative functions. If you do not want to launch the License Management Center, clear the Launch License Management Center upon exiting option.

  9. Click Exit to close the License Manager Installation screen.

  10. When the license manager installation is complete, click Exit. A new Start Menu item named Ansys, Inc. License Manager will be created automatically. It will include selections for the License Management Center, the Ansys, Inc. Licensing Guide, the FlexNet License Administration Guide and the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility. Registering the License Server

If you are a new user who has not received a license file for your server or if you add or change a license server machine, follow this procedure to register your license server information. See the Ansys Licensing Guide for more information on selecting license servers (Selecting License Server Machines) and on using the Ansys License Management Center (License Server Administration Using Ansys License Management Center).

  1. Open the Ansys License Management Center.

  2. Click the Get System Hostid Information option to display your system ID code(s).

  3. Select the system ID you wish to use and click SAVE TO FILE.

    A text file containing your system ID information is created.

  4. Forward this text file to your Ansys sales representative so that a license file can be created for you.

  5. Add your license files though the Ansys License Management Center. For these steps, see Adding a License.

After completing the installation process, refer to Post-Installation Instructions