6. Speos HPC without Job Scheduler

Note:  Working without a HPC job scheduler is not recommended.

Speos HPC can be used without job scheduler when you prefer manipulating the application using command lines, or when Windows Server cannot be installed.

Here is an example of a command line with Microsoft MPI:

mpiexec -machinefile Machines.txt -wdir %SPEOSHPCDIR% "%SPEOSHPC%" -SV5 "%SV5%" %SIMULATIONPARAMS%
set SPEOSHPCDIR=\\station_name\speoshpc\Optis\SPEOSHPC_2016\
set SV5=\\station_name\speoshpc\SV5\DOM_DirectSimulation_43s_2400by1600.sv5\DOM_DirectSimulation_43s_2400by1600.sv5
SET SIMULATIONPARAMS=-threads 8 -mtime 1

Available options for the SPEOSHPC.exe command:

  • speoshpc -h: display help.

  • speoshpc -v: display the version.

  • speoshpc -sv5 sv5fullpath: full path to the .sv5 file to use for the simulation.

  • speoshpc -threads nn: number of threads per node (limited by the license)

  • speoshpc -nbrays nnnn: number of rays / passes for the Monte Carlo Direct or Inverse simulations.

  • speoshpc -lang "CodePage_Converter_Name": used to support existing SV5 files which have been saved with a Windows code page.

  • speoshpc -disablefiles : disable all .lpf, .lp3, .ray, .tm25ray output files.

The following options can be combined:

  • speoshpc -stime nnnn: run the simulation during nnnn seconds (only Monte Carlo simulations).

  • speoshpc -mtime nnnn: run the simulation during nnnn minutes (only Monte Carlo simulations).

  • speoshpc -htime nnnn: run the simulation during nnnn hours (only Monte Carlo simulations).

  • speoshpc -dtime nnnn: run the simulation during nnnn days (only Monte Carlo simulations).

  • speoshpc Remark: for Inverse simulations with many sensor, the specified simulation time is for each sensor.

The following options can be combined (the minimum default value is 1 hour):

  • speoshpc -hsave nnnn: merge and save the intermediate results every nnnn hours (only Monte Carlo simulations).

  • speoshpc -dsave nnnn: merge and save the intermediate results every nnnn days (only Monte Carlo simulations).

  • speoshpc -nosave: disable the merge and save of intermediate results.