6.1. Silent Product and License Manager Installation

Caution:  A silent license manager installation could shut down the Ansys, Inc. License Manager, affecting other users who are using that license server machine.

You can deploy an Ansys, Inc. product installation in silent mode. The general form to run a silent product installation, including the client licensing, is:

INSTALL -silent -install_dir path -product_flag 

If no product flags from the list above are specified, all available products will be installed. To install specific products, run the silent install with any combination of the product flags listed above (not all products are available on all platforms). For example, to install only TurboGrid and Icepak, issue the following command:

INSTALL -silent -install_dir "/ansys_inc/" -turbogrid -icepak

Additional command line arguments are available; see the list below.

To install the Ansys, Inc. License Manager on Linux systems that will act as license servers, you must run the INSTALL command with the -LM option:

INSTALL -silent -LM -install_dir path

The silent license manager installation is valid only for the default Licensing Configuration option "Run the Ansys Licensing Interconnect with FLEXlm." See the Ansys Licensing Guide for more information.

You can use the following arguments when running a silent installation. Note that some options are available only for a silent license manager installation.

-silent Initiates a silent installation.
-help Displays a list of valid arguments for a silent installation.
-install_dir path Specifies the directory to which the product or license manager is to be installed. If you want to install to the default location, you can omit the -install_dir argument. The default location is /ansys_inc if the symbolic link is set; otherwise, it will default to /usr/ansys_inc.
-product_flag Specifies one or more products to install specific products. If you omit the -product_flag argument, all products will be installed. See the list of valid product_flags below.
-productfile path You can specify an options file that lists the products you want to install. To do so, you must provide a full path to a file containing desired products. See Specifying Products with an Options File below for more details.
-licfilepath path Specifies the location of the license file to install. If the path is not specified or if the path is the same as the existing license file, the license file will not be installed. Valid only when doing a silent license manager installation (INSTALL -LM).
-setliclang language Specifies a language to use for the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility and the Ansys, Inc. Licensing Interconnect log file. Use the language directory name in the language subdirectory of the licensing directory (en-us, fr, de, etc.) as the language value. This flag can be used during a GUI installation as well. Valid only when doing a license manager installation (INSTALL -LM).
-licserverinfo Specifies information to be used by the client for the license server. Valid only in conjunction with a silent installation (INSTALL). The format is:

Single license server:




Three license servers:




The default values for the Licensing Interconnect and FlexNet port numbers (2325 and 1055, respectively) will be used if they are not specified. However, you do need to include the colons.





Information specified via -licserverinfo will be appended to existing information in the ansyslmd.ini file. To change information already in your ansyslmd.ini file, you must use the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility.

-lang Specifies a language to use for the products.

Any messages will be written to the appropriate installation log files. Installation log files are located in the installation directory: install.log contains installation messages, and install_licconfig.log contains licensing installation messages. In rare circumstances with a silent licensing installation, the licensing installation messages may not be written to the install_licconfig.log (for example, if the silent licensing installation aborts); in these cases, you may find error messages in the .ansys_install_temp_licconfig_<user>_<index>.log file, located in $HOME/.ansys.

For more information on the silent license manager installation, see the Ansys Licensing Guide.

Specifying Products with an Options File

You can also specify an options file on the command line using the -productfile path option. The options file can have any name and extension, but the path must include the full path and filename, including any extension used. The options file can specify which products you want to install. The options file can contain all possible products, with the products you do not want to install commented out, or it can contain only the products you want to install. An example options file is shown below. In the example, Aqwa is commented out using an acceptable comment indicator. When using the options file, do not include the dash (-) before the product name.

Options file example:
