Chapter 8: Uninstalling the Software

To uninstall a product, issue the following command:


Alternatively, if you are using the Mechanical APDL product, you can use the Uninstall option of the ANS_ADMIN utility. To launch ANS_ADMIN, issue the following command:

  1. From the uninstall panel, click Select Products to Uninstall.

    If you are not a superuser, you will see a warning message, and then the uninstall continues.

  2. A list of products that are installed appears. Select those products you want to uninstall and click Continue. Then click OK to confirm the list of products to be uninstalled.

  3. When the uninstall has completed, click Finish.

In the case of a platform (file server) installation, the uninstall will remove the selected product(s) from all of the Linux platforms.