3.3. Installing from a USB Drive

Note:  Do not use the mounted directory as your working directory. Do not "cd" or "Change Directory" to /run/media/<user>/ANSYS242 or /media/ANSYS242 and then run INSTALL as this may cause unmounting and ejecting issues.

CentOS 7.8 through 7.9

Insert the USB drive into an appropriate USB slot on your computer. Continue with the steps described in Product Installation.

Note:  With some SuSE Linux configurations, the USB auto-mount function may cause the INSTALL command to appear as lowercase. Using the lowercase install command may cause extraneous files to be left behind after the Ansys product installation. To correct this lowercase issue, un-mount the USB drive and manually re-mount the drive prior to installing Ansys products.

Red Hat Enterprise 7.8 through 7.9, SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 SP5 and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP2 - SP4

For these versions, the default auto-mount function permission shows read-only which does not allow you to install the Ansys products. To address this issue, manually mount the USB by following the steps below.

  1. In a root shell, run the following command to determine the usb drive location:

    df -hT

    From the results of the df -ht command, locate the device boot data. The device boot data should be in a format similar to /dev/xxxx, where xxxx is the USB location. You will use the device boot data when editing the fstab below.

  2. Create a mounting point by running the following command:

    mkdir -p /run/media/<username>/ANSYS242

  3. Edit the fstab to mount the USB with read/execute permissions.

    vi /etc/fstab

    Inserting the following line:

    /dev/xxxx /run/media/<username>/ANSYS242 auto owner,defaults 0 0

    Replace "xxxx" with USB location from the device boot data.

  4. Run the following command to execute the fstab:

    mount -a

  5. Continue with the steps described in Product Installation.