2. Ansys CFX Linux Parallel Setup

2.1. Requirements

  • The Ansys CFX-Solver must be installed on all hosts that are to be used for a parallel run, or in a location accessible to all hosts.

  • To run distributed parallel (where follower processes run on a different host from the leader process), remote or secure shell access must be available from the leader nodes (systems on which parallel runs will be started) to follower nodes (systems on which the Ansys CFX-Solver will actually run). See Setting Up Remote Access on Linux, below.

  • You must have the same username on all systems.

2.2. Host Specification

For distributed parallel operation, hosts might need to be predefined in the hostinfo.ccl configuration file. See Ansys CFX Hosts Specification for details.

2.3. Setting Up Remote Access on Linux

Each system that will be used as a follower node must be configured to allow access via remote shell commands from the leader node. This can be done globally for all users or on a per-user basis.

Often, networks where ssh, rsh or rlogin are used frequently will already be configured to allow remote access to all users. If this is the case, nothing more need be done.

The CFX5RSH environment variable is used to select the remote shell protocol. By default, CFX5RSH=ssh is set. If you want to use rsh, then set CFX5RSH=rsh either in the environment or in the cfx5rc file (see Resources Set in cfx5rc Files in the CFX Introduction).

In either case, ssh or rsh, the remote machine must not prompt for a password when you run remote commands.

2.3.1. Testing Remote Access

You can test remote access using ssh using the command:

ssh unixhost echo working

You can test remote access using rsh for a Linux follower node using the command:

rsh unixhost echo working

2.3.2. Set Up of ssh

If you use ssh for remote access, consult your system documentation on how to set up ssh between machines so that it does not require the user to enter a password.

2.3.3. Global Set Up of rsh

This method, which is used to allow remote access for all users, depends on whether NIS is used to maintain netgroups, as well as common password and group databases. If this is not the case, then you should log in to each follower node as root and create a file called /etc/hosts.equiv containing a line:


where <leader> is the hostname of the leader node. See your system documentation for more information about the use of rsh and the syntax of the hosts.equiv file.

If NIS is used to control remote access, then a netgroup must be created for users of Ansys CFX by the root user on the NIS leader server, and a line such as the one below added to /etc/hosts.equiv on each follower node by the root user:


where <netgroup> is the name of a netgroup to which users of Ansys CFX belong. A detailed description of how to configure NIS is beyond the scope of this manual. See your system documentation for more information about NIS.

2.3.4. Individual User Setup for rsh

An individual user can create a file called .rhosts in their home directory on each follower containing a line:

<leader> <user>

where <leader> is the hostname of the leader and <user> is the user’s username on the leader. This file should be made readable only by the user, for example, by running:

chmod 600 ~/.rhosts 

2.4. Using Intel MPI (Message Passing Interface Library)

Most Linux systems support the Intel MPI run mode. Intel MPI is the preferred parallel run mode on most of the supported Ansys CFX platforms.

Intel MPI supports several network fabrics including:

  • Shared memory, typically used for intra-host communication.

  • DAPL-capable network fabrics, such as Infiniband, iWarp, Dolphin and XPMEM (through DAPL).

  • TCP/IP-capable network fabrics, such as Ethernet and InfiniBand (through IPoIB).

  • TMI-capable network fabrics including Qlogic and Myrianet (through Tag Matching Interface).

  • OFA-capable network fabrics including InfiniBand (through OFED verbs).

Intel MPI is automatically installed with Ansys CFX in the <CFXROOT>/../commonfiles/ directory. You do not need a license from Intel to run the Ansys CFX-Solver using Intel MPI.

Intel MPI run modes are selected in the Ansys CFX-Solver Manager or on the command line (using the -start-method command line option) using the "Intel MPI Local Parallel" or "Intel MPI Distributed Parallel" start method options.

2.4.1. Environment Variables

In most cases, the default settings are sufficient and it may not be necessary to set any environment variables.

Ansys CFX uses the environment variable CFX5_IMPI_DIR to select which Intel MPI installation is used. The default setting points to the version that is automatically installed by Ansys CFX in the <CFXROOT>/../commonfiles/MPI/Intel directory. You can use cfx5info -v to find the current settings for CFX5_IMPI_DIR and other environment variables. If you want to use a different Intel MPI version, you can install that version in an alternative location and set CFX5_IMPI_DIR to that location.

There are several environment variables that can be used to control Intel MPI that may provide additional flexibility that is not directly accessible through the Ansys CFX start-up scripts. For example, environment variables are available for network fabric selection (discussed briefly below), process pinning control, and collective operation control.

Any of these environment variables can be set by modifying the start command in the etc/start-methods.ccl file and using the Intel MPI options -env and/or -genv (an example of this usage is given in the section on network fabric selection). More detail on all options and environment variables is available in the Intel MPI documentation.

Some useful environment variables include those described below. If these environment variables are set, the start-up scripts automatically set them for your Ansys CFX runs.


Specifies which method is used by Intel MPI to spawn jobs on remote machines. The Intel MPI default is ssh. However, by default the Ansys CFX software sets this to be the same as the setting used for CFX5RSH, and rsh if CFX5RSH is not set. This variable is applicable only to Linux.


Specifies the network fabrics to be used and the order in which Intel MPI searches for them.


Specifies the network interface, for example "eth0".

2.4.2. Network Fabric Selection

Intel MPI start methods use the default network fabric selection built into Intel MPI. The default order in which Intel MPI checks for fabrics is DAPL, OFA, TCP, TMI. The environment variable I_MPI_FABRICS_LIST controls the search order used by Intel MPI.

If you want to force selection of a specific network fabric, then you can either set the I_MPI_FABRICS environment variable or modify the start command in the etc/start-methods.ccl file and add the necessary command line flags (for example: -env IMPI_FABRICS shm:dapl to select the combination of shared memory and DAPL fabrics).

The following table shows how Intel MPI searches for drivers for the various network fabrics:

Interconnect1st attempt2nd attempt
DAPLEnvironment variable I_MPI_DAT_LIBRARYlibdat.so or libdat.so.1 for DAPL 1.2 providers and libdat2.so or libdat2.so.1 for DAPL 1.2 providers
TMIEnvironment variable I_MPI_TMI_LIBRARY libtmi.so
OFAEnvironment variable I_MPI_OFA_LIBRARYlibibverbs.so

For example, Intel MPI expects that the DAT shared library for the DAPL network fabric is located either in the default library search path or in a specific location if a full path is specified. If the shared library cannot be found, Intel MPI will not take advantage of the DAPL network fabric. To fix this, you will have to install the shared libraries into the correct location or set the environment variable I_MPI_DAT_LIBRARY to point to the correct DAT shared library.

There are other environment variables not documented here that provide further control over network fabric selection. These are described in the Intel MPI documentation.

2.5. Using Cray MPI (Message Passing Interface Library)

The Ansys CFX-Solver supports Cray’s native implementation of MPI on the Cray Linux Environment (CLE) using the start method ‘Cray MPI Distributed Parallel’.

Cray MPI is closely integrated with the batch queuing system and interconnects used on Cray systems.

Cray MPI is the recommended method of running on Cray systems, as opposed to using Cluster Compatibility Mode (CCM) with a different MPI.

When starting a solver run, the Cray MPI start method may be specified on the command line using the option: -start-method “Cray MPI Distributed Parallel”, having reserved the required processing elements via the built-in batch queuing system.

2.5.1. Cray MPI Options

The aprun command, which can be modified, is used by the start method to launch the job. Other options available from Cray are described in the documentation for aprun.

Note that numa node memory containment is enforced, using the -ss option. The default method used by Cray MPI to allocate processes to CPU cores is appropriate when all cores are used. However, if it is intended that each host is only partly utilized (for example, because of the memory requirements of the run), this can result in asymmetric utilization. In such cases, the -S option can be used to limit the number of processes per numa node. For example, -S 4 would limit the number of processes per numa node to 4.