2.2. Additional Library Details

Ansys Workbench  —  If you are running Ansys Workbench using the KDE desktop environment, set the focus stealing prevention level to "None" to prevent the project save dialog boxes from appearing behind the application window:

  1. Use the kcontrol command to launch the KDE Control Center.

  2. In the Control Center window, select Desktop> Window Behavior> Advanced.

  3. Change Focus Stealing Prevention Level to None.

  4. Click Apply.

If you are running on KDE 4 or if the kcontrol command does not exist, use System Settings to set the focus stealing prevention setting level to "None":

  1. Use the systemsettings command to launch the System Settings.

  2. In the System Settings window, select General> Window Behavior> Focus.

  3. Change Focus Stealing Prevention Level to None.

  4. Click Apply.

Ansys Mechanical, DesignModeler or Meshing Editor  —  When using Ansys Mechanical, DesignModeler or Meshing Editor on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 platform, you must install the libnsl and libnsl2 system libraries.

Semaphore Limit  —  On some Linux systems, Ansys Workbench reaches a system limit on the number of semaphores in the Linux configuration. In this case, you will see a message similar to the following:

sem_lock->semop->op_op: Invalid argument

sem_unlock->semctl: Invalid argument

To increase the number of semaphores, run the following command as owner or root:

% echo 256 40000 32 32000 > /proc/sys/kernel/sem

This modification takes effect immediately, but is reset at the next reboot. To avoid having the limit reset when rebooting, run the following command as root:

echo "kernel.sem=256 40000 32 32000" >> /etc/sysctl.conf

Mechanical, Meshing, and DesignModeler Applications  —  If you are using a localized operating system (such as French or German), you must set the mwcontrol VisualMainWin control on any machines running these applications in order for these applications to recognize the correct numerical format. Ansys Workbench must already be installed before setting this control.

First, you need to ensure that the /v242/aisol/WBMWRegistry/ directory has write permissions. From the /v242/aisol/ directory, issue the following command:

chmod -R 777 WBMWRegistry/

Then, use the following procedure to set mwcontrol for your locale:

  1. cd to <wb_install directory>/v242/aisol

  2. Issue the following command:

     ./.workbench -cmd mwcontrol
  3. On the MainWin Control Panel, select Regional Settings.

  4. Select the Regional Settings tab.

  5. Change the language in the dropdown to match the language you want to use.

  6. Check the Set as system default locale option.

  7. Click Apply to accept the changes, and then click OK to dismiss the Change Regional Settings notification.

Using Fluent with MPI  —  On some operating systems, the default amount of physical memory that can be pinned/locked by a user application is set to a low value and must be explicitly increased. A value recommended by Intel is 90% of the physical memory. Therefore, the following should be added to the /etc/security/limits.conf file:

* hard memlock unlimited
* soft memlock unlimited

The need for increasing the limits may be indicated by the following error message with Platform MPI:

fluent_mpi.16.0.0: Rank 0:1: MPI_Init: ibv_create_cq() failed
fluent_mpi.16.0.0: Rank 0:1: MPI_Init: Can't initialize RDMA device
fluent_mpi.16.0.0: Rank 0:1: MPI_Init: MPI BUG: Cannot initialize RDMA protocol
libibverbs: Warning: RLIMIT_MEMLOCK is 32768 bytes.
This will severely limit memory registrations

When Fluent is launched by a scheduler (like PBSPro, SGE, etc.), these limits may be reset by the scheduler. You may check running the "limit" command within and without the scheduler to compare. Any differences indicate the issue above.

If you use PBSPro, add ulimit -l unlimited directly in the pbs_mom startup script, and let PBS reload the pbs_mom.

If you use SGE, you must change the startup script /etc/init.d/sgeexecd to include the ulimit -l unlimited command as shown in the following example:

-- BEGIN --
if [ "$startup" = true ]; then
# execution daemon is started on this host!
echo " starting SGE_execd"
exec 1>/dev/null 2>&1
ulimit -l unlimited
-- END --

Once this modification is in place, restart SGE to set the correct memory limits on the SGE daemon and any invoked processes.

Using Mechanical APDL with MPI  —  On some operating systems, the default amount of physical memory that can be pinned/locked by a user application is set to a low value and must be explicitly increased. A value recommended by Intel is 90% of the physical memory. Therefore, the following should be added to the /etc/security/limits.conf file:

* hard memlock unlimited
* soft memlock unlimited

This behavior has been observed on Intel MPI 4.1.3, but might also occur on Platform MPI

System Libraries  —  On 64-bit Linux (linx64) systems, the Ansys Release 2024 R2 executable is looking for system libraries that do not have revision numbers appended to the end of their file names. On some SUSE systems, the graphics libraries all have revision numbers appended to the end of the library filenames. In these cases, Ansys quits because the loader cannot find all of the libraries that it is looking for. When running Ansys Release 2024 R2, the loader will inform you that it is unable to locate a specific library (for example, libXm.so).

To add the missing libraries in the list, install the indicated devel package via yum or zypper as root.

Table 2.33: RHEL

Missing LibraryDevel Package

Table 2.34: SLES

Missing LibraryDevel Package

For Linux, you may need the following:

ln -sf /usr/lib64/libXm.so.4.0.0 /usr/lib64/libXm.so.3 

The revision numbers appended to the filenames on the left may be different on your system.

Intel Linux

Ansys was built and tested on Red Hat using the compilers as noted in Table 2.35: Compiler Requirements for All Linux Versions.

For Ansys Workbench and Ansys Autodyn, you may need to increase the stack size. We recommend setting it to 1 GB. Add the following to your configuration file:

For the Bourne (bash) shell:

ulimit -s 1024000

For the C (csh) shell:

limit stacksize 1024000

Other shells may have different settings. Refer to your shell documentation for specific details.