9.2. Installation Troubleshooting - Graphics

The items listed below apply to issue relating to graphics cards and drivers.

9.2.1. DesignModeler and Mechanical APDL Crash When Using the Latest AMD Graphics Drivers

With the AMD 18.Q1 graphics driver two issues have been discovered:

  • Launching DesignModeler causes a libgl error to output in the terminal. Immediately after this error the Ansys application crashes and forces you back to the login screen.

  • Importing a geometry file into a static structural system shows a green check mark, but upon launching Mechanical APDL the Ansys application crashes and forces you back to the login screen.

AMD is aware of this issue and plans to address the problem.

If you experience either issue, perform the following work-around suggested by AMD.

Issue the following commands:

ln -sf /opt/amdgpu-pro/lib64/libGL.so.1.2 /usr/lib64/libGL.so.1

ln -sf /opt/amdgpu-pro/lib64/libGL.so.1.2 /usr/lib64/libGL.so