Changes element types to their corresponding types.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Converts the element types to the corresponding type. Valid labels are:



Thermal to Structural



Structural to Thermal



Magnetic to Thermal



Fluid to Structural



Electrostatic to Structural



Electrical to Thermal


Changes the currently defined element types to their corresponding types. Elements without a companion element (listed above) are not switched and should be switched with the ET command to an appropriate element type or to a null element. The KEYOPT values for the switched element types are reset to zero or to their default values. You must check these values to see if they are still meaningful. Additionally, if Cnv = ETI, ITE, or TTE, all real constants are set to zero.

If Cnv = ITE, you will need to choose a material model that corresponds to your previously-defined material properties. If working interactively, the application prompts you to do so.

Element Pairs

TTS -- Thermal to Structural
67 > 42
69 > 45
70 > 185
71 > 21
STT -- Structural to Thermal
21 > 71
25 > 75
42 > 55
45 > 70
56 > 55
58 > 70
62 > 70
64 > 70
73 > 70
74 > 77
82 > 77
83 > 78
84 > 55/77
86 > 70
88 > 77
89 > 90
91 > 132
92 > 87
93 > 132
95 > 90
106 > 55
107 > 70
108 > 77
153 > 151
MTT -- Magnetic to Thermal
233 > 77
62 > 70
96 > 70
ETS -- Electrostatic to Structural
ETT -- Electrical to Thermal

Menu Paths

Main Menu>Preprocessor>Element Type>Switch Elem Type