Chapter 4: Element Support for Material Models

Following is a list of element types that support various material constitutive properties. To take advantage of the many material properties available, use current-technology elements in your analysis.

Material models are specified via the TB,Lab command, where Lab represents the material model label (shortcut name). For more information about each material model, see the Material Reference.

For a list of material models and the elements that support them, see Material Model Support for Elements in the Material Reference.

ElementDescription Supported Material Properties
SOLID5 (legacy)3D Coupled-Field SolidAnisotropic elasticity, Magnetic, Piezoelectric matrix
FLUID30 3D Acoustic FluidPerforated Media
SOLID96 3D Magnetic Scalar SolidMagnetic
SOLID98 (legacy)Tetrahedral Coupled-Field SolidAnisotropic elasticity, Magnetic, Piezoelectric matrix
FLUID116 Coupled Thermal-Fluid PipeState variables (user-defined), User-defined (KEYOPT(1) = 1)
CONTA172 2D 3-Node Surface-to-Surface ContactCohesive zone, Coefficient of friction, User-defined friction, Contact interaction, Contact surface wear

Orthotropic friction (TB,FRIC,,,,ORTHO) is not applicable to the 2D contact element CONTA172.

Contact surface wear is not available for CONTA177.

CONTA174 3D 8-Node Surface-to-Surface Contact
CONTA175 2D/3D Node-to-Surface Contact
CONTA177 3D Line-to-Surface Contact


3D Node-to-Node Contact

Coefficient of friction, User-defined friction, Contact interaction

Orthotropic friction (TB,FRIC,,,,ORTHO) is not applicable to CONTA178.

Contact interaction for general contact definitions does not apply to CONTA178.

LINK180 3D Spar (or Truss)Bilinear isotropic hardening, Bilinear kinematic hardening, Chaboche nonlinear kinematic hardening, Creep (implicit and explicit), Coefficient of thermal expansion, Damage evolution law, Damage initiation criteria, Density, Elasticity, Hill anisotropy, Prony series constants for viscoelastic materials, Rate-dependent plasticity (viscoplasticity), Rate-independent plasticity, Shift function for viscoelastic materials, State variables (user-defined), Three-network model, User-defined, Voce isotropic hardening law
SHELL181 4-Node Structural ShellAnisotropic hyperelasticity, Anisotropic elasticity, Bergstrom-Boyce, Bilinear isotropic hardening, Bilinear kinematic hardening, Coefficient of thermal expansion, Mullins effect, Chaboche nonlinear kinematic hardening, Creep (implicit and explicit), Damage evolution law, Damage initiation criteria, Density, Ductile damage, Elasticity, Hill anisotropy, Hyperelasticity, Material-dependent alpha and beta damping (Rayleigh Damping), Material-dependent structural damping, Prony series constants for viscoelastic materials, Rate-dependent plasticity (viscoplasticity), Rate-independent plasticity, Shape memory alloy (SMA), Shift function for viscoelastic materials, State variables (user-defined), Swelling, Three-network model, User-defined, Voce isotropic hardening law
PLANE182 2D 4-Node Structural SolidAnisotropic hyperelasticity, Anisotropic elasticity, Bergstrom-Boyce, Bilinear isotropic hardening, Bilinear kinematic hardening, Cam-clay, Cast iron, Mullins effect, Crack growth fracture criterion, Chaboche nonlinear kinematic hardening, Creep (implicit and explicit), Coefficient of thermal expansion, Damage evolution law, Damage initiation criteria, Density, Drucker-Prager concrete, Menetrey-Willam, Ductile damage, Elasticity, Extended Drucker-Prager, Finite-strain plasticity (plane strain or axisymmetric), Gurson pressure-dependent plasticity, Hill anisotropy, Hyperelasticity, Jointed rock, Material-dependent alpha and beta damping (Rayleigh damping), Material-dependent structural damping, Microplane (nonregularized elastic damage only), Mohr-Coulomb, Multilinear elasticity (plane strain or axisymmetric), Porous elasticity, Prony series constants for viscoelastic materials, Ramberg-Osgood (plane strain or axisymmetric), Rate-dependent plasticity (viscoplasticity), Rate-independent plasticity, Shift function for viscoelastic materials, Shape memory alloy, State variables (user-defined), Swelling, Three-network model, Uniaxial stress-strain relation, User-defined, Voce isotropic hardening law
PLANE183 2D 8-Node or 6-Node Structural Solid
MPC184 Multipoint ConstraintJoint (linear and nonlinear elastic stiffness, linear and nonlinear damping, and frictional behavior)
SOLID185 3D 8-Node Structural SolidAnisotropic hyperelasticity, Anisotropic elasticity, Bergstrom-Boyce, Bilinear isotropic hardening, Bilinear kinematic hardening, Cam-clay, Cast iron, Mullins effect, Crack growth fracture criterion, Chaboche nonlinear kinematic hardening, Creep (implicit and explicit), Coefficient of thermal expansion, Crystal plasticity, Damage evolution law, Damage initiation criteria, Density, Drucker-Prager concrete, Menetrey-Willam, Ductile damage, Elasticity, Extended Drucker-Prager, Finite-strain plasticity, Gurson pressure-dependent plasticity, Hill anisotropy, Hyperelasticity, Jointed rock, Material-dependent alpha and beta damping (Rayleigh damping), Material-dependent structural damping, Microplane (nonregularized elastic damage only), Mohr-Coulomb, Multilinear elasticity, Porous elasticity, Prony series constants for viscoelastic materials, Ramberg-Osgood, Rate-dependent plasticity (viscoplasticity), Rate-independent plasticity, Shift function for viscoelastic materials, Shape memory alloy, State variables (user-defined), Swelling, Three-network model, Uniaxial stress-strain relation, User-defined, Voce isotropic hardening law
SOLID186 3D 20-Node Structural SolidAnisotropic hyperelasticity, Anisotropic elasticity, Bergstrom-Boyce, Bilinear isotropic hardening, Bilinear kinematic hardening, Cast iron, Mullins effect, Cam-clay, Chaboche nonlinear kinematic hardening, Creep (implicit and explicit), Coefficient of thermal expansion, Crystal plasticity, Damage evolution law, Damage initiation criteria, Density, Drucker-Prager concrete, Menetrey-Willam, Ductile damage, Elasticity, Extended Drucker-Prager, Finite-strain plasticity, Gurson pressure-dependent plasticity, Hill anisotropy, Hyperelasticity, Jointed rock, Material-dependent alpha and beta damping (Rayleigh damping), Material-dependent structural damping, Microplane (nonregularized elastic damage only), Mohr-Coulomb, Multilinear elasticity, Porous elasticity,Porous elasticity, Prony series constants for viscoelastic materials, Ramberg-Osgood, Rate-dependent plasticity (viscoplasticity), Rate-independent plasticity, Shift function for viscoelastic materials, Shape memory alloy, State variables (user-defined), Swelling, Uniaxial stress-strain relation, Three-network model, User-defined, Voce isotropic hardening law
SOLID187 3D 10-Node Tetrahedral Structural Solid
BEAM188 3D 2-Node BeamBilinear isotropic hardening, Bilinear kinematic hardening, Chaboche nonlinear kinematic hardening, Creep (implicit only), Coefficient of thermal expansion, Damage evolution law, Damage initiation criteria, Density, Elasticity, Hill anisotropy, Prony series constants for viscoelastic materials, Rate-dependent plasticity (viscoplasticity), Rate-independent plasticity, Shift function for viscoelastic materials, Shape memory alloy (SMA), State variables (user-defined), User-defined, Voce isotropic hardening law
BEAM189 3D 3-Node Beam
SOLSH190 3D 8-Node Structural Solid ShellAnisotropic elasticity, Bergstrom-Boyce, Bilinear isotropic hardening, Bilinear kinematic hardening, Cast iron, Mullins effect, Chaboche nonlinear kinematic hardening, Creep (implicit only), Coefficient of thermal expansion, Damage evolution law, Damage initiation criteria, Density, Ductile damage, Extended Drucker-Prager, Finite-strain plasticity, Elasticity, Gurson pressure-dependent plasticity, Hill anisotropy, Hyperelasticity, Material-dependent alpha and beta damping (Rayleigh damping), Material-dependent structural damping, Multilinear elasticity, Prony series constants for viscoelastic materials, Ramberg-Osgood, Rate-dependent plasticity (viscoplasticity), Rate-independent plasticity, Shift function for viscoelastic materials, Shape memory alloy, State variables (user-defined), Swelling, Three-network model, Uniaxial stress-strain relation, User-defined, Voce isotropic hardening law
INTER192 2D 4-Node Gasket Gasket
INTER193 2D 6-Node Gasket
INTER194 3D 16-Node Gasket

Gasket Joint Behavior (KEYOPT(2) = 0 or 1):

Thin-Solid Element Behavior (KEYOPT(2) = 2 or 3):

Coefficient of thermal expansion, Density, Elasticity

Thin-Solid Element Behavior with membrane and transverse shear stiffness (KEYOPT(2) = 2):

INTER195 3D 8-Node Gasket
INTER202 2D 4-Node Cohesive Cohesive zone
INTER203 2D 6-Node Cohesive
INTER204 3D 16-Node Cohesive
INTER205 3D 8-Node Cohesive
SHELL208 2-Node Axisymmetric ShellAnisotropic hyperelasticity, Anisotropic elasticity, Bergstrom-Boyce, Bilinear isotropic hardening, Bilinear kinematic hardening, Mullins effect, Chaboche nonlinear kinematic hardening, Creep (implicit only), Coefficient of thermal expansion, Damage evolution law, Damage initiation criteria, Density, Ductile damage, Elasticity, Hill anisotropy, Hyperelasticity, Material-dependent alpha and beta damping (Rayleigh damping), Material-dependent structural damping, Prony series constants for viscoelastic materials, Rate-dependent plasticity (viscoplasticity), Rate-independent plasticity, Shift function for viscoelastic materials, Shape memory alloy (SMA), State variables (user-defined), Three-network model, User-defined, Voce isotropic hardening law
SHELL209 3-Node Axisymmetric ShellAnisotropic hyperelasticity, Anisotropic elasticity, Bergstrom-Boyce, Bilinear isotropic hardening, Bilinear kinematic hardening, Mullins effect, Chaboche nonlinear kinematic hardening, Creep (implicit only), Coefficient of thermal expansion, Damage evolution law, Damage initiation criteria, Density, Ductile damage, Elasticity, Hill anisotropy, Hyperelasticity, Material-dependent alpha and beta damping (Rayleigh damping), Material-dependent structural damping, Prony series constants for viscoelastic materials, Rate-dependent plasticity (viscoplasticity), Rate-independent plasticity, Shift function for viscoelastic materials, Shape memory alloy (SMA), State variables (user-defined), Three-network model, User-defined, Voce isotropic hardening law
CPT212 2D 4-Node Coupled Pore-Pressure-Thermal Mechanical SolidAnisotropic hyperelasticity, Bilinear isotropic hardening, Cam-clay, Cast iron, Chaboche nonlinear kinematic hardening, Coupled Pore-Fluid Diffusion and Structural Model of Porous Media, Density, Menetrey-Willam, Elasticity, Extended Drucker-Prager, Finite-strain plasticity (2D elements are limited to plane strain or axisymmetric conditions), Gurson pressure-dependent plasticity, Hyperelasticity, Jointed rock, Microplane, Mohr-Coulomb, Multilinear isotropic hardening, Nonlinear isotropic hardening, Anisotropic damage, Generalized damage, Ductile damage, Porous elasticity, Thermal, Coefficient of thermal expansion, Three-network model
CPT213 2D 8-Node Coupled Pore-Pressure-Thermal Mechanical Solid
CPT215 3D 8-Node Coupled Pore-Pressure-Thermal Mechanical Solid
CPT216 3D 20-Node Coupled Pore-Pressure-Thermal Mechanical Solid
CPT217 3D 10-Node Coupled Pore-Pressure-Thermal Mechanical Solid
FLUID220 3D 20-Node Acoustic FluidPerforated Media
FLUID221 3D 10-Node Acoustic Fluid Perforated Media
PLANE222 2D 4-Node Coupled-Field SolidAnisotropic hyperelasticity, Anisotropic elasticity, Anisotropic dielectric loss tangent, Anisotropic elastic loss tangent, Anisotropic viscosity, Anisotropic electric permittivity, Bergstrom-Boyce, Bilinear isotropic hardening, Bilinear kinematic hardening, Cast iron, Chaboche nonlinear kinematic hardening, Creep (implicit only), Ductile damage, Extended Drucker-Prager, Elasticity, Gurson pressure-dependent plasticity, Hill anisotropy, Hyperelasticity, Migration model, Mullins effect, Piezoelectric matrix, Piezoresistivity, Prony series constants for viscoelastic materials, Ramberg-Osgood, Rate-dependent plasticity (viscoplasticity), Rate-independent plasticity, Material-dependent alpha and beta damping (Rayleigh damping), Material-dependent structural damping, Shift function for viscoelastic materials, Shape memory alloy, Three-network model, Uniaxial stress-strain relation, Voce isotropic hardening law
PLANE2232D 8-Node Coupled-Field SolidAnisotropic hyperelasticity, Anisotropic elasticity, Anisotropic dielectric loss tangent, Anisotropic elastic loss tangent, Anisotropic viscosity, Anisotropic electric permittivity Bergstrom-Boyce, Bilinear isotropic hardening, Bilinear kinematic hardening, Cast iron, Chaboche nonlinear kinematic hardening, Creep (implicit only), Ductile damage, Extended Drucker-Prager, Elasticity, Gurson pressure-dependent plasticity, Hill anisotropy, Hyperelasticity, Magnetic, Migration model, Mullins effect, Piezoelectric matrix, Piezoresistivity, Prony series constants for viscoelastic materials, Ramberg-Osgood, Rate-dependent plasticity (viscoplasticity), Rate-independent plasticity, Material-dependent alpha and beta damping (Rayleigh damping), Material-dependent structural damping, Shift function for viscoelastic materials, Shape memory alloy, Three-network model, Uniaxial stress-strain relation, Voce isotropic hardening law
SOLID2253D 8-Node Coupled-Field Solid Anisotropic hyperelasticity, Anisotropic elasticity, Anisotropic dielectric loss tangent, Anisotropic elastic loss tangent, Anisotropic viscosity, Bergstrom-Boyce, Bilinear isotropic hardening, Bilinear kinematic hardening, Cast iron, Chaboche nonlinear kinematic hardening, Creep (implicit only), Ductile damage, Anisotropic electric permittivity, Extended Drucker-Prager, Elasticity, Gurson pressure-dependent plasticity, Hill anisotropy, Hyperelasticity, Migration model, Mullins effect, Piezoelectric matrix, Piezoresistivity, Prony series constants for viscoelastic materials, Ramberg-Osgood, Rate-dependent plasticity (viscoplasticity), Rate-independent plasticity, Material-dependent alpha and beta damping (Rayleigh damping), Material-dependent structural damping, Shift function for viscoelastic materials, Shape memory alloy, Uniaxial stress-strain relation, State variables (user-defined), User-defined (structural and thermal), Voce isotropic hardening law
SOLID226 3D 20-Node Coupled-Field SolidAnisotropic hyperelasticity, Anisotropic elasticity, Anisotropic dielectric loss tangent, Anisotropic elastic loss tangent, Anisotropic viscosity, Bergstrom-Boyce, Bilinear isotropic hardening, Bilinear kinematic hardening, Cast iron, Chaboche nonlinear kinematic hardening, Creep (implicit only), Ductile damage, Anisotropic electric permittivity, Extended Drucker-Prager, Elasticity, Gurson pressure-dependent plasticity, Hill anisotropy, Hyperelasticity, Magnetic, Migration model, Mullins effect, Piezoelectric matrix, Piezoresistivity, Prony series constants for viscoelastic materials, Ramberg-Osgood, Rate-dependent plasticity (viscoplasticity), Rate-independent plasticity, Material-dependent alpha and beta damping (Rayleigh damping), Material-dependent structural damping, Shift function for viscoelastic materials, Shape memory alloy, Uniaxial stress-strain relation, State variables (user-defined), Three-network model, User-defined (structural and thermal), Voce isotropic hardening law
SOLID2273D 10-Node Coupled-Field Solid
PLANE233 2D 8-Node Electromagnetic Solid Magnetic
SOLID2363D 20-Node Electromagnetic Solid
SOLID237 3D 10-Node Electromagnetic Solid
HSFLD241 2D Hydrostatic Fluid Fluid
HSFLD242 3D Hydrostatic Fluid
FLUID243 2D 4-node Acoustic Fluid Perforated Media
FLUID244 2D 8-node Acoustic Fluid
REINF2632D Smeared ReinforcingAnisotropic hyperelasticity, Anisotropic elasticity, Bergstrom-Boyce, Bilinear isotropic hardening, Bilinear kinematic hardening, Chaboche nonlinear kinematic hardening, Creep (implicit only), Coefficient of thermal expansion, Density, Damage evolution law (MPDG and CDM options), Damage initiation criteria, Elasticity, Hill anisotropy, Hyperelasticity, Mullins effect, Prony series constants for viscoelastic materials, Rate-dependent plasticity (viscoplasticity), Rate-independent plasticity, Shape memory alloy, Shift function for viscoelastic materials, State variables (user-defined), Three-network model, User-defined, Voce isotropic hardening law
REINF264 3D Discrete Reinforcing

Structural Properties: Bilinear isotropic hardening, Bilinear kinematic hardening, Chaboche nonlinear kinematic hardening, Creep (implicit only), Coefficient of thermal expansion, Damage evolution law (MPDG option only), Damage initiation criteria, Density, Elasticity, Hill anisotropy, Prony series constants for viscoelastic materials, Rate-dependent plasticity (viscoplasticity), Rate-independent plasticity, Shift function for viscoelastic materials, State variables (user-defined), User-defined, Voce isotropic hardening law

Thermal Properties: State variables (user-defined), User-defined

REINF265 3D Smeared Reinforcing

Structural Properties: Anisotropic hyperelasticity, Anisotropic elasticity, Bergstrom-Boyce, Bilinear isotropic hardening, Bilinear kinematic hardening, Chaboche nonlinear kinematic hardening, Creep (implicit only), Coefficient of thermal expansion, Density, Damage evolution law (MPDG and CDM options), Damage initiation criteria, Elasticity, Hill anisotropy, Hyperelasticity, Mullins effect, Prony series constants for viscoelastic materials, Rate-dependent plasticity (viscoplasticity), Rate-independent plasticity, Shape memory alloy, Shift function for viscoelastic materials, State variables (user-defined), Three-network model, User-defined, Voce isotropic hardening law

Thermal Properties: State variables (user-defined), User-defined

SOLID272 General Axisymmetric Solid with 4 Base NodesAnisotropic hyperelasticity, Anisotropic elasticity, Bergstrom-Boyce, Bilinear isotropic hardening, Bilinear kinematic hardening, Cast iron, Mullins effect, Chaboche nonlinear kinematic hardening, Creep (implicit only), Coefficient of thermal expansion, Damage evolution law, Damage-initiation criteria, Ductile damage, Extended Drucker-Prager, Multilinear elasticity, Ramberg-Osgood, Shape memory alloy (SMA), Three-network model
SOLID273 General Axisymmetric Solid with 8 Base Nodes
SOLID278 3D 8-Node Thermal SolidThermal properties, State variables (user-defined), User-defined
SOLID279 3D 20-Node Thermal Solid
CABLE2803D 3-Node CableBilinear isotropic hardening, Bilinear kinematic hardening, Chaboche nonlinear kinematic hardening, Creep (implicit only), Coefficient of thermal expansion, Damage evolution law, Damage initiation criteria, Density, Elasticity, Hill anisotropy, Prony series constants for viscoelastic materials, Rate-dependent plasticity (viscoplasticity), Rate-independent plasticity, Shift function for viscoelastic materials, State variables (user-defined), Voce isotropic hardening law
SHELL281 8-Node Structural ShellAnisotropic hyperelasticity, Anisotropic elasticity, Bergstrom-Boyce, Bilinear isotropic hardening, Bilinear kinematic hardening, Mullins effect, Chaboche nonlinear kinematic hardening, Creep (implicit and explicit), Coefficient of thermal expansion, Damage evolution law, Damage initiation criteria, Density, Ductile damage, Elasticity, Hill anisotropy, Hyperelasticity, Material-dependent alpha and beta damping (Rayleigh damping), Material-dependent structural damping, Prony series constants for viscoelastic materials, Rate-dependent plasticity (viscoplasticity), Rate-independent plasticity, Shift function for viscoelastic materials, Shape memory alloy (SMA), State variables (user-defined), Swelling, Three-network model, User-defined, Voce isotropic hardening law
SOLID285 3D 4-Node Tetrahedral Structural Solid with Nodal PressuresAnisotropic hyperelasticity, Anisotropic elasticity, Bergstrom-Boyce, Bilinear isotropic hardening, Bilinear kinematic hardening, Cast iron, Mullins effect, Chaboche nonlinear kinematic hardening, Creep (implicit and explicit), Coefficient of thermal expansion, Crystal plasticity, Damage evolution law, Damage initiation criteria, Density, Ductile damage, Extended Drucker-Prager, Finite-strain plasticity (plane strain or axisymmetric), Elasticity, Hill anisotropy, Hyperelasticity, Material-dependent alpha and beta damping (Rayleigh damping), Material-dependent structural damping, Multilinear elasticity, Prony series constants for viscoelastic materials, Ramberg-Osgood, Rate-dependent plasticity (viscoplasticity), Rate-independent plasticity, Shift function for viscoelastic materials, Shape memory alloy, State variables (user-defined), Swelling, Uniaxial stress-strain relation, Three-network model, User-defined, Voce isotropic hardening law
PIPE288 3D 2-Node PipeAnisotropic hyperelasticity, Anisotropic elasticity, Bergstrom-Boyce, Bilinear isotropic hardening, Bilinear kinematic hardening, Cast iron, Mullins effect, Chaboche nonlinear kinematic hardening, Creep (implicit only), Coefficient of thermal expansion, Damage evolution law, Damage initiation criteria, Density, Ductile damage, Extended Drucker-Prager, Elasticity, Hill anisotropy, Hyperelasticity, Multilinear elasticity, Prony series constants for viscoelastic materials, Ramberg-Osgood, Rate-dependent plasticity (viscoplasticity), Rate-independent plasticity, Shift function for viscoelastic materials, Shape memory alloy (SMA), State variables (user-defined), Three-network model, User-defined, Voce isotropic hardening law
PIPE289 3D 3-Node Pipe
ELBOW290 3D 3-Node ElbowAnisotropic hyperelasticity, Anisotropic elasticity, Bergstrom-Boyce, Bilinear isotropic hardening, Bilinear kinematic hardening, Mullins effect, Chaboche nonlinear kinematic hardening, Creep (implicit only), Coefficient of thermal expansion, Damage evolution law, Damage initiation criteria, Density, Extended Drucker-Prager, Elasticity, Hill anisotropy, Hyperelasticity, Prony series constants for viscoelastic materials, Rate-dependent plasticity (viscoplasticity), Rate-independent plasticity, Material structural damping, Shift function for viscoelastic materials, State variables (user-defined), Three-network model, User-defined, Voce isotropic hardening law
SOLID2913D 10-Node Tetrahedral Thermal SolidThermal properties, State variables (user-defined), User-defined
PLANE2922D 4-Node Thermal SolidThermal properties, State variables (user-defined), User-defined
PLANE2932D 8-Node Thermal SolidThermal properties, State variables (user-defined), User-defined
SHELL2944-Node Thermal ShellThermal properties, State variables (user-defined), User-defined