Cohesive zone materials can be used with interface elements
) and contact elements (CONTAnnn
), as described here:
- 4.21.1. Exponential Cohesive Zone Material for Interface Elements and Contact Elements
- 4.21.2. Bilinear Cohesive Zone Material for Interface Elements and Contact Elements
- 4.21.3. Exponential Cohesive Zone Material for Preventing Surface Penetration
- 4.21.4. Rigid Exponential Cohesive Zone Material for Interface Elements
- 4.21.5. Friction in Cohesive Zone Material for Interface Elements
- 4.21.6. Linear Cohesive Zone Material for Preventing Surface Penetration
- 4.21.7. Viscous Regularization of Cohesive Zone Material for Interface Elements and Contact Elements
- 4.21.8. Cohesive Zone Material for Contact Elements
- 4.21.9. Post-Debonding Behavior at the Contact Interface
Also see Element Support for Material Models and Material Model Support for Elements for this material model.
For more information about cohesive zone materials, see Cohesive Zone Material (CZM) Model in the Theory Reference and Subroutine userCZM (Creating Your Own Cohesive Zone Material) in the Programmer's Reference. For example problems that include cohesive zone materials see:
Interface elements and contact elements allow exponential cohesive zone materials to be used for simulating interface delamination and other fracture phenomena. To define exponential material behavior, define the material data table (TB,CZM,,,,EXPO), then specify the following material constants (TBDATA):
Constant | Meaning | Property |
C1 | σmax | Maximum normal traction at the interface |
C2 | δn | Normal separation across the interface where the maximum normal traction is attained |
C3 | δt | Shear separation where the maximum shear traction is attained |
To define a temperature-dependent material, issue TBTEMP as shown in this input example:
TB,CZM,1,2,,EXPO ! Activate exponential material model TBTEMP,100.0 ! Define first temperature TBDATA,1,σmax,δn,δt ! Define material constants at temp 100.0 TBTEMP,200.0 ! Define second temperature TBDATA,1,σmax,δn,δt ! Define material constants at temp 200.0
Interface elements and contact elements allow bilinear cohesive zone materials to be used for simulating interface delamination and other fracture phenomena. To define bilinear material behavior, define the material data table (TB,CZM,,,,BILI), then specify the following material constants (TBDATA):
Constant | Meaning | Property |
C1 | σmax | Maximum normal traction |
C2 |
| Normal displacement jump at the completion of debonding |
C3 | τmax | Maximum tangential traction |
C4 |
| Tangential displacement jump at the completion of debonding |
C5 | α | Ratio of |
C6[a] | β | Non-dimensional weighting parameter |
[a] C6 must be the constant at all temperatures.
To define a temperature-dependent material, issue TBTEMP as shown in this input example:
TB,CZM,1,2,,BILI ! Activate bilinear CZM material model TBTEMP,100.0 ! Define first temperature ! Define Mode I dominated material constants at temp 100.0: !TBDATA,1,σmax,,-τmax,
,α ! TBTEMP,200.0 ! Define second temperature ! Define Mode I dominated material constants at temp 200.0: TBDATA,1,σmax,
Debonding Interface Modes
Three modes of interface debonding make up bilinear CZM law:
Case | Input on the TBDATA command as follows: |
Mode I Dominated |
C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 (where C3 = -τmax) |
Mode II Dominated |
C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 (where C1 = -σmax) |
Mixed-Mode |
C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6 (where C1 = σmax and C3 = τmax) |
To define exponential material behavior for preventing surface penetration in SMART crack-growth simulation, define the material data table (TB,CZM,,,,CEXP), then specify the following material constants (TBDATA):
Constant | Meaning | Property |
C1 | σn | Material constant with a value equivalent to the maximum normal traction at the interface in the standard EXPO model |
C2 | δn | Material constant with a value equivalent to the normal separation in the standard EXPO model |
To define a temperature-dependent material, issue TBTEMP as shown in this input example:
TB,CZM,1,2,,CEXP ! Activate exponential material model TBTEMP,100.0 ! Define first temperature TBDATA,1,σn,δn ! Define material constants at temp 100.0 TBTEMP,200.0 ! Define second temperature TBDATA,1,σn,δn ! Define material constants at temp 200.0
For more information, see:
Interface elements enable rigid exponential cohesive zone materials to be used for simulating interface delamination and other fracture phenomena.
To define rigid exponential material behavior, define the material data table (TB,CZM,,,,REXP), then specify the following material constants (TBDATA):
Constant | Meaning | Property |
C1 | σmax | Maximum normal traction at the interface |
C2 | δcn | Normal separation across the interface where the maximum normal traction is attained |
C3 | δct | Shear separation where the maximum shear traction is attained |
To define a temperature-dependent material, issue TBTEMP as shown in this input example:
TB,CZM,1,2,,EXPO ! Activate exponential material model TBTEMP,100.0 ! Define first temperature TBDATA,1,σmax,δcn,δct ! Define material constants at temp 100.0 TBTEMP,200.0 ! Define second temperature TBDATA,1,σmax,δcn,δct ! Define material constants at temp 200.0
For more information, see Material Model – Rigid Exponential Behavior in the Theory Reference.
Interface elements enable frictional cohesive zone materials to be used for simulating interface delamination and other fracture phenomena. To define friction behavior, define the material data table (TB,CZM,,,,FRIC), then specify the following material constants (TBDATA):
Constant | Meaning | Property |
C1 | µ | Coefficient of friction for isotropic friction |
C2 | b | Constant cohesion |
C3 | Kt | Penalty stiffness for sticking |
C4 | τmax | Maximum equivalent frictional stress τmax, where regardless of the magnitude of the contact pressure, sliding occurs if the magnitude of the equivalent frictional stress reaches this value. |
To define a temperature-dependent material, issue TBTEMP as shown in this input example:
TB,CZM,1,2,,FRIC ! Activate exponential material model TBTEMP,100.0 ! Define first temperature TBDATA,1, µ, b, Kt,τmax ! Define material constants at temp 100.0 TBTEMP,200.0 ! Define second temperature TBDATA,1, µ, b, Kt,τmax ! Define material constants at temp 200.0
For more information, see Material Model – Frictional Behavior in the Theory Reference.
To define linear material behavior for preventing surface penetration in SMART crack-growth simulation, define the material data table (TB,CZM,,,,CLIN), then specify the following material constant (TBDATA):
Constant | Meaning | Property |
C1 | K | Penalty slope |
To define a temperature-dependent material, issue TBTEMP as shown in this input example:
TB,CZM,1,2,,CLIN ! Activate linear material model TBTEMP,100.0 ! Define first temperature TBDATA,1,K1 ! Define material constants at temp 100.0 TBTEMP,200.0 ! Define second temperature TBDATA,1,K2 ! Define material constants at temp 200.0
For more information, see:
Interface elements and contact elements allow viscous regularization
to be used for stabilizing interface delamination. Viscous regularization
is valid with the exponential cohesive
zone material model (TBOPT
= EXPO) and the bilinear cohesive zone material
model (TBOPT
= BILI).
To define viscous regularization parameters, issue TB,CZM,,,,VREG, then specify the following material constant (TBDATA):
Constant | Meaning | Property |
C1 | ζ | Damping coefficient |
To define a temperature-dependent material, issue TBTEMP as shown in this input example:
TBTEMP,100.0 ! Define first temperature TBDATA,1,c1 ! Define damping coefficient at temp 100.0 TBTEMP,200.0 ! Define second temperature TBDATA,1,c1 ! Define damping coefficient at temp 200.0
For more information, see Viscous Regularization in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference.
To model interface delamination, also known as debonding, the contact elements support an additional cohesive zone material model with bilinear behavior. This model allows two ways to specify material data.
Bilinear Material Behavior with Tractions and Separation Distances
To define bilinear material behavior with tractions and separation distances, issue the TB,CZM,,,,CBDD command, then specify the following material constants via the TBDATA command:
Constant | Meaning | Property |
C1 | σmax | Maximum normal contact stress[a] |
C2 |
| Contact gap at the completion of debonding |
C3 | τmax | Maximum equivalent tangential contact stress[a] |
C4 |
| Tangential slip at the completion of debonding |
C5 | η | Artificial damping coefficient |
C6 | β | Flag for tangential slip under compressive normal contact stress; must be 0 (off) or 1 (on) |
C7 | α | Power law exponent for mixed-mode debonding (default = 2) |
To define a temperature-dependent material, issue TBTEMP as shown in this input example:
TB,CZM,1,2,,CBDD ! Activate bilinear material model with tractions ! and separation distances TBTEMP,100.0 ! Define first temperature TBDATA,1,σmax,,τmax,
,η,β ! Define material constants at temp 100.0 TBDATA,7,α TBTEMP,200.0 ! Define second temperature TBDATA,1,σmax,
,η,β ! Define material constants at temp 200.0 TBDATA,7,α
Bilinear Material Behavior with Tractions and Critical Fracture Energies
Issue TB,CZM with
= CBDE to define bilinear material
behavior with tractions and critical fracture energies, then specify the
following material constants (TBDATA).
Constant | Meaning | Property |
C1 | σmax | Maximum normal contact stress[a] |
C2 | Gcn | Critical fracture energy density (energy/area) for normal separation[b] |
C3 | τmax | Maximum equivalent tangential contact stress[a] |
C4 | Gct | Critical fracture energy density (energy/area) for tangential slip[b] |
C5 | η | Artificial damping coefficient |
C6 | β | Flag for tangential slip under compressive normal contact stress; must be 0 (off) or 1 (on) |
C7 | α | Power law exponent for mixed-mode debonding (defaults to 2) |
To define a temperature-dependent material, issue TBTEMP as shown in this input example:
TB,CZM,1,2,,CBDE ! Activate bilinear material model with ! tractions and facture energies TBTEMP,100.0 ! Define first temperature TBDATA,1,σmax,Gcn,τmax,Gct,η,β ! Define material constants at temp 100.0 TBDATA,7,α TBTEMP,200.0 ! Define second temperature TBDATA,1,σmax,Gcn,τmax,Gct,η,β ! Define material constants at temp 200.0 TBDATA,7,α
Debonding Modes
Debonding involves separation of surfaces forming an interface. The direction of separation determines the debonding mode. The program detects the debonding mode based on material data that you input for normal and tangential directions:
Mode I debonding involves separation normal to the interface. It is activated by inputting data items C1, C2, and C5 on the TBDATA command.
Mode II debonding involves slip tangent to the interface. It is activated by inputting data items C3, C4, and C5 on the TBDATA command.
Mixed-mode debonding involves both normal separation and tangential slip. It is activated by inputting data items C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, and C7 on the TBDATA command.
When friction is defined between contact surfaces undergoing debonding, tangential stress is calculated as the maximum between the tangential stress as governed by the debonding model and the tangential stress as governed by the friction law.
When the cohesive zone material defined at a contact interface is completely debonded, the contact behavior at that interface is changed to standard contact (KEYOPT(12) = 0) by default. This default behavior can be changed for certain CZM materials.
For the cohesive zone materials with bilinear material behavior
= CBDD, CBDE or BILI on the TB command), you can specify that the cohesive zone interface
be “healed” if the surfaces come into contact again
after debonding. To activate this option, use the TBFIELD,CYCLE command to define the CZM material as a function of healing
cycle number. You can use multiple TBFIELD commands
to specify the material properties for any number of healing cycles,
but be sure to start with a cycle number of zero.
For example, the following commands specify healing of the CZM interface if the contact surfaces come into contact after they are completely debonded:
TB,CZM,1,,,CBDE ! Activate the CBDE bilinear material behavior TBFIELD,CYCLE,0 ! Initial CZM definition (before healing) TBDATA,1,σmax,Gcn,τmax,Gct,η,β ! CZM properties TBFIELD,CYCLE,1 ! CZM definition for first healing cycle TBDATA,1, ... ! CZM properties to be used after first healing
When the contact interface is completely debonded and the surfaces come into contact again, the debonding parameter is set to 0 thus effectively healing the CZM. The healing cycle is incremented by one and the appropriate material data is interpolated for this healing cycle.
This healing option is only available when one of the supported cohesive zone materials is used with contact elements. It is not available when a cohesive zone material is used with interface elements.