2D Smeared Reinforcing
REINF263 Element Description
For a structural reinforcing analysis, use REINF263 with standard 2D solid and shell base elements to provide extra reinforcing to those elements. For a thermal reinforcing analysis, the supported base elements are thermal planes PLANE292 and PLANE293.
The element uses a smeared approach and is suitable for modeling evenly spaced reinforcing fibers that appear in layered form. Each reinforcing layer contains a cluster of fibers with unique orientation, material, and cross-section area, and is simplified as a homogeneous membrane having unidirectional stiffness. You can specify multiple layers of reinforcing in one REINF263 element. The nodal locations, degrees of freedom, and connectivity of the REINF263 element are identical to those of the base element.
REINF263 has plasticity, stress-stiffening, creep, large-deflection, and large-strain capabilities.
For more information, see Reinforcing and Direct Element Embedding in the Structural Analysis Guide.
REINF263 Input Data
The geometry and nodal locations for this element are shown in Figure 263.1: REINF263 Geometry. The REINF263 element and its base element share the same nodes and element connectivity.
You can easily create REINF263 elements from the selected base elements via the EREINF command. Section commands (SECTYPE and SECDATA) define the material ID, cross-section area, spacing, location, and orientation of reinforcing fibers. See Reinforcing and Direct Element Embedding in the Structural Analysis Guide for more information about creating REINF263 elements.
Each reinforcing layer can contain a cluster of fibers with unique orientation, material, and cross-section area, simplified as a homogeneous membrane having unidirectional stiffness.
The equivalent thickness h of the smeared reinforcing layer is given by:
h = A / S
where A is the cross-section area of a single fiber, and S is the distance between two adjacent fibers.
REINF263 can also be used to model homogeneous reinforcing membranes. The spacing input S is ignored and always set to 1.0 for reinforcing membranes. Therefore, the thickness h is equal to the cross-section area input A.
For a structural analysis, REINF263 supports
a plane-stress or uniaxial-stress state
). For a thermal analysis,
specify thermal conductivity KXX. Select the plane-stress state for homogeneous reinforcing
membranes, and the uniaxial-stress state for clusters of reinforcing fibers.
The coordinate systems for one reinforcing layer are shown in Figure 263.2: REINF263 Coordinate System. Each reinforcing layer is indicated by its intersection points (II, JJ for linear base elements, and II, JJ, KK, for quadratic base elements) with the base elements. Fibers in this layer are always parallel to the first coordinate axis x. The x axis is default to the first parametric direction S1 at the center of the layer. The default axis is defined as
{x} = h1{x}II + h2{x}JJ + h3{x}KK |
{x}II, {x}JJ, {x}KK = global coordinates of intersection points |
h1, h2, h3 = line shape functions |
You can reorient the default layer coordinate system by projecting a local coordinate system (LOCAL) to the layer plane. One local coordinate system is allowed for each layer. The local coordinate system reference number is given via the SECDATA command.
You can further reorient the layer coordinate system by angle θ (in degrees) for each layer. The value of θ is also specified for each layer via the SECDATA command. For more information about visualizing fiber orientations, see /PSYMB.
You can use REINF263 to reinforce 2D solid elements with plane-stress, plane-strain, axisymmetric (with or without torsion), and generalized plane-strain behaviors. The element can also reinforce axisymmetric shells or membranes (with or without uniform torsion). The element accounts for various base element behaviors automatically.
REINF263 enables you to specify tension-only
or compression-only reinforcing fiber behavior
). This option is not available
when the plane-stress state is selected
REINF263 allows tension-only or compression-only reinforcing fibers. You can specify the desired fiber behavior (SECCONTROL).
The element can account for redundant base element material where the
reinforcing fibers are located
For a structural analysis, REINF263 allows body-force-density element loading (BFE), as shown in these examples:
BFE,2,FORC,1, |
BFE,2,FORC,4, |
If applying body-force density to REINF263 elements, the program applies a uniform load to all members in the element. You can apply non-uniform body-force density to individual members via the mesh-independent method by loading to MESH200 elements.
Apply other structural element loading only to the base element. The temperature of the REINF263 element is identical to the temperature of the base element in a structural analysis unless you specify its temperature loading. See the BFE command examples below.
For thermal reinforcing analysis, REINF263 allows heat-generation (HGEN) element loading (BFE), as shown in these examples:
! Member 1 of element 2 |
BFE,2,HGEN,3,%tab1%,, ! Member 2 of element 2 |
BFE,2,HGEN,5,%tab2%,, ! Member 3 of element 2 |
! Member 4 of element 2 |
VALUE1 and VALUE2 are at the
corner points II JJ only. Midpoint values are not allowed. |
If using the mesh-independent method for defining reinforcing, apply the HGEN load to the MESH200 elements instead. |
For structural reinforcing analysis, REINF263 allows temperature (TEMP) element loading (BFE), as shown in these examples:
! Member 1 of element 2 |
BFE,2, TEMP,3,%tab1%,, ! Member 2 of element 2 |
BFE,2, TEMP,5,%tab2%,, ! Member 3 of element 2 |
TEMP,7,VALUE1 ,VALUE2 ! Member 4 of
element 2 |
VALUE1 and VALUE2 are at the corner
points II JJ only. Midpoint values are not allowed. |
If using the mesh-independent method for defining reinforcing, apply the TEMP load to the MESH200 elements instead. |
You can apply an initial state to this element in either of the following ways:
By applying an initial state directly on each REINF263 element (INISTATE).
By using the mesh-independent method for defining reinforcing to apply an initial state to MESH200 elements, enabling Mechanical APDL to transfer the initial state to the resulting reinforcing elements automatically. For more information, see Applying an Initial State to Reinforcing Elements in the Structural Analysis Guide.
For cases involving many elements, an easier and more efficient method is available. Using the mesh-independent method, you can apply an initial state to the MESH200 elements first. Mechanical APDL then transfers the initial state to the newly created reinforcing elements automatically.
A summary of the element input follows.
REINF263 Input Summary
- Nodes
Same as those of the base element, as shown:
Base Element REINF263 Nodes 2D 4-Node Solid I,J,K,L 2D 8-Node Solid I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P 2D 2-Node Axisymmetric Shell I,J 2D 3-Node Axisymmetric Shell I,J,K Thermal
- Degrees of Freedom
Same as those of the base element, as shown:
Base Element REINF263 DOFs 2D 4-Node or 8-Node Solid UX, UY 2D 4-Node or 8-Node Axisymmetric Solid with Torsion UX, UY, ROTY 2D 2-Node Axisymmetric Shell UX, UY, ROTZ 2D 2-Node Axisymmetric Membrane UX, UY 2D 2-Node Axisymmetric Shell Allowing Uniform Torsion UX, UY, UZ, ROTX 2D 2-Node Axisymmetric Membrane Allowing Uniform Torsion UX, UY, UZ Thermal
- Real Constants
None - Material Properties
TB command: See Element Support for Material Models for this element. MP command: EX, (PRXY or NUXY), ALPX (or CTEX or THSX), DENS, GXY, ALPD, BETD, DMPR, DMPS - Surface Loads
None - Body Loads
- Temperatures (Structural) --
Same as those of the base element
- Body-Force Density --
Standard method -- Specified via BFE
Mesh-independent method -- Specified via BFE on MESH200 elements
- Thermal --
Standard method – Specified via BFE Mesh-independent method – Specified via BF or BFE on MESH200 elements
- Special Features
REINF263 Output Data
The solution output associated with the element is in two forms:
Nodal displacements included in the overall nodal solution
Additional element output as shown in Table 263.1: REINF263 Element Output Definitions – Structural Analysis.
The following figure illustrates the axial stress component:
Figure 263.3: REINF263 Stress Output
Uni-axial Stress State | Plane Stress State |
x = x0, x1, or xf is the layer x axis.
Unlike layered solid or shell elements (such as SHELL181), REINF263 always outputs the element solution for all reinforcing layers. You can select solution items for a specific reinforcing layer (LAYER) for listing and visualization by using full graphics (/GRAPHICS,FULL). Visualization via PowerGraphics (/GRAPHICS,POWER) is not affected by the LAYER command; all reinforcing layers are displayed simultaneously. See the Basic Analysis Guide for ways to review results.
REINF263 element solution is always output in the layer coordinate system and does not support transformation to a different coordinate system. RSYS has no effect on REINF263 element solution.
To inspect REINF263 element results, select only REINF263 element results or adjust translucency level of the base elements before executing any plotting command. REINF263 display options are also available directly via the GUI ( ).
The Element Output Definitions table uses the following notation:
A colon (:) in the Name column indicates that the item can be accessed by the Component Name method (ETABLE, ESOL). The O column indicates the availability of the items in the file jobname.out. The R column indicates the availability of the items in the results file.
In either the O or R columns, “Y” indicates that the item is always available, a letter or number refers to a table footnote that describes when the item is conditionally available, and “-” indicates that the item is not available.
Table 263.1: REINF263 Element Output Definitions – Structural Analysis
Name | Definition | O | R |
EL | Element number and name | - | Y |
NODES | Nodes (as shown in "REINF263 Input Summary") | - | Y |
MAT | Material number | - | Y |
Averaged equivalent layer thickness (uniaxial stress state) Averaged layer thickness (plane stress state) | - | Y |
SPACING | Averaged distance between two adjacent fibers [5] | - | Y |
VOLU: | Volume | - | Y |
XC, YC, ZC | Center location | - | 3 |
TEMP | T1, T2 for reinforcing layer 1; T3, T4 for reinforcing layer 2; ending with temperatures for the last reinforcing layer NL (2*NL maximum) | - | Y |
S:x | Axial stresses (uniaxial-stress state) | 2 | Y |
S:x, y, z, xy | Stresses (plane-stress state, Sz = 0.0) | 2 | Y |
EPEL:x | Axial elastic strains (uniaxial-stress state) | 2 | Y |
EPEL:x, y, z, xy | Elastic strains (plane-stress state) | 2 | Y |
EPTH:x | Axial thermal strains (uniaxial-stress state) | 2 | Y |
EPTH:x, y, z, xy | Thermal strains (plane-stress state) | 2 | Y |
EPPL:x | Axial plastic strains (uniaxial-stress state) | 2 | 1 |
EPPL:x, y, z, xy | Plastic strains (plane-stress state) | 2 | 1 |
EPCR:x | Axial creep strains (uniaxial-stress state) | 2 | 1 |
EPCR:x, y, z, xy | Creep strains (plane-stress state) | 2 | 1 |
EPTO:x | Total axial mechanical strains (EPEL + EPPL + EPCR, uniaxial-stress state) | Y | - |
EPTO:x, y, z, xy | Total mechanical strains (EPEL + EPPL + EPCR, plane-stress state) | Y | - |
EPTT:x | Total axial strains (EPEL + EPPL + EPCR + EPTH, uniaxial-stress state) | Y | - |
EPTTx, y, z, xy | Total strains (EPEL + EPPL + EPCR + EPTH, plane-stress state) | Y | - |
NL:EPEQ | Accumulated equivalent plastic strain | - | 1 |
NL:CREQ | Accumulated equivalent creep strain | - | 1 |
NL:SRAT | Plastic yielding (1 = actively yielding, 0 = not yielding) | - | 1 |
NL:PLWK | Plastic work/volume | - | 1 |
N11 | Averaged axial force per unit unit length [5] | - | Y |
LOCI:X, Y, Z | Integration point locations | - | 4 |
Table 263.2: REINF263 Element Output Definitions – Thermal Analysis
Name | Definition | O | R |
EL | Element number and name | - | Y |
NODES | Nodes (as shown in "REINF263 Input Summary") | - | Y |
MAT | Material number | - | Y |
Averaged equivalent layer thickness (uniaxial stress state) Averaged layer thickness (plane stress state) | - | Y |
VOLU: | Volume | - | Y |
XC, YC, ZC | Center location | - | 3 |
BFE TEMP | T1, T2 for reinforcing members (individual reinforcings) | - | Y |
TG:x, y | Temperature gradient along the x and y directions (of layer CSYS) for all members | 2 | Y |
TF:x, y | Heat flux along the x and y directions (of layer CSYS) for all reinforcing members (individual reinforcings) | 2 | Y |
Nonlinear solution output if the element has a nonlinear material.
Stresses, total strains, plastic strains, elastic strains, creep strains, and thermal strains in the element coordinate system are available for output.
Available only at centroid as a *GET item.
Available only if OUTRES,LOCI is used for structural analysis.
Table 263.3: REINF263 Item and Sequence Numbers lists output available via ETABLE using the Sequence Number method. See Creating an Element Table and The Item and Sequence Number Table in this document for more information. The following notation is used in Table 263.3: REINF263 Item and Sequence Numbers:
- Name
output quantity as defined in Table 263.1: REINF263 Element Output Definitions – Structural Analysis
- Item
predetermined Item label for ETABLE
- E
sequence number for single-valued or constant element data
The i
value (where i
= 1, 2, 3, ...,
) represents the reinforcing member number of the element.
is the maximum reinforcing member number (1
REINF263 Assumptions and Restrictions
Zero-volume elements are invalid.
This element can be used only with these base element types:
A valid base element must be present for each REINF263 element.
The reinforcing element is firmly attached to its base element. No relative movement between the reinforcing element and the base is allowed. For a thermal analysis, the temperature field is continuous at the interface between the base element and the reinforcing.
Through-thickness reinforcing is not permitted in shells and layered solid elements.
Stress stiffening is always included in geometrically nonlinear analyses (NLGEOM,ON). You can also activate prestress effects (PSTRES).
To simulate tension-/compression-only reinforcing fibers, a nonlinear iterative solution approach is necessary.