Joint Load

When you are using joints in a Explicit Dynamics, Rigid Dynamics, Structural Optimization, Transient Structural analysis, you use a Joint Load object to apply a kinematic driving condition to a single degree of freedom on a Joint object. Joint Load objects are applicable to all joint types except fixed, general, universal, and spherical joints. For translation degrees of freedom, the Joint Load can apply a displacement, velocity, acceleration, or force. For rotation degrees of freedom, the Joint Load can apply a rotation, angular velocity, angular acceleration, or moment. The directions of the degrees of freedom are based on the reference coordinate system of the joint and not on the mobile coordinate system.

A positive joint load will tend to cause the mobile body to move in the positive degree of freedom direction with respect to the reference body, assuming the mobile body is free to move. If the mobile body is not free to move then the reference body will tend to move in the negative degree of freedom direction for the Joint Load. One way to learn how the mechanism will behave is to use the Configure feature. For the joint with the applied Joint Load, dragging the mouse will indicate the nature of the reference/mobile definition in terms of positive and negative motion.

To apply a Joint Load:

  1. Highlight the environment object and insert a Joint Load from the right mouse button context menu or from the Loads drop-down menu in the Environment Context tab.

  2. From the Joint drop-down list in the Details of the Joint Load, select the particular Joint object that you would like to apply to the Joint Load. You should apply a Joint Load to the mobile bodies of the joint. It is therefore important to carefully select the reference and mobile bodies while defining the joint.

  3. Select the unconstrained degree of freedom for applying the Joint Load, based on the type of joint. You make this selection from the DOF drop-down list. For joint types that allow multiple unconstrained degrees of freedom, a separate Joint Load is necessary to drive each one. Further limitations apply as outlined under Joint Load Limitations below. Joint Load objects that include velocity, acceleration, rotational velocity or rotational acceleration are not applicable to static structural analyses.

  4. Select the type of Joint Load from the Type drop-down list. The list is filtered with choices of Displacement, Velocity, Acceleration, and Force if you selected a translational DOF in step 3. The choices are Rotation, Rotational Velocity, Rotational Acceleration, and Moment if you selected a rotational DOF.

    Note:  If you are using the Mechanical APDL solver and scoping the Joint Load to a General joint that has the Rotation property set to Free All, then the Moment option is not listed in the Type property drop-down list.

  5. Specify the magnitude of the Joint Load type selected in step 4 as a constant, in tabular format, or as a function of time using the same procedure as is done for most loads in the Mechanical application. Refer to Specifying Boundary Condition Magnitude for further information.

    Tip:  On Windows platforms, an alternative and more convenient way to accomplish steps 1 and 2 above is to drag and drop the Joint object of interest from under the Connections object folder to the environment object folder. When you highlight the new Joint Load object, the Joint field is already completed and you can continue at step 3 with DOF selection.

  6. As applicable, specify the load step at which you want to lock the joint load by entering the value of the step in the Lock at Load Step field. The default value for this option is zero (0) and is displayed as Never. This feature immobilizes movement of the joint’s DOFs. For example, this option is beneficial when you want to tighten a bolt to an initial torque value (via a Moment Joint Driver on a Revolute Joint) and then lock that joint during a subsequent load step.

    Note:   Mechanical APDL References:

    This feature makes use of the %_FIX% parameter on the DJ command.
    When a joint driver with a force or moment load is deactivated, then the lock constraint on the joint is also deleted using the DJDELE command. This happens if the locking occurs before the deactivation.

Joint Load Limitations

Some joint types have limitations on the unconstrained degrees of freedom that allow the application of joint loads as illustrated in the following table:

Joint TypeUnconstrained Degrees of FreedomAllowable Degrees of Freedom for Applying Joint Loads
Fixed NoneNot applicable
Cylindrical UZ, ROTZUZ, ROTZ
Translational UXUX
Universal ROTX, ROTZNone
Spherical ROTX, ROTY, ROTZNone
General UX, UY and UZ, Free X, Free Y, Free Z, and Free AllAll unconstrained degrees of freedom
Bushing UX, UY, UZ, ROTX, ROTY, ROTZ All unconstrained degrees of freedom
Point on Curve UXUX

Note:  Where applicable, you must define all three rotations for a Joint Load before proceeding to a solve.

API Reference

For specific scripting information, see the Joint Load section of the ACT API Reference Guide.