17.2. Specifying Boundary Condition Magnitude

You can define the magnitude of boundary conditions by specifying the following:

  • Constants defined by a static value or a mathematical expression.

  • Tabular loads defined as simple tables of numeric data. Tabular loads can vary by time, frequency or space. In static structural analyses, these loads can vary by load step.

  • Function loads that vary in time or space and are defined by a mathematical function.

  • Multi-variable tables of numeric data. Unlike tabular loads, tables can be imported from external sources and include multiple independent and dependent variables.

  • Imported loads from a library of load histories. You can also export loads to this library.

Limitations on Boundary Condition Magnitude

Mechanical has the following limitations on specifying the magnitude of boundary conditions:

  • Tabular and Function Heat Flow loads applied to an edge in a 3D analysis are not supported.

  • When you change how a multiple-step load value is specified (such as changing a Tabular magnitude to a Constant magnitude), the Activation/Deactivation state of all steps resets to the default, Active.

  • Tables have a different set of requirements than tabular loads and can only be used with pressure, temperature, and thermal condition conditions in the Mechanical APDL solver. For more information, see Table Requirements and Limitations.

About Boundary Condition Magnitude

See the following sections for more information on how to specify the magnitude of boundary conditions.