Point on Curve Joint

This joint type is only supported by the Rigid Dynamics solver.

Constrained degrees of freedom:

UY, UZ, ROTX, ROTY, ROTZ if rotations are fixed. UY, UZ if rotations are free.


Samcef Solver Comment Object:

CURVE or SLIDER (depending on the Samcef joint type you wish to use)

A point on curve joint has one or four degrees of freedom, depending on whether the rotations are fixed or free.

If the rotations are fixed, the point on curve joint has only one degree of freedom, which is the coordinate on the curve. UY and UZ are always equal to zero. ROTX, ROTY, and ROTZ are driven so that the mobile coordinate system of the joint always follows the reference curve.

For a point on curve joint, the X axis is always tangent to the reference curve, and the Z axis is always normal to the orientation surface of the joint, pointing outward.

If the rotations are free, the point on curve joint has four degrees of freedom.


You can scope a point on curve joint to a single curve or multiple reference curves. You can have one or more orientation surfaces. The mobile coordinate system has to be scoped to a vertex, and the joint coordinate system has to be positioned and oriented such that:

  • The origin is on the curve.

  • The X axis is tangent to the curve.

  • The Z axis is the outer normal to the surface.

Important:  When a model contains a Point On Curve joint, the Configure and Assemble options are disabled for all the joints. This is also the case for a redundancy analysis that includes a Point On Curve joint.

  • The assembly phase may result in minor adjustments to ensure that the mobile coordinate system is properly positioned.

  • If multiple curves are used, it is recommended that the curves have a curvature continuity. Otherwise, the fixed rotations options will lead to rotational velocity jumps in the point on curve that may affect other connected joints. In this situation, results may not be fully determined, and they may vary with the model topology.