5.2.6. Coupled Field Transient Analysis

This analysis enables you to simulate the following physics types, independently or in combination, in a transient environment:

  • Coupling of Structural and Thermal physics

  • Coupling of Structural and Acoustics physics

  • Coupling of Thermal and Electric Conduction physics

  • Coupling of Structural and Thermoelectric Conduction

  • Stand-alone Acoustics physics

  • Piezoelectric (charge-based) Coupling

  • Piezoelectric coupling (charge-based) with Acoustics physics

  • Coupling of Electrostatic and Structural physics

  • Electrostatic Structural coupling with Acoustics physics

  • Electrostatic Structural coupling with Piezoelectric coupling

Note:  Piezoelectric analyses couple structural and electric physics with materials that have natural properties, such as quartz and ceramics.

See the Application Examples and Background section for an overview of types of problems that use coupled structural-electric solutions as well as some examples. Also see the Acoustics Analysis Overview section for more detailed information about performing an acoustics analysis.

Points to Remember

  • The application automatically inserts an Initial Physics Options object for this analysis type.

  • The Physics Region object(s):

    • Is automatically included.

    • Requires each body of the model to be specified by a physics.

    • Defines the physics of the entire system/analysis.

    • Specifies physics type per body as needed.

    • Needs to be scoped to at least one body with more than one physics type or to an acoustic body.

  • To simulate the thermoviscoelasticity coupling effect, the Viscoelastic Heating condition must be scoped to a body whose material assignment includes the Viscoelastic material properties Prony Shear Relaxation and Prony Volumetric Relaxation, as defined in Engineering Data.

  • To simulate the thermoplasticity coupling effect, the Plastic Heating condition object can be added and must be scoped to bodies whose material properties has the Plasticity effects

  • When performing an Electrostatic Structural analysis:

    • Set the Large Deflection property (Analysis Settings > Solver Controls) to On.

    • Specify your mesh using a single layer of low-order elements (no mid-side nodes) to avoid air mesh distortion. A quadrilateral mesh that collapses uniaxially typically works best.

As needed throughout the analysis, refer to the Steps for Using the Application section for an overview the of general analysis workflow.

Define Initial Physics Options

Specify the temperature settings and values of the Initial Physics Options object. You use the Initial Physics Options object to specify the initial temperature and reference temperature of the parts/bodies specified as either Thermal or Structural (using the Physics Region object) during a Coupled Field Transient analysis. For the thermal field, you specify an Initial Temperature as either Uniform or Non-Uniform (Transient only). For the Structural Setting, you specify a Reference Temperature. Typically for most other analysis types in Mechanical, you define a Reference Temperature from the Environment object.

Important:  Currently, the Coupled Field Transient analysis only supports the Uniform Temperature option for the Initial Temperature property. However, the Non-Uniform Temperature setting is available when Beta Options are active.

Specify Analysis Settings

The analysis type supports the following Analysis Settings:

For a Coupled Field Transient analysis when the Time Integration property is set to On (default), based on the active physics of the environment, the following additional properties display and enable you to specify whether to turn a physics field on or off:

  • Structural Only: Options include Off and On (default).

  • Thermal Only: Options include Off and On (default) .

  • Electric Only: Options include Off and On (default). Supported only for Electric (Conduction) physics only.

Note:  For the Acoustics and Electric (Charge) physics properties, Time Integration property is automatically set to On.

Note:  For thermal-electric coupling and stand-alone acoustics physics, the application uses the Newmark Time integration method. For all other coupling and physics combinations, application uses the HHT time integration method. See the Transient analysis section of the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference for more information.

Define Physics Region(s)

During a Coupled Field analysis, a Physics Region object is automatically included. All of the bodies of the model must have a physics type specified by a Physics Region object. You use this object to specify the geometry bodies that belong to the supported physics types. By default, the Structural and Thermal properties are set to Yes.

The Coupled Field Transient analysis provides the following physics types.

  • Structural

  • Acoustics

  • Thermal: Note that when the Structural and Thermal properties are set to Yes (default settings), the Coupling Options category displays. This category includes the following properties:

    • Thermal Strain. You use this property to specify the thermoelasticity coupled effects included through the thermal strain. Options include Program Controlled (default), Strong, and Weak.

    • Thermoelastic Damping: Either On or Off (default).

  • Electric: The options for this property include No, Charge, and Conduction. Review the Physics Region object reference page for property descriptions.

You can add Physics Region objects as desired by:

  1. Highlighting the Environment object and selecting the Physics Region option on the Environment Context Tab or right-click the Environment object or within the Geometry window and select Insert > Physics Region.

  2. Define all of the properties for the new object.

For additional information, see the Physics Region object reference section.

Apply Boundary Conditions

The Environment Context tab provides the various groups of loads, supports, and conditions, including various Acoustic loads and boundary conditions and the following Electric loads and boundary conditions:

In addition, and depending upon physics definitions, the following Conditions are available:

As needed, see the Boundary Conditions section for additional information.


The Solution Context tab provides the various groups of result options. The analysis supports Structural, Thermal, and Electric Probes. For many result objects, the default setting for geometry is either All Structural, All Electric, All Acoustics or All Thermal Bodies, depending on the given result type.

See the Using Results section for more information.