19.10.1. Electric Probes

The following electric probe types are available. Refer to the Probe Details View section for additional information about the above scoping options. Also see the Probes section for further information.

Probe TypeApplicable Analysis TypesOutputCharacteristics

Electric Voltage

Coupled Field Static, Coupled Field Transient, and Electric


Scope to: body.

Scope by: bodies, location (Hit Point Coordinate), vertex, edge, face.

Field Intensity

Coupled Field Static, Coupled Field Transient, and Electric

X axis, Y axis, Z axis, Total

Scope to: body.

Scope by: bodies, location (Hit Point Coordinate), vertex, edge, face.

Orientation coordinate system: any; defaults to Global Cartesian.

Current Density

Coupled Field Static, Coupled Field Transient, and Electric

X axis, Y axis, Z axis, Total

Scope to: body.

Scope by: bodies, location (Hit Point Coordinate), vertex, edge, face.

Orientation coordinate system: any; defaults to Global Cartesian.

Charge Reaction

Coupled Field Harmonic, Coupled Field Static, Coupled Field Transient

Overall Charge Reaction in Coulomb (C)

Scope to: Boundary Condition


Coupled Field Harmonic

Overall Impedance in Ohms

Scope to: Boundary Condition


Coupled Field Static, Coupled Field Transient, and Electric

Current: overall

Scope to: body.

Scope by: Boundary Condition.

Joule Heat

Coupled Field Harmonic, Electric Analysis, Thermal-Electric Analysis, and Coupled Field Transient


Scope to: body only.

Scope by: body.

Quality Factor

Coupled Field Harmonic and Coupled Field Transient

Quality Factor

Scope to: body only.

Scope by: body only.

Electromechanical Coupling Coefficient

Coupled Field Harmonic, Coupled Field Static, and Coupled Field Transient

Electromechanical Coupling Coefficient

Scope to: body only.

Scope by: body only.