16.1.10. Radiosity Controls

The Radiosity Controls group is available for Coupled Field, Steady-State Thermal, Transient Thermal, and Thermal Electric analyses.

The following settings within the Radiosity Controls category are used in conjunction with the Radiation boundary condition when defining surface-to-surface radiation for thermal related analyses that use the Mechanical APDL solver. These settings are based on the RADOPT command in Mechanical APDL.

  • Radiosity Solver

  • Flux Convergence

  • Maximum Iteration

  • Solver Tolerance (dependent upon the unit of measure)

  • Over Relaxation

For 3D analyses, selections for the Radiosity Solver property includes the Program Controlled (that defaults to the Iterative Jacobi solver setting), the Direct solver, Iterative Jacobi solver, and the Iterative Gauss-Seidel solver. For 2D analyses, selections are the same, however the Program Controlled option defaults to the Iterative Gauss-Seidel solver.

View Factors for 3D Geometry

For 3D geometry, the Hemicube Resolution setting is also available based on the HEMIOPT command in Mechanical APDL. See the View Factor Calculation (3D): Hemicube Method section in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference for further information.

View Factors for 2-D Geometry

For 2–D geometry, the following settings are available and are based on the V2DOPT command in Mechanical APDL:

  • View Factor Method

  • Number of Zones

  • Axisymmetric Divisions

See the following sections of the Mechanical APDL help for further information on these settings: