Interactions Between Mesh Methods

The tables below present the effects of meshing two or more bodies in a multibody part using a combination of different mesh methods:

  • Using combinations of surface mesh methods

  • Using combinations of solid mesh methods

  • Applying a single 3D inflation control on more than one solid body when a combination of mesh methods has been scoped to the bodies

  • Applying a 3D inflation control on a solid body when more than one mesh method has been scoped to the body

  • The Cartesian mesh method operates at the part level, and does not support interactions with other mesh methods. If one body in a multibody part is scoped to be meshed with the Cartesian mesh method, all bodies will be added to the scoping.

  • Refer to Conformal and Non-Conformal Meshing for information about conformal meshing.

The table below describes the automatic sequencing of surface mesh methods when two mesh methods are being used. If all four methods are being used, the automatic sequence is:

Note:  If you are performing selective meshing, you control the sequence. Refer to Selective Meshing for usage notes.

Surface Mesh MethodSurface Mesh Method
All TrianglesQuad DominantMultiZone Quad/TriAutomatic (PrimeMesh)
All TrianglesN/AAll Triangles firstAll Triangles firstAutomatic (PrimeMesh) only
Quad DominantAll Triangles firstN/AQuad Dominant firstAutomatic (PrimeMesh) only
MultiZone Quad/TriAll Triangles firstQuad Dominant firstN/AAutomatic (PrimeMesh) only
Automatic (PrimeMesh)Automatic (PrimeMesh) onlyAutomatic (PrimeMesh) onlyAutomatic (PrimeMesh) onlyN/A

The table below describes the automatic sequencing of solid mesh methods when two methods are being used. If more than two methods are being used, the automatic sequence is:

  • If you are performing selective meshing, you control the sequence. Refer to Selective Meshing for additional usage notes.

  • During automatic sequencing of solid mesh methods when inflation has been applied, Post inflation is always applied last and uses as its input mesh the complete currently existing part mesh.

Solid Mesh MethodSolid Mesh Method
Hex DominantGeneral SweepThin SweepPatch Conforming TetraPatch Independent TetraMultiZoneAutomatic (PrimeMesh)
Hex DominantN/AGeneral Sweep firstThin Sweep firstHex Dominant firstHex Dominant firstMultiZone firstAutomatic (PrimeMesh) first
General SweepGeneral Sweep firstN/AGeneral Sweep firstGeneral Sweep firstGeneral Sweep firstMultiZone first1Automatic (PrimeMesh) first
Thin SweepThin Sweep firstGeneral Sweep firstN/AThin Sweep firstThin Sweep firstMultiZone firstAutomatic (PrimeMesh) first
Patch Conforming TetraHex Dominant firstGeneral Sweep firstThin Sweep firstN/APatch Conforming Tetra firstMultiZone firstAutomatic (PrimeMesh) first
Patch Independent TetraHex Dominant firstGeneral Sweep firstThin Sweep firstPatch Conforming Tetra firstN/AMultiZone firstAutomatic (PrimeMesh) first
MultiZoneMultiZone firstMultiZone first1MultiZone firstMultiZone firstMultiZone firstN/AAutomatic (PrimeMesh) first
Automatic (PrimeMesh)Automatic (PrimeMesh) firstAutomatic (PrimeMesh) firstAutomatic (PrimeMesh) firstAutomatic (PrimeMesh) firstAutomatic (PrimeMesh) firstAutomatic (PrimeMesh) firstN/A

1–While mixing Sweep and MultiZone mesh methods, pre-meshed faces may be used in these ways:

  • Mapped faces can be supported as side faces when MultiZone or Sweep is used to mesh subsequent bodies. The pre-meshed faces may have been generated using either General Sweep or MultiZone. There are limitations on how the face is mapped. Simple mapped faces (that is, 4-sided) are supported. However, more complicated submapped cases may cause problems.

  • Mapped faces can be supported as source faces.

  • Free faces (where mesh does not have a quad mapped pattern) can be supported as source faces only.

The table below describes how inflation is handled if you apply a single 3D inflation control on more than one solid body when a combination of mesh methods has been scoped to the bodies.

Method 1Method 2Supported Inflation Algorithm
Patch Conforming TetraPatch Independent TetraPost inflation only
Patch Conforming TetraMultiZonePre inflation only1
Patch Independent TetraMultiZoneNo inflation allowed; inflation is suppressed
Patch Conforming TetraPatch Independent Tetra (+ Method 3 of MultiZone)No inflation allowed; inflation is suppressed
General SweepAny other methodNo inflation allowed; inflation is suppressed
Thin SweepAny other methodNo inflation allowed; inflation is suppressed
Hex DominantAny other methodNo inflation allowed; inflation is suppressed
Automatic (PrimeMesh)Any other methodNo inflation allowed; inflation is suppressed

1– In such cases involving MultiZone, the value of the Inflation Algorithm control displays as Pre but an O-grid-based algorithm specific to MultiZone is used. As with the Pre inflation algorithm, the mesh is inflated during the meshing process.

The table below describes how inflation is handled if you apply a 3D inflation control on a solid body when more than one mesh method has been scoped to the body. In such cases, the method control that appears lowest in the Tree is respected and therefore inflation is handled as it would normally be handled for that method.

Lowest Method in TreeSupported Inflation Algorithm(s)
Patch Conforming TetraPost or Pre inflation
Patch Independent TetraPost inflation only
MultiZonePre inflation only1
General SweepNo inflation allowed; inflation is suppressed
Thin SweepNo inflation allowed; inflation is suppressed
Hex DominantNo inflation allowed; inflation is suppressed
Automatic (PrimeMesh)No inflation allowed; inflation is suppressed

1– In such cases involving MultiZone, the value of the Inflation Algorithm control displays as Pre but an O-grid-based algorithm specific to MultiZone is used. As with the Pre inflation algorithm, the surface mesh is inflated first and then the rest of the volume mesh is generated.