
Use the Extrude button to create an extruded feature. The active sketch is the default input but can be changed by selecting the desired sketch, a plane from face (boundary used) or Named Selection features of Point features in the Tree Outline. Geometric entities such as faces, edges, vertices or point feature points can also be selected as input for the Extrusion feature.

You can select either a sketch or a plane or combination of number of named selection features, point features and/or geometry entities as input geometry. If the input geometry is other than sketch or plane, then a Direction Vector must be defined, and will be used for extruding all entities specified. Extrude can use faces (its edges are actually used), edges, surface bodies (treated like faces), line bodies (treated like edges) as input geometric entities as well as from named selections. Point feature points and vertices can also be selected as input geometry.

If the input geometry contains closed sets of edges and/or faces, only the closed sets of edges and/or faces will be used for extrusion. If there are no closed sets of edges and/or faces, then only open sets of edges will be used for extrusion. Vertices and point feature points will be used when nothing else is selected for extrusion.

The Details View is used to set the Extrude depth, direction vector, direction, direction type and modeling operation (Add, Cut, Slice, Imprint, or Add Frozen). When point profiles are to be extruded only the Add Material and Add Frozen options are available. Clicking Generate completes the feature creation and updates the model.

Direction Vector for Extrude

The default Direction Vector is normal to the plane the sketch lies in. However, you can define a custom Direction Vector by selecting a Direction Reference. The direction you choose must not be parallel to the base object or the Extrude may fail to generate.

The Direction Vector is required if the base object is a Named Selection.

Direction Property for Extrude

You can access two directions via a combination box with four options:

Normal: Extrudes in positive Z direction of base object.
Reversed: Extrudes in negative Z direction of base object.
Both - Symmetric: Applies feature in both directions. One set of extents and depths will apply to both directions.
Both - Asymmetric: Applies feature in both directions. Each direction has its own extent and depth properties.

Extent Types

There are five Extent Types that you use to define the extrusion:

Note:  When the extent type is set to Through All, To Next, or To Faces, the extrusion of one set of connected edges or each face in the face selection must result in one body, otherwise, the feature would produce an error.

Other 3D features: