Attach to Active CAD Geometry

You can import a model into the DesignModeler application that is currently open in a CAD session on your computer. Use the Attach to Active CAD Geometry option to import the model into the DesignModeler application, where it will appear as an attached feature in the feature Tree Outline. You do not need to begin a new model to use the Attach to Active CAD Geometry option and it can be used at any time (and multiple times) during any the DesignModeler application session.

Related topics:

CAD Integration

For detailed CAD-related information specific to the Ansys DesignModeler application and Ansys Workbench, see the CAD Integration section of the product help. When accessing the Ansys Workbench Help from the Help menu, click the Contents tab and open the CAD Integration folder in the hierarchical tree.

The CAD Integration section features topics about:

Other file management options: