DesignModeler automatically saves backup files of the model after the Generate option is selected a specified number of times. Auto-save Now forces an automatic save immediately. A list of these backup files will then be available for you to resume from the File->Restore File Menu.
Auto-save files are saved to a folder named Auto-save, which resides in Workbench's temporary directory. Whenever you change this path, a new temporary directory and Auto-save folder will be created and the old folder and Auto-save files will be deleted.
Auto-save files have the following special naming conventions:
A. Project-name_system-name.agdb-## (If the project is saved), or |
B. Proc-ID_system-name.agdb-## (If the project is unsaved, where procID is the Ansys Workbench process ID). |
Once the unsaved project is saved, then all the AutoSave files will be re-named from unsaved (item B above) to saved (item A above) and ## starts at 00 (the most recent Auto-save file) and increases until the specified Auto-save File Limit has been reached (the highest ## is the oldest Auto-save file).
Note that it is not recommended to have multiple DesignModeler sessions of the same model open, as their Auto-save files will interfere.
Other file management options: