2.2. Window, Ribbon, and Menus

The menu bar includes the top-level menus: File, Edit, View, Utility and Help. These are each pull-down menus that list several possible actions that will occur when selected. Table 2.1: File menu through Table 2.5: Help menu provide descriptions of each of the tasks in the top-level menus for the Ansys Forte windows.

The ribbon makes the menu commands available in a more accessible layout. Each icon on the ribbon is associated with a command and the icons are labeled and grouped into related categories as shown in Figure 2.1: Layout of the Ansys Forte Simulation window.

Table 2.1: File menu






Opens an existing Ansys Forte simulation file (*.ftsim).



Saves the currently opened Ansys Forte simulation to a file (typically, *.ftsim). The first time the simulation project is saved, you are prompted for a filename. Subsequently, saving will overwrite previous settings in that file.


Save As...

Saves the current Ansys Forte simulation to a new file with a name that you specify. This is a way to copy the simulation project.



Closes the current project.



Exits the current session and closes the window.


Names of recently opened files

Opens the selected file from the list.

Table 2.2: Edit menu





Edit Preferences

Launches an editor for setting various user preferences. See User Preferences , for more details on preferences.



Launches the Profile Editor for creating profiles or editing profiles saved to the project. See Entering Profile Data and Profile Editor , for more details on editing profiles.



Launches the Mixture Editor for creating gas or fuel mixtures or editing mixtures or compositions saved to the project. See Mixture Editor , for more details on editing mixtures.


Dispersed Phases...

Launches the Dispersed Phase Editor for creating surface composition and dispersed phase properties associated with particle tracking, and saved to the project. See Solid Phase Editor and Dispersed Phase Editor for Particle Tracking , for more details on editing solid phase properties.


Flame Tables...

Launches the Flame Speed Table Editor for creating or importing tables of laminar flame speeds or editing flame speed tables saved to the project. See Flame-Speed Table Editor , for more details.


Initial Condition Tables...

Launches the Initial Condition Table Editor for creating or importing tables of initial conditions or editing initial condition tables saved to the project.


Solution Criteria...

Opens the Solution Criteria dialog to specify the steady-state conditions based on location and solution variables. See Solid Phase Editor and Dispersed Phase Editor for Particle Tracking , and Steady-State Simulation , for more details.


Boundary Condition Tables...

Launches the Boundary Condition Table Editor for creating or importing tables of boundary conditions or editing boundary condition tables saved to the project.


Parameter Studies...

Launches the Parameter Study Editor. See Parameter Studies , for more details.

Table 2.3: View menu






Orients the view to an XY projection.



Orients the view to an XZ projection.



Orients the view to a YZ projection.



Centers the visible items in the 3-D view window and zooms in or out to encompass the entire visible geometry.


Previous View

Returns to the previous view orientation.


Next View

Restores the last view orientation since a Previous View action was performed.


Alter Visibility

Launches a dialog used to alter the visibility of items by multi-selecting from a list or through screen selection. See Setting Mesh Display Attributes .

Table 2.4: Utility menu






Displays a Pre-Processing panel that allows definition and verification of a chemistry set.


Validate Project

Checks for inconsistent setup options and missing values.


Open File Browser

Opens an operating-system file browser at the user directory.


BDC =>TDC Transform

Runs the BDC to TDC Transform utility to shift the mesh to Top Dead Center by splitting the liner, shifting the moving surface, and stitching together open triangles. See also Geometry Node .


Open Composition Calculator

Opens the Composition Calculator for specifying the initial (and boundary condition) composition information in Ansys Forte for in-cylinder, exhaust-port and inlet-port initialization. See also Composition Calculator .

Table 2.5: Help menu



Ansys Forte Help

Opens the entry page listing the Ansys Forte Help. The default location is the Ansys Help site

Release NotesOpens to the current Forte Release Notes.
Best PracticesOpens to a document providing guidance on best practices in a variety of Forte simulations.

Forte Quick Start Guide

Opens the Forte Quick Start Guide, with introductory tutorial exercises to help you become acquainted with Forte.

Forte Theory Manual

Opens theAnsys Forte Theory Manual .

Forte Tutorials

Opens the Forte Tutorials, which provide example cases and access to the associated sample files.

Ansys Forte User's Guide

Opens this Ansys Forte User's Guide.

Ansys Product Improvement Program

Provides link to information about this Ansys quality program.


Provides version number, patch details, and other information about the installed software.