Chapter 2: Overview of Ansys Forte Simulation

The Ansys Forte Simulate window consists of sub-panels, a top-level menu bar, a ribbon, and a toolbar containing button shortcuts to common tasks. Commands for general tasks are located in the menus accessible from the menu bar across the top of the Ansys Forte window. Frequently used commands are available through the ribbon's and toolbar’s button shortcuts. Figure 2.1: Layout of the Ansys Forte Simulation window provides a map of the different areas within the Simulate window, which provide quick access for different activities during project setup. Next is a description of the main features of the Ansys Forte Simulation window.

Setting up a simulation starts by defining the computational mesh that will represent the geometry of the system. Ansys Forte provides several options for defining the computational mesh, which allows much flexibility in creating a workflow that best suits the needs of your particular simulation. You can load in just the definitions of the geometric surfaces that bound the system from an Ansys Fluent, CGNS, or other mesh surface file, and then use the automatic mesh-generation option, or you can load in a pre-defined, structured body-fitted mesh. For in-cylinder-only engine simulations, you also have the option to use Ansys Forte's guided Sector Mesh Generator to generate a body-fitted sector mesh from basic piston-bowl profile information.