Electromechanical Transducer

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TRANS126 Element Description

TRANS126 represents a transducer element that converts energy from an electrostatic domain into a structural domain (and vice versa), while also allowing for energy storage. The element fully couples the electromechanical domains and represents a reduced-order model suitable for use in structural finite element analysis as well as electromechanical circuit simulation. The element has up to two degrees of freedom at each node: translation in the nodal x, y, or z direction and electric potential (VOLT). The element is suitable for simulating the electromechanical response of micro-electromechanical devices (MEMS) such as electrostatic comb drives, capacitive transducers, and RF switches for example.

The characteristics of the element are derived from electrostatic field simulations of the electromechanical device using the electrostatic elements PLANE121, SOLID122, and SOLID123, as well as the CMATRIX macro. The TRANS126 element represents the capacitive response of the device to motion in one direction. Running a series of electrostatic simulations and extracting capacitance (CMATRIX command) as a function of stroke (or deflection) provides the necessary input for this element. The capacitance versus stroke represents a "reduced-order" characterization of the device suitable for simulation in this transducer element. Up to three characterizations (in X, Y, or Z) can be made from sets of electrostatic simulations to create three independent transducer elements to characterize a full translational response of the device. See TRANS126 in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference for more details about this element.

Figure 126.1: TRANS126 Geometry

TRANS126 Geometry

TRANS126 Input Data

The geometry, node locations, and the coordinate system for this element are shown in Figure 126.1: TRANS126 Geometry. Nodes I and J define the element. The nodes need not be coincident. The element may lie along any one of the three global Cartesian axes as shown in Figure 126.1: TRANS126 Geometry, or it may exist in any arbitrary coordinate system as long as the nodes are rotated into the arbitrary coordinate system in such a manner that one of the axes lies along the element's I-J direction. Use the degree of freedom option (KEYOPT(2)) to select the appropriate structural displacement degree of freedom (corresponding to the element's I-J direction) and electric potential. Orientation of the element with respect to nodal displacements (node J relative to node I) is critical. Orient the element such that a positive movement of node J relative to node I produces a positive displacement (see Figure 126.1: TRANS126 Geometry). Figure 126.4: TRANS126 Valid/Invalid Orientations illustrates valid and invalid orientations of the element for a UX-VOLT degree of freedom set.

The capacitance vs. stroke data for the element is entered through the real constant table. Use KEYOPT(3) to select from two different methods of input. For KEYOPT(3) = 0, the real constant data (R7-R11) represent the coefficients of an equation (see Figure 126.2: TRANS126 Capacitance Relationship). Use as many terms as are required to represent the curve. For KEYOPT(3) = 1, the real constant data (R7-R46) represent discrete pairs of capacitance and stroke data. Up to 20 pairs of data may be input. The minimum required is 5 data point sets. A curve is fit to the discrete data sets represented by the equation shown in Figure 126.2: TRANS126 Capacitance Relationship.

Figure 126.2: TRANS126 Capacitance Relationship

TRANS126 Capacitance Relationship

The initial gap distance GAP (R3) represents the initial distance between conducting walls of the electromechanical device (that is, plates of a parallel capacitor, beams of a comb drive, etc.). The initial gap value should fall within the range of the capacitance vs. stroke data as shown in Figure 126.2: TRANS126 Capacitance Relationship. The minimum gap distance GAPMIN (R4) represents the physical location where the gap is closed. If the gap closes to GAPMIN, the element behaves like a contact element with a normal stiffness KN represented by real constant R5. GAP and GAPMIN default to near-zero if not defined. Figure 126.3: TRANS126 Force Relationship illustrates the force vs. stroke for the transducer element. The curve highlights the capacitive force (which is compressive and acts to close the gap), and the contact force (which restrains the motion once the gap reaches GAPMIN). KN defaults to a stiffness represented by the slope from the capacitive force at GAPMIN to the origin as shown in Figure 126.3: TRANS126 Force Relationship.

Figure 126.3: TRANS126 Force Relationship

TRANS126 Force Relationship

The element supports nodal voltage and displacements (D) as well as nodal current and force (F). Use IC to input an initial starting value of voltage or displacement for a transient analysis, or an initial guess for a static analysis.

The element supports static, transient, prestressed harmonic, and prestressed modal analyses. The element is nonlinear for static and transient analyses and requires an iterative solution to converge. The element produces an unsymmetric matrix.

Prestress effects are automatically included in a linear perturbation harmonic analysis or a linear perturbation modal analysis (for example, a base static analysis with an applied DC voltage followed by a linear perturbation harmonic analysis with an applied AC voltage). Alternatively, prestress effects can be activated via the PSTRES command.

The transducer element by nature has both stable and unstable solutions. If the system stiffness is negative, convergence problems can occur near unstable solutions. This typically occurs at small gap distances near GAPMIN. Use KEYOPT(6) = 1 to select the augmented stiffness method if you encounter convergence problems. In this method, the electrostatic stiffness is set to zero to guarantee a positive system stiffness. After convergence is reached, the electrostatic stiffness is automatically reestablished for postprocessing and subsequent analyses.

The next table summarizes the element input. Element Input gives a general description of element input.

TRANS126 Input Summary


I, J

Degrees of Freedom


Real Constants
If KEYOPT(3) = 0, then:
C0, C1, C2, C3, C4
If KEYOPT(3) = 1, then:
GAP1, CAP1, GAP2, CAP2, ..., GAP20, CAP20

See Table 126.1: TRANS126 Real Constants for details.

Material Properties


Surface Loads


Body Loads


Special Features

Select degree-of-freedom set:

0,1 -- 


2 -- 


3 -- 



Capacitance-Gap option:

0 -- 

Use capacitance-gap curve input coefficients: C0, C1, C2, C3, and C4

1 -- 

Use capacitance versus gap data points: GAP1, CAP1, GAP2, CAP2 ... GAP20, CAP20


Stiffness method:

0 -- 

Full stiffness method (default)

1 -- 

Augmented stiffness method

The first six real constants for this element are the same, whether you set KEYOPT(3) = 0 or 1. From number 7 on, the real constants differ between the two settings, as shown in the table below.

Table 126.1: TRANS126 Real Constants

Basic Set
1GOFFSTGraphical offset
2EIDID number
3GAPInitial gap
4GAPMINMinimal gap
5KNGap Normal Stiffness
For KEYOPT(3) = 0; Capacitance (Cap) vs. gap (x) function:

Cap = C0/x + C1 + C2*x + C3*x**2 + C4*x**3

7C0Equation constant C0
8C1Equation constant C1
9C2Equation constant C2
10C3Equation constant C3
11C4Equation constant C4
For KEYOPT(3) = 1 (Capacitance-gap curve data)
7GAP1Gap 1
8CAP1Capacitance 1
9, ..., 46GAP2, CAP2, ..., GAP20, CAP20Gap2 and Capacitance 2 through Gap 20 and Capacitance 20

TRANS126 Output Data

The solution output associated with the element is shown in Table 126.2: TRANS126 Element Output Definitions.

The element output directions are parallel to the element coordinate system. A general description of solution output is given in Solution Output in the Element Reference. See the Basic Analysis Guide for ways to view results.

If this element is used in a harmonic analysis, all variables will be stored in two-column arrays as complex variables. The first column will be titled real component and the second column will be titled imaginary component. If the variable is not complex, the same value will be stored in both columns.

The Element Output Definitions table uses the following notation:

A colon (:) in the Name column indicates that the item can be accessed by the Component Name method (ETABLE, ESOL). The O column indicates the availability of the items in the file jobname.out. The R column indicates the availability of the items in the results file.

In either the O or R columns, “Y” indicates that the item is always available, a letter or number refers to a table footnote that describes when the item is conditionally available, and “-” indicates that the item is not available.

Table 126.2: TRANS126 Element Output Definitions

ELElement numberYY
EFORCEElectrostatic ForceYY
ESTIFFElectrostatic stiffness (dEFORCE/dU)YY
CONDUCTMotion conductance (dCap/dU) (RELVEL)YY
DVDTTime rate of change of Voltage (dVOLT/dt)YY
RELDISPRelative displacement node I to node JYY
RELVELRelative velocity node I to node JYY
VOLTAGEVoltage drop between node I and node JYY
MECHPOWERMechanical power, (force x velocity)YY
ELECPOWERElectrical power, (voltage drop x current)YY
CENERGYElectrostatic energy stored in capacitorYY
GAPActual gap, UJ - UI + GAP (nominal) (real constant input)YY
KUUCoupled system stiffness, dF/dUYY
KUVCoupled system stiffness, dF/dVYY
KVUCoupled system stiffness, dI/dUYY
KVVCoupled system stiffness, dI/dVYY
DUUCoupled system damping, dF/dVELYY
DUVCoupled system damping, dF/dVRATEYY
DVUCoupled system damping, dI/dVELYY
DVVCoupled system damping, dI/dVRATEYY
DISPR, DISPIReal and imaginary components of displacement11
FORCR, FORCIReal and imaginary components of electrostatic force11
VOLTR, VOLTIReal and imaginary components of voltage drop11
CURRR, CURRIReal and imaginary components of current11

  1. The item is only available for linear prestressed harmonic analysis.

Table 126.3: TRANS126 Item and Sequence Numbers lists output available through ETABLE using the Sequence Number method. See Element Table for Variables Identified By Sequence Number in the Basic Analysis Guide and The Item and Sequence Number Table in this reference for more information. The following notation is used in Table 126.3: TRANS126 Item and Sequence Numbers:


output quantity as defined in the Table 126.3: TRANS126 Item and Sequence Numbers


predetermined Item label for ETABLE command


sequence number for single-valued or constant element data

Table 126.3: TRANS126 Item and Sequence Numbers

Output Quantity NameETABLE and ESOL Command Input

TRANS126 Assumptions and Restrictions

  • The transducer element must be aligned such that the element I-J direction points along the active structural degree of freedom in the nodal coordinate system. In addition, a positive movement in the nodal coordinate system of node J relative to node I should act to open the gap (Stroke = GAP + Uj - Ui). Figure 126.4: TRANS126 Valid/Invalid Orientations illustrates valid and invalid orientations of the element for a UX-VOLT degree of freedom set.

  • Nodes I and J may be coincident since the orientation is defined by the relative motion of node J to node I. No moment effects due to noncoincident nodes are included. That is, if the nodes are offset from a line perpendicular to the element axis, moment equilibrium may not be satisfied.

  • Unreasonable high stiffness (KN) values should be avoided. The rate of convergence decreases as the stiffness increases.

  • The element may not be deactivated with EKILL.

  • This element may not be compatible with other elements with the VOLT degree of freedom. To be compatible, the elements must have the same reaction force (see Element Compatibility in the Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Analysis Guide).

  • A minimum of two load steps must be used to obtain valid electrostatic force calculations.

  • Harmonic and modal analyses are valid only after a static prestress (applied DC voltage) calculation.

  • Linear perturbation is the preferred method for a prestressed harmonic or modal analysis. Alternatively, prestress effects can be activated via the PSTRES command when TRANS126 is used with other element types that do not support linear perturbation.

  • For a linear perturbation harmonic or modal analysis, the restart point must be the last substep of the base static analysis.

  • For a linear perturbation harmonic analysis, the full stiffness method (KEYOPT(6) = 0) must be used.

Figure 126.4: TRANS126 Valid/Invalid Orientations

TRANS126 Valid/Invalid Orientations

TRANS126 Product Restrictions

There are no product-specific restrictions for this element.