1.2. Conventions Used in This Reference

This reference uses the following conventions to help you identify various types of information:

Type style or textIndicates

Uppercase indicates an element name (such as SOLID273 or ELBOW290).

Bold uppercase indicates a command name (such as K or DDELE).

Bold> Bold

Bold text in mixed case indicates a menu path within the graphical user interface (GUI), a series of menu options for accessing a command from the GUI.

One or more angle brackets (>) separate menu items in a menu path.

A command shown in the text is sometimes followed by its GUI equivalent in parentheses, as shown in this example: *GET command (Utility Menu> Parameters> Get Scalar Data).


Uppercase italic letters (such as VALUE, INC, TIME) generally indicate command arguments for numeric values.

In some cases (where indicated), non-numeric convenience labels (such as ON, OFF and ALL) can also be specified for these arguments.

ItalicsMixed case italic letters (such as Lab or Fname) generally indicate command arguments for alphanumeric values.
COURIERA courier font indicates command input or output.

1.2.1. Applicable Products

This document applies to the following family of products:

Ansys Mechanical Pro (structural, full thermal, and vibration analysis)
Ansys Mechanical Premium (nonlinear structural, full thermal, vibration, linear dynamics analysis)
Ansys Mechanical Enterprise (advanced nonlinear structural, full thermal, vibration, linear dynamics and nonlinear transient dynamics, fracture, acoustics, full coupled-field, hydrodynamics)
Ansys Mechanical Enterprise PrepPost
Ansys Mechanical Enterprise Solver (batch mode)

Note:  While connection capabilities and High Performance Computing are included as part of the release distribution, they are separately licensed and separately installed products. Contact your Support Representative if you want to install and run any of these separately licensed products at your site.

1.2.2. Valid Products

Some elements are only valid in a subset of the Applicable Products. The valid products for each element appear (as abbreviations) in the Valid Products list, below and to the right of each short element description.

The abbreviations correspond to the products as shown in this table:

Ansys Mechanical ProPro
Ansys Mechanical PremiumPremium
Ansys Mechanical EnterpriseEnterprise
Ansys Mechanical Enterprise PrepPostPrepPost
Ansys Mechanical Enterprise SolverSolver
Additive Suite add-on (requires one of the Enterprise products)AS add-on

If the abbreviation in the Valid Products list is dark bold, the element is valid in that product. If the abbreviation is light gray ("grayed out"), the element is not valid or applicable and should not be used in that product. For example,

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on

indicates the element is valid in Ansys Mechanical Pro, Ansys Mechanical Premium, Ansys Mechanical Enterprise, and Ansys Mechanical Enterprise Solver, but not in or Ansys Mechanical Enterprise PrepPost. The "AS add-on" code behaves a bit differently. When this code is bold, the element is only available in the Additive Suite, an add-on to any of the Enterprise products.

Even if an element is shown as valid in a particular product, some features of that element may be invalid in that product. Any invalid features of an otherwise valid element are documented in the Product Restrictions section of that element documentation.