R Commands

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R - Defines the element real constants.
RACE - Defines a "racetrack" current source.
RADOPT - Specifies Radiosity Solver options.
RAPPND - Appends results data from the database to the results file.
RATE - Specifies whether the effect of creep strain rate will be used in the solution of a load step.
/RATIO - Distorts the object geometry.
RBE3 - Distributes the force/moment applied at an independent node to a set of dependent nodes.
RBGEN - Generates a rigid body.
RCON - Specifies "Real constants" as the subsequent status topic.
RCYC - Calculates cyclic results for a mode-superposition harmonic solution.
RDEC - Defines the decimation parameters used by the radiosity solver method.
RDELE - Deletes real constant sets.
READ - Reads coordinate and pressure data from a file.
REAL - Sets the element real constant set attribute pointer.
REALVAR - Forms a variable using only the real part of a complex variable.
RECTNG - Creates a rectangular area anywhere on the working plane.
REMESH - Specifies the starting and ending remeshing points, and other options, for rezoning.
*REMOVE - Suppresses rows or columns of a dense matrix or a vector.
*RENAME - Renames an existing vector or matrix.
/RENAME - Renames a file.
*REPEAT - Repeats the previous command.
/REPLOT - Reissues the last display command.
RESCOMBINE - Reads results from local results files into the database after a distributed-memory parallel solution.
RESCONTROL - Controls file writing for multiframe restarts.
RESET - Resets all POST1 or POST26 specifications to initial defaults.
/RESET - Resets display specifications to their initial defaults.
RESP - Generates a response spectrum.
RESUME - Resumes the database from the database file.
RESVEC - Calculates or includes residual vectors or residual responses
RESWRITE - Appends results data from the database to a results file.
*RETURN - Returns input stream to a higher level.
REZONE - Initiates the rezoning process, sets rezoning options, and rebuilds the database.
RFORCE - Specifies the total reaction force data to be stored.
/RGB - Specifies the RGB color values for indices and contours.
RIGID - Specifies known rigid body modes (if any) of the model.
RIGRESP - Specifies the rigid response calculation.
RLIST - Lists the real constant sets.
/RMDIR - Removes (deletes) a directory.
RMFLVEC - Writes eigenvectors of fluid nodes to a file for use in damping parameter extraction.
RMODIF - Modifies real constant sets.
RMORE - Adds real constants to a set.
ROCK - Specifies a rocking response spectrum.
ROSE - Specifies the Rosenblueth mode combination method.
RPOLY - Creates a regular polygonal area centered about the working plane origin.
RPR4 - Creates a regular polygonal area or prism volume anywhere on the working plane.
RPRISM - Creates a regular prism volume centered about the working plane origin.
RPSD - Calculates response power spectral density (PSD).
RSMESH - Generates a result section.
RSOPT - Creates or loads the radiosity mapping data file for SURF251 or SURF252 element types.
RSPLIT - Creates one or more results file(s) from the current results file based on subsets of elements.
RSTCONTROL - Controls whether element single value results are written to the results file.
RSTMAC - Calculates modal assurance criterion (MAC/FRF) and matches nodal solutions from two results files or from one results file and one universal format file.
RSTOFF - Offsets node or element IDs in the FE geometry record.
RSURF - Generates the radiosity surface elements and stores them in the database.
RSYMM - Defines symmetry, rotation, or extrusion parameters for the radiosity method.
RSYS - Activates a coordinate system for printout or display of element and nodal results.