RSURF, Options, Delopts, ETNUM, DKEY
Generates the radiosity surface elements and stores them in the database.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Command options:



Deletes radiosity surface elements and nodes. The set of elements and nodes to be deleted is defined by Delopts. ETNUM and DKEY are ignored.



Creates the radiosity surface elements and nodes (default).



Shows the status/listing. Other command options are ignored.


Deletion options



Deletes all radiosity surface elements and nodes.



Deletes radiosity surface elements and nodes created by the last RSURF command.


Element type number. Leave blank to indicate the next available number.


Enables or disables displacement degrees of freedom (DOFs) on the generated radiosity surface elements so that they deform with the underlying solid mesh if large-deflection effects are enabled (NLGEOM,ON). Displacement DOFs are required to recalculate view factors at the substep level (VFUP,DEFINE,ON).



Sets KEYOPT(1) = 0 on generated radiosity surface elements: Temperature (TEMP) is the only DOF (default).



Sets KEYOPT(1) = 1 on generated radiosity surface elements: DOFs include temperature (TEMP) and displacement (UX and UY for SURF251, UX, UY, and UZ for SURF252).


This is an action command that generates the radiosity surface elements (SURF251, SURF252) based on the RSYMM and RDEC parameters and stores them in the database. It works only on the faces of selected underlying elements that have RDSF flags on them and all corner nodes selected. You can issue multiple RSURF commands to build the radiosity model. However, all RSURF commands must be issued after issuing the RSYMM command, and after the model is complete (that is, after all meshing operations are complete).

If you do issue multiple RSURF commands for different regions, you must first mesh the different regions, and then generate the radiosity surface elements on each meshed region individually. Use RSURF,,,ETNUM to assign a separate element type number to each region. This procedure allow you to identify the individual regions later in the multi-field analysis.

If the underlying solid elements are higher order, the radiosity surface elements are always lower order (4- or 3-node in 3D or 2-node in 2D). Decimation will always occur before any symmetry operations.

For 2D axisymmetric YR models, the newly-generated nodes can have only positive Y coordinates.

The RSURF command assigns real constant set number 1 to all SURF251 and SURF252 elements generated, irrespective of the current real constant set attribute pointer (REAL command). If the generated elements require a real constant set other than number 1, you must manually change the set number for those elements by using the EMODIF,,REAL command.

If you have already issued RSURF for a surface and you issue RSURF again, the program creates a new set of radiosity surface elements and nodes over the existing set, resulting in an erroneous solution.

Specifying DKEY is equivalent to setting KEYOPT(1) on the radiosity surface elements (see the SURF251 / SURF252 element descriptions for details). To change the KEYOPT(1) setting on surface elements after they are generated, use the KEYOPT command in PREP7.

Distributed-Memory Parallel (DMP) Restriction  —  This command is not supported in a DMP solution.

This is an action command (that creates or deletes surface meshes) and is serial in nature. Even if a DMP solution is running, the RSURF command runs serially.

Menu Paths

Main Menu>Preprocessor>Radiation Opts>Advanced Solution Option>Radiation Surface Mesh>Clear Radiation Surface Mesh
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Radiation Opts>Advanced Solution Option>Radiation Surface Mesh>Generate Radiation Surface Mesh
Main Menu>Solution>Radiation Opts>Advanced Solution Option>Radiation Surface Mesh>Clear Radiation Surface Mesh
Main Menu>Solution>Radiation Opts>Advanced Solution Option>Radiation Surface Mesh>Generate Radiation Surface Mesh