RESVEC, KeyVect, --, --, --, KeyResp
Calculates or includes residual vectors or residual responses

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Residual vector key:



Do not calculate or include residual vectors (default).



Calculate or include residual vectors.

--, --, --

Unused fields.


Residual response key:



Do not calculate or include residual responses (default).



Calculate or include residual responses.

Command Default

No residual quantities are calculated or included in the analysis.


In a modal analysis, the RESVEC command calculates residual vectors (or responses). In a mode-superposition transient, mode-superposition harmonic, PSD or spectrum analysis, the command includes residual vectors. The command must be issued during the first modal solve.

In the expansion pass of a mode-superposition transient or mode-superposition harmonic analysis, the command includes residual responses.

In a component mode synthesis (CMS) generation pass, the RESVEC command calculates one residual vector which is included in the normal modes basis used in the transformation matrix. It is supported for the three available CMS methods. RESVEC,ON can only be specified in the first load step of a generation pass and is ignored if issued at another load step.

If rigid-body modes exist, pseudo-constraints are required for the calculation. Issue the D,,,SUPPORT command to specify only the minimum number of pseudo-constraints necessary to prevent rigid-body motion.

Both residual vector and residual response approaches cannot be used in the same analysis.

For more information about residual vector or residual response formulation, see Residual Vector Method or Residual Response Method in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference.

Menu Paths

This command cannot be accessed from a menu.