RACE, XC, YC, RAD, TCUR, DY, DZ, --, --, Cname
Defines a "racetrack" current source.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Location of the mid-thickness of the vertical leg along the working plane X-axis.


Location of the mid-thickness of the horizontal leg along the working plane Y-axis.


Radius of curvature of the mid-thickness of the curves in the racetrack source. Defaults to .501 * DY


Total current, amp-turns (MKS), flowing in the source.


In-plane thickness of the racetrack source.


Out-of-plane thickness (depth) of the racetrack source.

--, --

Unused fields


An alphanumeric name assigned as a component name to the group of SOURC36 elements created by the command macro. Cname must be enclosed in single quotes in the RACE command line. Cname may be up to 32 characters, beginning with a letter and containing only letters, numbers, dots (.), and underscores (_). Component names beginning with an underscore (e.g., _LOOP) are reserved for use by Mechanical APDL and should be avoided. If blank, no component name is assigned.


RACE invokes a Mechanical APDL macro which defines a racetrack current source in the working plane coordinate system.

The current source is generated from bar and arc source primitives using SOURC36 (which is assigned the next available element type number).

The macro is valid for use in 3D magnetic field analysis using a scalar potential formulation.

Current flows in a counterclockwise direction with respect to the working plane.

Menu Paths

Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Excitation>Racetrack Coil
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Racetrack Coil
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Excitation>Racetrack Coil