INISTATE, Action, Val1, Val2, Val3, Val4, Val5, Val6, Val7, Val8, Val9, --
Defines initial-state data and parameters.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Specifies action for defining or manipulating initial-state data:



Use Action = SET to designate initial-state coordinate system, data type, and material type parameters. See "Command Specification for Action = SET".



Use Action = DEFINE to specify the actual state values, and the corresponding element, integration point, or layer information. See "Command Specifications for Action = DEFINE".

Use Action = DEFINE for function-based initial state. See "Command Specifications for Action = DEFINE (Function-Based Option)".



Use Action = WRITE to write the initial-state values to a file when the SOLVE command is issued. See "Command Specifications for Action = WRITE".



Use Action = READ to read the initial-state values from a file. See "Command Specifications for Action = READ".



Use Action = LIST to read out the initial-state data. See "Command Specifications for Action = LIST".



Use Action = DELE to delete initial-state data from a selected set of elements. See "Command Specifications for Action = DELETE"

Val1, Val2, ..., Val9

Input values based on the Action type.


INISTATE is available for current-technology elements.

The command can also be used with MESH200 (via the mesh-independent method for defining reinforcing) to apply an initial state to all generated reinforcing elements automatically. For more information, see Applying an Initial State to Reinforcing Elements in the Structural Analysis Guide.

Initial-state support for a given element is indicated in the documentation for the element under Special Features.

Initial-strain input (INISTATE,SET,DTYPE,EPEL) enables the nonlinear solver option automatically even if no nonlinear materials are involved.

Initial-deformation-gradient input (INISTATE,SET,DTYPE,DEFG) must be provided in the global Cartesian coordinate system (CSYS,0). The initial-deformation gradient defined by INISTATE is the total deformation gradient which can include thermal, plastic, or viscous components.

Also see Initial-State Limitations in the Advanced Analysis Guide.

For more information about using the initial-state capability, see Initial State in the Advanced Analysis Guide.

Command Specification for Action = SET


Val1 = Val2 =

Coordinate system. Val2 is an integer corresponding to the coordinate system:

-2 = Element coordinate system
-1 = Material coordinate system
0 = Global Cartesian coordinate system
0 - 10 = Any Mechanical APDL-defined coordinate system
11 = Any user-defined coordinate system ID

Data type. Val2 is the type of data that will be set on the subsequent INISTATE,DEFINE command:

STRE = Stress data (default)
EPEL = Strain data
EPPL = Plastic strain data
BSTR = Initial backstress
PLEQ = Accumulated equivalent plastic strain
PLWK = Plastic strain energy density
EPCR = Creep strain data
PPRE = Pore pressure
VOID = Void ratio
SVAR = State variables
RELD = Relative density
DEFG = Deformation gradient
ufnn = User-defined field nn (01 through 09)
MATMaterial type. Val2 is the material ID. Specifying Val2 = 0 disables material-based initial state and enables integration-point-based initial-state data.
NODEEnable node-based initial state. When Val2 = 1, all subsequent INISTATE commands use the node-based format. To disable node-based initial state, specify Val2 = 0.
DATAInput method. By default, the data is discrete at either the node- or element-integration point. Function-based initial state can be activated via the FUNC option.

Val2 is an integer specifying the initial-stress-to-strain flag:

0 = Disable initial-stress to initial-strain conversion (default).
1 = Enable initial-stress to initial-strain conversion.


Action = SET specifies and modifies the environment into which you will define the initial-state data (via a subsequent INISTATE,DEFINE command). Otherwise, subsequent INISTATE,DEFINE data is input as initial stress data in the global Cartesian coordinate system.

Command Specifications for Action = DEFINE

INISTATE, DEFINE, ELID, EINT, KLAYER, ParmInt, C01, C02, C03, C04, C05, C06, C07, C08, C09, C10, C11, C12, C13, C14


Element ID number when using element-based initial state. Defaults to current element selection.

Node number when using node-based initial state. Defaults to current node selection.


Gauss integration point. Default = ALL or -1.

For node-based initial state (Val2 = NODE), element ID number (if specified). The INISTATE command is applied only to the specified element (unlike the default behavior, where the command is applied to all selected elements containing the specified node).

Not valid for material-based initial-state data (Val1 = MAT) or node-based initial state (Val2 = NODE).


Layer number (for layered solid/shell elements) or cell number for beam/pipe elements. Blank for other supported element types and material-based initial-state data. Default = ALL or -1.

ParmInt --

Section integration point within a layer, or cell-integration point for beams (typically four integration points). Default = ALL or -1. Not valid for material-based initial-state data (Val1 = MAT) or node-based initial state (Val2 = NODE).

Not valid for material-based initial-state data (Val1 = MAT).

Not used for node-based initial state with elements that do not have a beam/pipe/shell section defined.

For node-based initial state with beams/pipes, values 1 through 4 can be used to specify the values at corner nodes within a cell.

For node-based initial state with layered sections, values can be specified at TOP, BOT, and MID, or left blank (ALL or -1).

C01, C02, C03, C04, C05, C06, C07, C08, C09, C10, C11, C12, C13, C14 --

Components of the initial-state data. Action = DEFINE limits the number of components to 14. To define more than 14 components, such as components for initial backstress (BSTR) or state variables (SVAR), use an inistate .ist file and INISTATE, READ.

The number of components and their order depends on the type of data (DTYP) to be defined:

Stress (S), strain (EPEL), plastic strain (EPPL) or creep strain (EPCR):

Up to six components can be defined: C01, ..., C06 = Cxx, Cyy, Czz, Cxy, Cyz, Cxz

Backstress (BSTR):

The bilinear kinematic hardening (TB,PLASTIC,,,,BKIN) and Chaboche nonlinear kinematic hardening (TB,CHABOCHE) material models are supported.
Bilinear kinematic hardening defines all six values (C01, ..., C06 = Cxx, Cyy, Czz, Cxy, Cyz, Cxz), similar to initial stress or initial plastic strain.
For the Chaboche model, you can define up to 12 values, so you can use this method for two subchains of the model. The input format is:
C01, ..., C12 = Cxx1,Cyy1,Czz1,Cxy1,Cyz1,Cxz1,Cxx2,Cyy2,Czz2,Cxy2,Cyz2,Cxz2
If more than two subchains of the Chaboche model are required, the initial backstress definition is possible via Action = READ only. The .ist file supports up to five subchains of the Chaboche model. For five subchains of the Chaboche model, for example, the input format becomes:
For more information, see Applying Initial Backstress in the Advanced Analysis Guide. Also see Bilinear Kinematic Hardening and Nonlinear Kinematic Hardening in the Theory Reference.

Accumulated equivalent plastic strain (PLEQ), plastic strain energy density (PLWK), pore pressure (PPRE), void ratio (VOID), relative density (RELD), user-defined fields (UFnn):

For scalar quantities, only one component, C01, is defined.

State variables (SVAR):

The number of components depends on the number of user-defined state variables (TB,STATE). The components are defined as:
C01, C02, C03, ... = SVAR1, SVAR2, SVAR3, ...

Deformation gradient (DEFG):

Nine components must be defined:
C01, ..., C09 = F11, F21, F31, F12, F22, F32, F13, F23, F33
The initial-deformation gradient is defined in the global Cartesian coordinate system (CSYS,0). The determinant of the initial-deformation gradient must be > 0. If an initial-deformation gradient is defined for 2D plane elements, Mechanical APDL applies the following corrections to the defined initial-deformation gradient:
– Plane stress, axisymmetric, and generalized plane strain conditions:
– Plane strain conditions: and


You can issue the INISTATE command repeatedly to define multiple sets of initial-state values. initial-state data can be specified according to elements, layers or integration points.

When the initial-state parameters are being defined based on the material, (INISTATE,SET,MAT,MATID), ELID designates the element ID number and all subsequent values are ignored.

For coupled-field elements, the stresses to input must be Biot’s effective stresses.

Command Specifications for Action = DEFINE (Function-Based Option)

INISTATE, DEFINE, ELID, EINT, --, --, FuncName, C1, C2, ..., C12


Element ID number when using element-based initial state. Defaults to current element selection.

Node number when using node-based initial state. Defaults to current node selection.


Gauss integration point (defaults to ALL). Not valid for material-based initial-state data (Val1 = MAT) or node-based initial state (Val2 = NODE).

(Blank) --

Reserved for future use.

(Blank) --

Reserved for future use.

FuncName --

LINX | LINY | LINZ. Apply initial-state data as a linear function of location based on the X axis (LINX), Y axis (LINY), or Z axis (LINZ) in the coordinate system specified via the INISTATE,SET,CSYS command. Default coordinate system: CSYS,0 (global Cartesian).

C1, C2, ..., C12 --

For FuncName with tensors, each component uses two values. SXX = C1 + X*C2, SYY = C3 + X*C4, and so on. Specify 12 values (for the six tensor components).

For FuncName with scalars, only two values C1 and C2 (VALUE = C1 + X*C2) are necessary to apply the initial state.


You can issue INISTATE repeatedly with the function-based option to define multiple sets of initial-state values. Initial-state data can be specified according to elements or integration points.

For coupled-field elements, the stresses to input must be Biot's effective stresses.

Command Specifications for Action = WRITE



Set this value to 1 to generate the initial-state file, or 0 to disable initial-state file generation.


Determines the coordinate system for the initial state:

0 (default)

Write in global Cartesian coordinate system for solid elements.

-1 (or MAT)

Write in material coordinate system

-2 (or ELEM)

Write in element coordinate system for link, beam, and layered elements.

Dtype --

Sets the data type to be written in the .ist file:


Output stresses.


Output elastic strain.


Output plastic strain.


Output equivalent plastic strain.


Output plastic strain energy density.


Output creep strain.


Initial pore pressure.


Initial void ratio.


State variables.


Initial backstress.


Deformation gradient.


Default CSID = 0 (global Cartesian coordinate system) for solid elements, and -2 (element coordinate system) for link, beam, and shell elements.

State variables are always written to the .ist file in the material coordinate system (CSID = -1).

Deformation gradient is always written to the .ist file in the global Cartesian coordinate system (CSID = 0).

Only the three in-plane stresses for the top and bottom surfaces are written.

For coupled-field elements, the stresses written out are Biot’s effective stress values.

Initial pore pressure and void ratio are available for the coupled pore-pressure elements (CPTnnn) only: CPT212, CPT213, CPT215, CPT216, and CPT217.

Command Specifications for Action = READ

INISTATE, READ, Fname, Ext, Path, MeshIndMethod

Reads initial-state data from a standalone initial-state (.ist) file of the specified name (Fname) and filename extension (Ext), located in the specified path (Path). The initial-state file must be in a comma-delimited ASCII file format, consisting of individual rows for each stress/strain item, with each row consisting of columns separated by commas.

Use Action = READ to apply complex sets of initial-state data to various elements, cells, layers, sections, and integration points. This option is available for element-integration-point-based initial-state data and node-based initial-state data.

Mapping to nodes may offer better performance when many substeps are involved; however, only location support is available. Mapping to element-integration points supports additional field variables TIME, FREQ and TEMP and generally uses less memory.

For other non-user-defined field variables (such as initial stress or strain), initial state is evaluated only at the first substep in the first load step.

MeshIndMethod --

Mesh-Independent method .ist read options:

0 or DEFA -- Standard (mesh-dependent) initial state .ist file (default).
MAPN -- Map to nodes internally when applying the initial state.
MAPI -- Map to element-integration points.
DOBJ -- Do not use .ist data in the finite element solution. (Use this option if converting initial-stress data to a traction load.)

Command Specifications for Action = LIST


If using the standard method for applying initial-state data,specify ELID = element ID number to list initial-state data for elements. If ELID is unspecified, all initial-state data for all selected elements are listed.

If using the mesh-independent method, specify ELID = MIND to list initial-state data.

Command Specifications for Action = DELETE


If using the standard method, specify ELID = element ID number to delete initial-state data for elements. If ELID is unspecified, all initial-state data for all selected elements are deleted.

If using the mesh-independent method, specify ELID = MIND to delete initial-state data.

Menu Paths

This command cannot be accessed from a menu.