This section provides typical cases for applying an initial state, as follows:
For more information, see Using an Initial-State (.ist) Data File.
- 4.2.1. Applying Initial Stress
- 4.2.2. Converting Initial Stress to Initial Strain
- 4.2.3. Applying Initial Strain
- 4.2.4. Applying Initial Plastic Strain
- 4.2.5. Applying Initial Creep Strain
- 4.2.6. Applying Initial State with State Variables
- 4.2.7. Applying Node-Based Initial Strain
- 4.2.8. Applying Initial Pore Pressure and Void Ratio
- 4.2.9. Applying Initial Degree of Saturation and Relative Permeability
- 4.2.10. Applying Function-Based Initial State
- 4.2.11. Applying Initial Backstress
- 4.2.12. Applying Initial Deformation Gradient
Although initial stress is element-based, the structure of the INISTATE command is element-type-independent.
For continuum or link elements, apply initial stress according to the specific element integration point.
For layered elements, apply initial stress based on the layer number, the layer integration point or the element integration point. Beams allow you to apply initial stress based on the cell number, the section integration point, and/or the element integration point.
For reinforced elements, you can assign different values of initial stress to different reinforcings within the same element.
For coupled-field elements CPT212, CPT213, CPT215, CPT216, and CPT217, the initial stresses to be applied are Biot’s effective stress. They are automatically written out when the output stress option is specified (INISTATE, WRITE, , , , , ,S).
Initial state with stress is supported for hyperelastic materials (TB,HYPER, TB,BB, TB,AHYPER, TB,CDM, TB,EXPE).
The following example input shows how initial stress can be applied in such cases:
Constant Initial Stress on the Whole Model inistate,defi,,,,,100,200,300,400,500,600 Apply Constant Stress of SX=100 On Beam Element 1 inistate,defi,1,,,,100 Apply a Stress of SX=33.333 at Elem Integration Pt 3 within Element 2 inistate,defi,2,3,,,33.3333 Apply Constant Stress Of SX=200 in Cell 2 For All Selected Beam Elements inistate,defi,,,2,,200 Apply Constant Stress Of SX=200 For All Beams In A Model And Wherever There Is Material=3 inistate,set,mat,3 inistate,defi,,,,,200 Apply a Stress of SX=100,SY=200,SXY=150 for Layers 1,3,5 and SX=200,SY=0 for Layers 2,4,6 in a Layered Shell Element. Layer 1,3,5 have material 1 and Layer 2,4,6 have material 2. inistate,defi,,,1,,100,200,150 inistate,defi,,,2,,200 inistate,defi,,,3,,100,200,150 inistate,defi,,,4,,200 inistate,defi,,,5,,100,200,150 inistate,defi,,,6,,200 OR inistate,set,mat,1 inistate,defi,,,,,100,200,150 inistate,set,mat,2 inistate,defi,,,,,200 Apply a Stress of SX=33.333 at Reinf 1 for all elements inistate,defi,,,1,,33.3333
Also see Example: Initial Stress (Using .ist File) and Example: Initial Stress (INISTATE Command).
After you apply initial stress, Mechanical APDL can convert it to initial strain and apply it (INISTATE,SET,STOE,1).
The initial-stress-to-strain option is available with elastic materials with these solid elements: PLANE182, PLANE183, SOLID185, SOLID186, SOLID187, SOLSH190, SOLID272, and SOLID273.
Example 4.1: Initial Stress-to-Strain Conversion
! Constant initial stress on the whole model inistate,set,dtyp,s inistate,defi,,,,,100,0,0,0,0 ! Convert initial stress to initial strain inis,set,stoe,1
Also see Example: Convert Initial Stress to Initial Strain (INISTATE Command).
The initial-stress application example can be extended for initial strain by simply changing the data type to EPEL, as shown.
Initial elastic strain cannot be combined with initial stress. Either, but not both, can be specified in the input.
! Constant Initial Strain on the Whole Model inistate,set,dtyp,epel inistate,defi,,,,,0.1,-0.01,-0.01 !Apply a Constant Strain of EPEL X=0.01 On Beam Element 1 inistate,set,dtyp,epel inistate,defi,1,,,,0.01 !Apply a Strain of EPEL X=0.01 at Elem Integration Pt 3 within Element 2 inistate,set,dtyp,epel inistate,defi,2,3,,,0.01 !Apply a Constant Strain Of EPEL X = 1E-6 in Cell 2 For All Selected Beam Elements inistate,set,dtyp,epel inistate,defi,,,2,,1E-6 !Apply a Constant Strain Of EPEL X=1E-3 For All Beams In A Model !And Wherever There Is Material=3 inistate,set,dtyp,epel inistate,set,mat,3 inistate,defi,,,,,1E-3 ! Apply EPS X = 0.1, EPS Y = -0.02, EPS Z = -0.02, for Layers 1,3,5 and ! EPS X = 0.2, for Layers 2,4,6 ! Layer 1,3,5 have material 1 and Layer 2,4,6 have material 2. inistate,set,mat,1 inistate,defi,,,,,0.1,-0.02,-0.02 inistate,set,mat,2 inistate,defi,,,,,0.2
Also see Example: Initial Strain.
The initial-stress application example can be extended for initial plastic strain by simply changing the data type to EPPL, as shown:
! Constant Initial Plastic Strain and Stress on the Whole Model inistate,set,dtyp,eppl inistate,defi,,,,,0.1 inistate,set,dtype,s inistate,defi,,,,,1000 ! Apply a Strain of EPEL X=0.01 at Elem Integration Pt 3 within Element 2. ! Here it is assumed that the initial stress is zero. inistate,set,dtyp,eppl inistate,defi,2,3,,,0.01 ! Apply accumulated equivalent plastic strain. inistate,set,dtyp,pleq inistate,defi,2,3,,,0.02 ! Apply EPS X = 0.1, EPS Y = -0.02, EPS Z = -0.02, for Layers 1,3,5 and ! EPS X = 0.2, for Layers 2,4,6 ! Layer 1,3,5 have material 1 and Layer 2,4,6 have material 2. inistate,set,dtype,eppl inistate,set,mat,1 inistate,defi,,,,,2.0 inistate,set,mat,2 inistate,defi,,,,,0.2
Also see Example: Initial Plastic Strain.
The initial-stress application example can be extended for initial creep strain by simply changing the data type to EPCR, as shown:
! Apply creep strain, plastic strain, accumulated equivalent plastic strain, stress on ! all the selected elements inistate,set,dtyp,epcr inistate,defi,,,,,0.005 inistate,set,dtyp,eppl inistate,defi,,,,,0.1 inistate,set,dtyp,epeq inistate,defi,,,,,0.02 inistate,set,dtype,s inistate,defi,,,,,1000
Also see Example: Initial Creep Strain.
To use the initial-state capability with state variables via the INISTATE command, simply change the data type to SVAR, as shown:
! Apply initial state – state variables. ! This fictitious svar example contains 7 components: ! The 1st component is accumulated equivalent plastic strain. ! Components 2-7 are plastic strains values. ! at all the selected elements inistate,set,dtyp,svar inistate,defi,,,,,0.005,0.1,-0.02,0.02,0,0,0
The INISTATE command does not consider the coordinate systems of quantities stored within the state variables. It is therefore your responsibility to account for the transformations.
Also see Example: Initial Plastic Strain with State Variables .
As shown below, a node-based initial state can be applied to all nodes or to a selected subset of nodes. Layer numbers can also be specified.
! Enable Node-Based Initial State inis,set,node,1 ! Apply elastic strains at all nodes in layer 1 and 3 inistate,set,dtyp,epel inistate,defi,all,,1,,0.005 inistate,defi,all,,3,,0.005 ! Apply a different elastic strain at all nodes in layer 2 inistate,defi,all,,2,,0.010 ! Apply zero elastic strain at node 10 inistate,defi,10,,all,,0.000 ! Apply zero elastic strain at node selection nsel,s,loc,x,0 inistate,defi,all,,all,,0.000
Also see Example: Node-Based Initial Strain.
Initial pore pressure and void ratio are available for coupled pore-pressure-thermal elements (CPTnnn
Apply initial pore pressure and void ratio on CPTnnn
elements by changing the data type to PPRE and VOID, respectively.
! Apply to all the selected elements porepr=69 inistate,set,dtyp,ppre inistate,defi,,,,,porepr ! Apply to all the selected elements vratio=0.4 inistate,set,dtyp,void inistate,defi,,,,,vratio
Initial degree of saturation and relative permeability are available for coupled pore-pressure-thermal elements
). Apply initial degree of saturation and
relative permeability on CPTnnn
elements by changing the
data type to DSAT and RPER, respectively.
Example 4.2: Applying Initial Degree of Saturation and Relative Permeability
! Apply to all the selected elements init_sw=0.9 inistate,set,dtyp,dsat inistate,defi,all,,,,init_sw init_kr=0.87 inistate,set,dtyp,rper inistate,defi,all,,,,init_kr
Also see Example: Initial Degree of Saturation and Relative Permeability.
Function-based initial state is a method for applying data as a function of internal variables. Three options are available: a linear function in X coordinates (LINX), a linear function in Y coordinates (LINY), or a linear function in Z coordinates. The method is available for both node-based and element integration-point-based initial state.
The coordinates used to evaluate the value at a given location are based on initial coordinates in the load step. For user-defined field variables, the coordinates are the initial ones queried via the NLIST (or *GET) command. For a rezoning or linear perturbation model (or after issuing an UPGEOM command after a load step) where the coordinates change, the coordinates used in the subsequent load step are the updated coordinates (which become the initial coordinates for the current load step). As before, the coordinates used can be queried if necessary (NLIST or *GET). For other non-user-defined field variables (such as initial stress or strain), function-based initial state is evaluated only at the first substep in the first load step, and only the initial coordinates are used.
For higher-order elements, the initial-state values at the midside nodes are evaluated by averaging the coefficients of the function applied at the corner nodes. A single element must have the same function type at all nodes in the element.
Function-based initial state can also be applied if needed in a user-defined coordinate system. The coordinates needed to evaluate the initial-state data are transformed to the user-defined coordinate system before the evaluation process.
Example 4.3: Function-Based Initial State in a User-Defined Coordinate System
! Apply linearly varying pore pressure in the Y direction p0=1e3 psl=1.3 inis,set,data,func inis,set,dtyp,ppre ! Select a subset of elements esel,s,elem,,1,100 local,11,0,0,0,0,0,0,30 ! Change coordinate system if needed inis,set,csys,11 inis,defi,all,,,,LINY,p0,ps1
Also see Example: Function-Based Initial State.
You can apply an initial backstress for the bilinear kinematic hardening (TB,PLASTIC,,,,BKIN) and Chaboche nonlinear kinematic hardening material models (TB,CHABOCHE). To do so, issue this command:
For plane stress, plane strain, 3D and stress axisymmetric problems, Mechanical APDL converts user-input initial-backstress variables to a deviatoric form and saves them in the material record data. For plane-stress problems, the program converts the deviatoric backstress form into a form specific to the plane-stress state.
To define initial backstress for the BKIN model, or for the CHABOCHE model with up to two subchains, the following general input format applies:
! Constant Initial Plastic Strain and Initial Back Stress on the Whole Model inistate,set,dtyp,eppl inistate,defi,,,,,-0.01,0.04,-0.01,0,0,0 inistate,set,dtype,bstr inistate,defi,,,,,-400,800,-400,0,0,0 ! Apply the back stress values at Elem Integration Pt 3 within Element 2. ! Here it is assumed that the initial stress is zero. inistate,set,dtyp,bstr inistate,defi,2,3,,,-400,800,-400,0,0,0 ! Apply the back stress for material 1 and material 2. inistate,set,dtype,bstr inistate,set,mat,1 inistate,defi,,,,,-400,800,-400,0,0,0 inistate,set,mat,2 inistate,defi,,,,,-300,600,-300,0,0,0 ! Apply the back stress and plastic strain for two sub-chain CHAB material on the whole model. inistate,set,dtyp,eppl inistate,defi,,,,,-0.01,0.04,-0.01,0,0,0 inistate,set,dtype,bstr inistate,defi,,,,,-400,800,-400,0,0,0,-300,600,-300,0,0,0 ! Apply the back stress and plastic strain for five sub-chain CHAB material on the whole model. inistate,read,’backstress’,’ist’,, !in the file, defining: /dtyp,eppl All,all,all,all, -0.01,0.04,-0.01,0,0,0 /dtyp,bstr All,all,all,all,-400,800,-400,0,0,0,-300,600,-300,0,0,0,-200,400,-200,0,0,0,-100,200,-100,0,0,0,-50,100,-50,0,0,0 /dtyp,epel All,all,all,all,0.001,0.004,0.001,0,0,0
Also see Example: Initial Backstress.
For information about how initial backstress is applied for the supported material models, see Bilinear Kinematic Hardening and Nonlinear Kinematic Hardening in the Theory Reference.
A typical application for the initial-deformation gradient involves an acoustic or fluid-structure interaction (FSI) analysis where the correct stress and stiffness of a hyperelastic material in an updated deformed configuration is required.
Due to the nonlinear behavior of hyperelasticity-based finite-strain material models, such an initial state cannot be consistently defined directly via initial stresses. You can, however, use an initial-deformation gradient to indirectly define an initial-stress state for these material models:
Material Model Support
Isotropic Hyperelasticity (TB,HYPER)
Anisotropic Hyperelasticity (TB,AHYPER)
Bergstrom-Boyce Model (TB,BB)
Three-Network Model (TB,TNM)
Finite-Strain Plasticity (TB,HYPER,,,,
Element Support
The following topics are available for applying an initial-deformation gradient:
The elastic behavior for the supported material models is already nonlinear.
Stresses (such as the Cauchy stress ) are derived from a strain-energy potential
, generally a function of the deformation gradient
or strain-like quantities derived from it. (See Hyperelasticity in the Theory Reference.)
Generally, strain-energy potentials are defined in such a way that, for an
undeformed state (where the deformation gradient is the identity matrix), the
stresses are zero. Because of the nonlinear relationships, an initial-stress
state cannot be defined directly as is the case for small-strain material models
with linear elasticity. It is possible, however, to realize initial stresses in
hyperelastic materials by modifying the deformation gradient. By introducing the
initial-deformation gradient (INISTATE,SET,DTYP,EFG), the modified
deformation gradient
is defined as:
The initial-deformation gradient is independent of the element deformation.
All element deformations are considered in the original deformation gradient
. In the stress calculation, the strain-energy potential is
evaluated using the modified deformation gradient:
Accordingly, the strain-energy potential in an undeformed state is evaluated at the initial-deformation gradient, generally resulting in a nonzero initial-stress state at zero deformation:
This approach enables existing strain-energy potentials to be used without modification.
The following input defines an initial-deformation gradient for simple deformation states:
Example 4.4: Applying an Initial-Deformation Gradient
! Apply initial-deformation gradient to all selected elements ! simple shear gamma=1e-3 inistate,set,dtyp,defg inistate,defi,all,,,,1.0,0.0,0.0,gamma,1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0 ! Apply initial-deformation gradient to element 1 ! pure shear gamma=1e-3 inistate,set,dtyp,defg inistate,defi,1,,,,1.0,gamma,0.0,gamma,1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0 ! Apply initial-deformation gradient to all elements with material 1 ! uniaxial extension of an incompressible material Lambda=1.01 inistate,set,dtyp,defg inistate,set,mat,1 inistate,defi,all,,,,lambda,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0/sqrt(lambda),0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0/sqrt(lambda) ! Apply initial-deformation gradient to all selected nodes ! pure uniaxial extension (compressible material) Lambda=1.01 inistate,set,dtyp,defg inistate,set,node,1 inistate,defi,all,,,,lambda,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0
It is often difficult to define the deformation gradient for a given stress or deformation state. The best approach is to determine the corresponding deformation gradients via a prior analysis for the desired stress or deformation state, then save the deformation gradients from that analysis to an .ist file. In the subsequent simulation to consider the initial-stress states, the initial-deformation gradients are imported from the .ist file.
Typical Workflow for Applying the Initial-Deformation Gradient
In a preliminary analysis, the mechanical problem is solved to determine a deformed initial state of the structure (for example, the interference between a hyperelastic seal and a housing is resolved). At the end of the simulation (at the converged state of the last load step), the resulting deformation gradient is exported for the hyperelastic materials via an .ist file (INISTATE,WRITE).
The acoustic or FSI analysis is then performed on the updated deformed state where these actions occur:
The node coordinates are updated (UPGEOM) in the mechanical mesh based on the deformations calculated in the prior simulation.
The mesh is modified. For example, acoustic elements are added to the deformed mesh or the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) coupling is established in FSI applications.
The initial-deformation gradient is imported from the .ist file (INISTATE,READ).
The acoustic or FSI simulation is started.
To ensure that the stresses and stiffnesses are correctly recovered in the hyperelastic part of the structure, the mechanical load must not change between the end of the first simulation and the start of the second simulation. If the mechanical load changes, the initial stress state will not be in equilibrium with the external forces, leading to deformations and a change in the stress state.
For details about the workflow described above, see Example: Initial-Deformation Gradient.
Also see Writing Initial-State Values and Using an Initial-State (.ist) Data File.
The initial-deformation gradient is the total deformation gradient. It can include viscous, plastic, or thermal deformations.
Mechanical APDL considers the initial-deformation gradient only for finite-strain material models based on hyperelasticity. For any other material model, the definition is ignored.
The initial-deformation gradient is defined in global Cartesian coordinate system.
It is best practice to contain the initial state in the first load step and to solve only for the loads and boundary conditions which are in equilibrium with the initial state. The loads can then be applied and modified in subsequent load steps.
Thermal Expansion
The related parameters such as (initial) nodal temperatures, reference temperature, and thermal expansion coefficients are defined in the first load step (TIME = 0). Parameters that remain undefined or are defined incorrectly result in an incorrect thermal deformation gradient, leading to incorrect initial stresses. |
Viscous or Plastic Deformation
Stress is not only a function of the mechanical deformation gradient but is also dependent on additional history variables (such as the plastic-deformation gradient). |
Because an initial state for the additional history variables cannot be defined, Mechanical APDL uses the default initial values for them. Consequently, to minimize convergence issues and obtain a correct initial-stress state, the additional nonlinear effects must be small and the corresponding history variables close to their initial values. The requirement applies to any history-dependent finite-strain material model: |
Bergstrom-Boyce Model (TB,BB)
Three-Network Model (TB,TNM)
Finite-Strain Plasticity Model (TB,HYPER,,,,
+ TB,PLASTIC,,,,BISO/MISO or TB,NLISO,,,,VOCE/POWER)Combinations of pure hyperelasticity models (TB,HYPER or TB,AHYPER) with Mullins effect (TB,CDM) or Prony series (TB,PRONY)
Although history-dependent finite-strain models allow an initial-deformation gradient, use this feature carefully and verify your results. |