ATAN, IR, IA, --, --, Name, --, --, FACTA
Forms the arctangent of a complex variable.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Arbitrary reference number assigned to the resulting variable (2 to NV (NUMVAR)). If this number is the same as for a previously defined variable, the previously defined variable will be overwritten with this result.


Reference number of the complex variable to be operated on.

--, --

Unused fields.


Thirty-two character name for identifying the variable on the printout and displays. Embedded blanks are compressed upon output.

--, --

Unused fields.


Scaling factor (positive or negative) applied to variable IA (defaults to 1.0). Usually FACTA should be set to 1. FACTA may affect the position of the angle by a multiple of  π, resulting in a quadrant change.


Forms the arctangent of a complex variable according to the operation:


where a and b are the real and imaginary parts, respectively, of the complex variable IA (which is of the form a + ib). The arctangent represents the phase angle (in radians), and is valid only for a harmonic analysis (ANTYPE,HARMIC).

Since the scaling factor is applied uniformly to b/a, applying any positive or negative scaling factor will not affect the size of the phase angle, with the exception that a negative scaling factor will change the results quadrant by  π. The magnitude of a complex number is still obtained through the ABS command. See POST26 - Data Operations in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference for details.

Menu Paths

Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Math Operations>Arctangent