4.8. Writing Initial-State Values

Issue an INISTATE,WRITE command (available in the solution processor only) to write a set of initial-state values to a file. You can issue the command multiple times to modify or overwrite your initial-state values.

4.8.1. Example: Output From the INISTATE Command's WRITE Option

The initial-stress file written by the INISTATE,WRITE command has the same format as that of the input file. The stresses in the file are those calculated at the integration points when the convergence occurs in a nonlinear analysis. If the analysis type is linear, the stresses are those calculated when the solution is finished. An example initial-stress file resulting from this command follows:

!***********************************      INITIAL-STRESS FILE    *************************
!***********************************           t.ist             *************************
!***********************************      HEADER INFORMATION     *************************
!****************************     INITIAL-STRESS DATA     ********************************
!ELEM ID  ELEM INTG LAY/CELL SECT INTG  SX     SY      SZ            SXY    SYZ     SXZ  
    1,      1,        1,       1,   -3.50063    ,  -23.2768    ,   0.00000    ,  -2.04204 
    1,      2,        1,       1,    3.50063    ,  0.607255E-01,   0.0000     ,  -2.04204 
    1,      3,        1,       1,    3.50063    ,  0.607255E-01,   0.00000    ,   2.04204 
    1,      4,        1,       1,   -3.50063    ,  -23.2768    ,   0.00000    ,   2.04204 
    2,      1,        1,       1,    0.791614   ,   5.26355    ,   0.00000    ,  0.461775 
    2,      2,        1,       1,   -0.791614   , -0.138827E-01,   0.00000    ,  0.461775 
    2,      3,        1,       1,   -0.791614   , -0.138827E-01,   0.00000    , -0.461775 
    2,      4,        1,       1,    0.791614   ,   5.26355    ,   0.00000    , -0.461775 
    3,      1,        1,       1,  -0.179107    ,  -1.19024    ,   0.00000    , -0.104479 
    3,      2,        1,       1,   0.179107    ,  0.380702E-02,   0.00000    , -0.104479 
    3,      3,        1,       1,   0.179107    ,  0.380702E-02,   0.00000    ,  0.104479 
    3,      4,        1,       1,  -0.179107    ,  -1.19024    ,   0.00000    ,  0.104479 
    4,      1,        1,       1,   0.409451E-01,  0.269154    ,   0.00000    ,  0.238847E-01 
    4,      2,        1,       1,  -0.409451E-01, -0.381382E-02,   0.00000    ,  0.238847E-01 
    4,      3,        1,       1,  -0.409451E-01, -0.381382E-02,   0.00000    , -0.238847E-01 
    4,      4,        1,       1,   0.409451E-01,  0.269154    ,   0.00000    , -0.238847E-01 
    5,      1,        1,       1,  -0.112228E-01, -0.608972E-01,   0.00000    , -0.654661E-02 
    5,      2,        1,       1,   0.112228E-01,  0.139211E-01,   0.00000    , -0.654661E-02 
    5,      3,        1,       1,   0.112228E-01,  0.139211E-01,   0.00000    ,  0.654661E-02 
    5,      4,        1,       1,  -0.112228E-01, -0.608972E-01,   0.00000    ,  0.654661E-02