Menu Bar

The menu bar gives you access to the following menus.

File Menu

Menu ItemDescription
New projectCreates a new empty project.
Open projectOpens an existing project.
Recent projectsDisplays a list of the most recently opened projects.
Save current projectSaves the current project.
Save current project asSaves the current project under a different name, as a copy, or an external project.
Export projectSaves the project as an optiSLang project definition file.
Close current projectCloses the currently open project.
QuitCloses the currently open project and optiSLang.

Edit Menu

Menu ItemDescription
CopyCopies the selected items.
PastePastes the copied items.
Paste without placeholdersPastes the copied items without copying the placeholders.
Layout optimalMoves the items displayed on the Scenery pane into an organized layout.
Connect nodesOpens the Connect nodes dialog box.
SettingsOpens the optiSLang Settings dialog box.
Review file associationsOpens a file associations message.
Remote controlOpens the Configure remote control dialog box.
Remote profilesOpens the Remote Profile Manager dialog box.

Project Menu

Menu ItemDescription
Run/PauseStarts and pauses the project calculations.
HaltStops the project calculations.
Project overviewOpens the Project overview dialog box.
Registered filesOpens the Registered files dialog box.
Purge projectDeletes all unwanted data from the project's working directory.
SettingsOpens the Project Settings dialog box.
License managementOpens the License management dialog box.

View Menu

Menu ItemDescription
Dock Widgets

Controls which panes are displayed and the size of the icons inside each pane.

Detailed explaination can be found on the Project screen.

  • Wizards

  • Modules

  • Favorites

  • Templates

  • Message log

  • Python

  • Parameters (read-only mode)

  • Criteria (read-only mode)

  • Result designs (read-only mode)

  • Registered Files (read-only mode)

  • Properties (read-only mode)

  • Placeholders (read-only mode)

  • Connection Overview (read-only mode)

Tool Bars

Controls the functions that are displayed or hidden on the toolbar:

  • Modules: AMOP, AEDT, Calculator, Compare, Note

  • Wizards: Solver wizard

  • File: New project, Open project, Save, Save as

  • Edit: Copy, Paste, Layout optimal, Adjust zoom level, Connect nodes

  • Project: Run/Pause, Halt

ZoomAdjusts the zoom level of the Scenery pane content.
Beta ModulesDisplays or hides modules marked as beta features.

Help Menu

Menu ItemDescription
HelpOpens the online help.
End User License AgreementOpens the End User License Agreement dialog box containing license agreement text. You can save the text as a PDF.
About Add-InsOpens the About Add-Ins dialog box containing information about each optiSLang add-in.
AboutOpens the About optiSLang dialog box containing various product details.