Project Screen

1Menu barAccess various menu options.
2ToolbarAccess main functions and modules.
3Wizards paneLists the wizards you can add to the Scenery pane.
4Modules pane

Lists all node types that can be used to create a system. The nodes are divided into the following categories:

  • Systems

  • Process chain elements

  • Analysis

  • Advanced

You can recursively expand or collapse single items in the Modules tree using the context menu. To search for a node, open the search field using the Modules tree context menu or by pressing F8.

5Favorites paneAdd your most commonly used nodes to this pane for quick access.
6Templates pane

Lists defined templates.

Templates are predefined workflows, systems or nodes that are saved in a common directory.

7Message log paneDisplays any messages you have, such as error and warning messages, status messages, and so on. You can filter and resize the messages.
8Python consoleUsed when importing Python modules to:
  • Set up or modify a project

  • Add and connect nodes

  • Modify node properties

  • Initialize algorithm systems

9Scenery paneThe optiSLang working area. Use this pane to build your workflow from the elements available in the Wizards, Modules, and Templates panes.
10Status overview paneDisplays project status.

Additional Panes

Parameters paneDisplays parameters of the root system. Content is displayed in read-only mode. Pane has a small edit icon   in the header. Clicking on it opens the Project overview dialog.
Criteria paneDisplays criteria of the root system. Content is displayed in read-only mode. Pane has a small edit icon   in the header. Clicking on it opens the Project overview dialog.
Result designsDisplays result designs of the root system. Content is displayed in read-only mode.
Registered filesDisplays files that have been registered in the project. Content is displayed in read-only mode. Pane has a small edit icon   in the header. Clicking on it opens the Registered files dialog.
PropertiesDisplays properties of the project. Content is displayed in read-only mode. Pane has a small edit icon   in the header. Clicking on it opens the Project overview dialog.
PlaceholdersDisplays placeholders of the project. Content is displayed in read-only mode. Pane has a small edit icon   in the header. Clicking on it opens the Project overview dialog.
Connection OverviewDisplays the connections within the project. Content is displayed in read-only mode. However, the content is responsive to a few user interactions such as click, hover, and zoom in/out.