Mechanical Application Release Notes

Backwards Compatibility: Ansys 2024 R2 was tested to read and resume databases from the following previous versions: 2022 R1, 2022 R2, 2023 R1, and 2023 R2. Note that some products are able to read and resume databases from releases prior to 2019 R2. See the specific product sections below for more information. For those products that cannot directly read an earlier database in 2024 R2, first resume it in a supported version and then resume that database in 2024 R2.

Third Party Application Support: Note the following version support changes and requirements:

  • Abaqus. Version 6.11 is no longer supported as a part of the CAE Interfaces package. It only works with Windows 7, which is no longer supported as of 2020 R1. Abaqus 6.14 is now the sole supported version.

  • Samcef. Version 17.2 of the Samcef solver replaces Samcef 15.1 as the supported solver of the CAE Interfaces package.

Important:  Mechanical no longer enables you to resume a database (.dsdb and .wbdb) file created in Release 11.0 or earlier that contain items that convert into Mesh or Mechanical systems. To import these files, first import them into a version between Release 12.0 and 2019 R2, save as file, and then resume the project in Release 2024 R2.