19. Imported Loading Conditions

The following imported loading condition enhancements were made at Release 2024 R2:

  • Importing Load Data from External Data. You can now use the External Data feature to import velocities from Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) Version 5 (.hdf5) files that contain the results and meshed regions from external solvers, such as MASTA, NATRAN, etc., using Imported Velocity. This feature is supported for Coupled Field Harmonic and Harmonic Acoustics analyses only.

  • Imported Remote Loads from Maxwell. Now, when you import remote loads from a Maxwell analysis:

    • And the analysis includes a parametric sweep over RPMs, the Imported Remote Loads object includes two new properties:

      • Interpolate RPM: This property enables you to linearly interpolate the harmonic force and moment loads between two known RPM values with equal spacing. You can also specify custom spacing using a manually defined comma-separated values (.csv) file.

      • Filter by Order: This property enables you to import only specific orders for each RPM.

    • Importing Loads from Maxwell. You can now import Surface Force Density and Body Force Density loading conditions from the Maxwell application to downstream Coupled Field analyses.

  • Imported Remote Loads. For Imported Remote Loads feature, when you generate globally available remote points and select the option to Reuse Remote Points, the application now includes all global remote points to avoid duplication.

  • Imported Body Temperatures. You can now import temperatures from upstream Coupled Field Static/Coupled Field Transient analyses into downstream Static Structural/Transient Structural analyses.

  • Importing Loads from Ansys Rocky. Now, when you import data from Ansys Rocky into Mechanical, the data for Imported Convection and Imported Force loads automatically populates the Data View worksheet for the given load object.

  • Data View Worksheet Additions for Submodeling and Results File Import. The Data View worksheet for Imported Temperatures and Imported Body Temperatures now supports the data properties Scale and Offset when importing boundary condition loads through the Submodeling and Results File Import features. These options enable you to modify imported temperature data by either multiplying the scale and/or adding an offset to the temperature values.